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Random Assortment

Random Assortment god i’d rub anyone to read the amd letter TheAgent I have a p good feeling we will see the AMD letter by the end of 2018 or 2019 there’s some serious people sniffing around, and I don’t mean gaming sites n stuff If the rings spin off due to collisions with player ships, that would be because the rings are created as physics objects (which makes them conserve momentum during collisions), and are configured with a preposterously small amount of mass relative to the ships.
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Account Dissection

Account Dissection I’m going to point out one error/mistake in the CIG accounts per day. 1.) Geography In a consolidated set of accounts for a group of companies you eliminate intra-group transactions. This makes sense, because if you sell goods and services between two companies in a group you would just have matching revenue in one company and cost in the other. So in the CIG UK group, you can ignore the revenue in F42, this has an equal expense in CIG UK that you also ignore.
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November Set 4

November Set 4 As I’ve pointed out before, back in January 2015, Roberts delivered a presentation in which he claimed that not only would the first episode of Squadron 42 be released by Fall 2015, but the full commercial release - meaning SQ42 and the persistent universe / MMO - would happen by the end of 2016. He made this claim at 1:32:06 in this video. At the time of this presentation, the PU wasn’t yet in the alpha stage.
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November Set 3

November Set 3 wrap up the r/ds meltdown real quick “We’re not owned! We’re not owned!” the posters of r/ds shrieked as often and as loudly as possible before the enveloping silence… “This doesn’t mean you won!” I sneer with my face pressed to the ground by Alexander’s sandal and illuminated by fires in Persepolis. Beet Wagon It’s one of my favorite parts of this whole thing.
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November Set 2

November Set 2 I worked at Cloud Imperium Games full-time (More than 3 years) Pros However this project and business turn out I’m happy I got to work on this once in a lifetime project that has really pushed boundaries in many areas of software development, games development, networking, and computer science. Despite a lot of my ex-colleagues being younger, newer in the industry and sometimes inexperienced / naïve, they really worked incredibly hard and with huge amounts of enthusiasm, sometimes to the detriment of their own wellbeing and personal lives.
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November Set 1

November Set 1 VictorianQueerLit I think the best part of the Star Citizen Scam finally collapsing is that a large number of nerds will stop psychotically obsessing over Elite Dangerous being THE ENEMY and instead maybe shut up and enjoy the game that delivers on many of Chris Roberts promises. I’m sure there will always be people that refuse to play it because it dared to exist opposite of Star Citizen and ten years from now at any mention of Elite Dangerous they will scoff and go into a rage filled tirade about “Polygon Tacos” or whatever but I think that will be a small minority.
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October Set 5

October Set 5!? So I’ve been a long time lurker but had to grit my teeth and pay up just to explain….well gloat on all you clowns, Like how does it taste? The biggest event of the year where you guys were sourly clenching your fingers in anticipation of mocking something better than yourselves. But Chris delivered. Showing Dereek Farts and you idiots what is possible in gaming.
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Citizen Con 2017

CitizenCon 2017 Twitch recorded video: Managers for 6 hours - Chris takes the stage - It is all very boring dreams shilling. Intel sponsors CitizenCon and Chris pushes their SSD : peter gabriel i cant watch this shit it’s like QVC Worth Clicking: Disco Lando: “And this year of course we are fullfilling the CON in our CitizenCon” peter gabriel holy shit twitch chat is wall to wall brutal as fuck
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October Set 3 Run up to Citizen Con

October Set 3 - Run up to CitizenCon G0RF In honor of the CitCon presentation that CIG has spent months preparing. YOUTUBE: Chris Roberts talk about creating fake demos to trick Publishers into think you’re further along than you actually are… Beet Wagon Jared and Ben both have SA accounts, everything in SC has goons involved. Let’s be real, almost every choice CIG has made at any given step during this has been the gooniest possible option.
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All Time Greatest Posts

All Time Greatest Posts Reserved for all time greatest posts of 2012 - 2018 The one thing we should have learned by now is that time and Star Citizen makes fools of us all. The SC faithful have been so sure that total success is just around the corner for so long. And the SC skeptics have been so sure that total collapse has been just around the corner for so long.