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March Set 8

March Set 8 3.1 released to PTU I agree with CIG’s assessment to get the patch out by the deadline at all costs. It looks like shit to us, but to backers CIG is turning it around. Delays have been the number one morale killer. If they delayed the first patch of their new quarterly release schedule, it would kill the enthusiasm for questioning backers.
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March Set 7

March Set 7 Which of the following is more depressing? CIG set out to perpetrate a scam. CIG did not set out to perpetrate a scam but once they stumbled into one decided “fuck” it and leaned in? CIG did not set out to perpetrate a scam but found themselves holding a tiger by the tail and have no idea how to get out of this. So they are just pulling more and more money to forestall the day of reckoning.
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March Set 6

March Set 6 Rule Change Recommendation - No Concern Trolling So you’re saying that me reading and commenting in a subreddit I’m subscribed to is the product of some kind of collusion because I like to talk with other people on other mediums? Or are you accusing me directly of all that other stuff? If you could please elaborate on this extensive coordinated campaign you believe is going on it would help me know how hard to laugh at you.
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March Set 4

March Set 4 CIG files for protective order This is some sort of court agreement that would protect certain things from being discovered. Documents: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Protective Order for CONTROLLING TIMING AND SCOPE OF DISCOVERY PENDING RESOLUTION OF MOTION TO DISMISS Att: 1 Memorandum OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER, Att: 2 Declaration OF JEREMY GOLDMAN IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER,
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March Set 3

March Set 3 Seemingly former Star Citizen stream DeejayKnight is now doing something cool and good by streaming with FIRST Robotics Competition. I volunteer for FIRST. It’s a lot of fun. We’re seeing a lot more Star Citizen fans and streamers quietly slip away lately. The ones that are left are becoming increasingly agitated and perturbed. Eventually the Brown Sea will be distilled down to a single fan, a single solitary drop of pure rage certain that Star Citizen is coming soon.
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March Set 2

March Set 2 G0RF Sterling has been told for years he should cover the project and has so long ignored it, though he was a natural guy for the job. But I expect he’s getting pinged a lot more now and will see the traction Bootcha’s increasingly getting, he will be dizzied and intimidated by the material already being collated into critique, will let out a big whiny sigh and be finally prompted to summon his schtick and shine his spotlight on the project in the not too distant future.
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March Set 1

March Set 1 Sunk Cost Galaxy is back baby! Bootcha I am not a lawyer. Worth Clicking: (video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Chapter 4: The Ecstasy of JPEGs) I am a broken, mouth-breathing, obsessive troll with nothing better to do than make my opinion heard here’s the calendar from the video: Green line was the initial crowdfunding drive. Red lines are for any time “something is on sale”
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February Set 9

February Set 9 Crytek GmbH v. Cloud Imperium Games Corp Discovery Plan Crytek’s Position: The primary issues in this case are (i) whether the Defendants breached the Game License Agreement; whether Defendants infringed upon Crytek’s copyrighted work; and the amount of damages to which Crytek may be entitled Defendants’ Position: CIG and Crytek entered into a binding and enforceable GLA under which CIG has fully performed. The threshold legal issue is for Crytek to articulate, in a manner
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February Set 8

February Set 8 Status of bind culling continues to frustrate backers I feel like this is probably how the year will be shaping up. Quarterly releases, but with everything substantial gradually moving one patch along until it all piles up into one big dump at the end of the year. So basically the same as last year, only this time instead of pretending there’s going to be one big update that continually fails to appear, we now have four smaller patches that will appear but fail to have anything in them.
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February Set 7

February Set 7 Bootcha Any word on why Bootcha stopped uploading videos? I don’t know if this is an answer. Worth Clicking: (video: Sunk Cost Galaxy Interlude 1: Salt Cook Travesty) The Titanic In this latest #StarCitizen Blog post, I discuss how role-playing and the game work together to create an immersive world. Full of consequences for actions. A butterfly effect that benefits every player.