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December Set 4

December Set 4 Sarsapariller Worth Watching: (video: ship explodes buggedly) THE NETCODE IS FINE THIS IS FINE Scruffpuff This is something I called in my July blog two years ago, when I stated the following: “a project with at least one insurmountable problem never passes zero percent completion, no matter how many other development goals are met.” This is independent of Chris Roberts involvement being its own 100% guarantee of project failure.
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December Set 3

December Set 3 I noticed that unrelated text subtitles flicker briefly onto the screen occasionally, as if the guy is continually in telepathic conversation with NPCs all over the ‘Verse. This isn’t the first 3.0 video where I’ve seen this phenomenon. Just a couple of instances below: Someone in the verse is probably interacting with the shop at the same time, and this thing broadcasts every action of every player to every client regardless of range and sublevel.
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December Set 2

December Set 2 The Titanic $6.59M raked in for the sale. My biggest problem, that I always have with SC, is that no matter how bad it is or how much I know I have to ignore logic, I keep assuming people are not fools. All my projections are off because I can’t accept how stupid people are about this game. It’s weird how square one is “these people are insane enough to spend thousands on jpegs of spaceships” and yet they still find new, inventive ways to come off as increasingly insane.
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December 2017 set 1

December 2017 set 1 I don’t blame MoMA for not trying, though I disagree with the notion you could conceivably argue that the game’s development is in a good place right now in a way that would be even remotely convincing to any but the most blinkered of individuals. It’s fine to have faith in what’s being done (to a point), but even dismissing the arguments about the financials for CIG you can’t call what’s come out so far a positive sign of progress.
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November Set 10 I don’t have the time to go full , however I did want to really quickly jump on the dream. There are a lot of aspects to Chris’ ramblings that I always thought would lose dreamers pretty quick. The best specific is the whole “arma” combat comparison he loves making. I always thought that the prospect of handing their adventure over into the hands of a 2 second ttk (in a game with hours of travel and busywork) that will almost certainly favor the kind of player that most SC fans are desperately attempting to escape would cause something of a riot and demand for a softer combat form.
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November Set 9

November Set 9 Derek Smart 3.0 is such a shit-show, I don’t even want to write about it. This is the end times. The Titanic i see a lot of tweets chock full of reasons why star citizen is great and still coming out and derek is the worst, but i don’t see a lot of cool star citizen gameplay videos
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November Set 8

November Set 8 I’ve managed to fit 8 deskeletonized children into one SCU. They are arranged facing out from the center (they each understand they are alone). The largest ones are in the corners. Some of them will die, but it’s normal so long as it doesn’t happen too soon into the journey because they are Meat. Place into the refrigerated portion of the Cargo Grid that will kill the rest of them because they are Meat.
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November Set 7

November Set 7 3.0 Released to wave1 wave1 includes seemingly all the streamers, subscription holders, and many concierge members Hello thread its time to wake up. 3.0 went public PTU. Beet Wagon So far all I’m seeing on reddit is “screenshot of ugly terrain OMG!” and guys… I’m starting to think that maybe, just maybe… well maybe Star Citizen isn’t that good? From the announcement:
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November Set 6

November Set 6 CIG probably going to sell virtual plots of land Claiming Space: The Race for Land blah blah blah blah Recently, there has been a major push to encourage the settlement and development of the Empire’s frontier. As part of this initiative, the PDB has been making additional parcels of land accessible to the public for purchase. It is believed by policymakers that as sectors become more developed, they likewise become more secure.
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November Set 5

November Set 5 To be honest… And I’m saying this as a first-round crowdfunding contributor who has been following this project since its conception in 2011… You sound like someone in a cult. You’ve been promised so much, and there’s been so much hype, but all we have right now are a few tiny tech demos and a bunch of promises. This game was funded six years ago, has raised over $150 million, and still hasn’t been released, with no clear release date in sight.