December Set 14
December 31, 2017 | 32 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 14
Bootcha Terrible decisions are a part of Chris Roberts history…
Worth Clicking: (video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Chapter 2: The Mythological Roberts)
Bootcha Used Car Rental Salesman chat
There’s a quite bit more to that story than what I mentioned, and it’s a lot more depressing and sad. And more than two sources have confirmed most of the details of that sad unspoken tale.
December mini Set 13
December 27, 2017 | 4 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December mini-Set 13
Bootcha Thankfully, you don’t have glitch in order to travel to this here youtube video…
Worth Clicking: (video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Chapter 1: Past to Future to Present)
Unlike Chris, I actually write code for a living, and for many years applied that in the gaming industry. I have multiple AAA titles under my belt. You won’t believe any of that, same as you won’t believe that Star Citizen has already technologically failed.
December Set 12
December 26, 2017 | 29 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 12
Suck Cost Galaxy
Bootcha Merry Christmas…
Worth Clicking: (video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Overture)
Bootcha Oh shit you forgot to check your stocking…
Worth Clicking: (video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Foreword: The Reliable Narrator)
Chris on Spectrum
Chris has made a rare appearance on his weird discord knock-off in order to provide the base with some fresh talking points for the new year.
December Set 11
December 25, 2017 | 7 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 11
CIG airs their SQ42 video and label it a “verticle slice” (video: 2 hours of mostly walking around) (video: Director’s Commentary)
It is pretty boring so here are some decent timestamps:
Sarsapariller Timestamps:
Cafeteria Scene: timestamped youtube link (117)
Ser Davos gets shoved by the map: timestamped youtube link (725)
Crobberts rips off terminator joke: timestamped youtube link (982)
Encounter with mopman: timestamped youtube link (1058)
December Set 10
December 24, 2017 | 11 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 10
Holiday AtV is delayed 24 hours
CIG advertised their holiday show accross IGN and amoungst their fanbase. Only to cancel it 20 or 40mins before the scheduled time to go live.
CIG yanks the football away at the last second again.
I love you CIG, I really, really do.
What a trainwreck.
The hits keep on coming.
Imagine not beeing able to show gameplay of your game after five years of development
December Set 9
December 20, 2017 | 13 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 9
Beet Wagon This encapsulates Star Citizen for me in a way I doubt the OP could ever understand or recognize. It’s got everything:
The pointless joke literally run into the ground as the only bit of content The huge, empty, ill-advised planet The wonky physics, with the Big Benny’s machine jittering all over the place The hilariously overwrought mocap of the guy doing his dumb victory dance The inability of commandos to affect change on anything (look at his feet in relation to the vending machine) It’s all just so perfect.
December Set 8
December 19, 2017 | 12 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 8
I’m about out of good faith for Chris. It’s been one hell of a wait. If they can’t resolve the garbage performance and start making leaps in development now that “the core of the game is there” I’m going to completely stop telling people about the game. Seriously tired of people giving me shit just because I’m excited for a game that has, so far, disappointed absolutely every single one of my friends, RL and online gaming friends.
December Set 7
December 18, 2017 | 14 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 7
I think the Coutts loan is a trivial detail in this story, and got blown out of proportion because some of the paperwork was public. Having to put up everything as collateral is a completely normal way to get a good deal on interest. Collateral and credit do not need to match in value, and in fact rarely do.
Amazon has an article linked on their AWS | Lumberyard page that includes quotes from Carl Jones talking about the switch.
December Set 6
December 17, 2017 | 23 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 6
CIG forked CryEngine 3.7 and modified it by over 50%.
Amazon forked CryEngine 3.8 and modified it by over 50%.
CIG rebased their branch onto Amazon’s branch of CryEngine.
Miraculously this took ‘a couple’ of developers, ‘a couple’ of days.
Of course this is how code works.
Welcome to Star Citizen.
did anyone make a joke about going from face over ip to case over ip?
December Set 5
December 15, 2017 | 16 min read | Posted by GOONRATHI
December Set 5
Derek Smart **BREAKING** CryTek has followed through on its threat to sue RSI/CIG for a litany of things, and have hired one of the best law firms in the US.
— thedereksmart🕹️ (@dsmart) December 13, 2017 (tweet: CryTek has followed through on its threat to sue RSI/CIG for a litany of things, and have hired one of the best law firms in the US.