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October Set 2

October Set 2 The Titanic I was just thinking today; if/when SC does go down, there’s going to be lots of unhappy backers who, despite their blind faith in the project, will still be looking for their ‘dream’ game to be made. Any ideas on where they might turn to? Elite? the new X game? No Man’s Sky? Dual Universe? Beyond Good and Evil 2? Hold on to your panties though because this is going to blow you away.
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Here, have an on-topic post: Anyone who thinks Lando is some kind of bomb waiting to go off and spill the beans about CIG/Roberts is kidding themselves, you only need to watch some of the vids from Gamescon and you’ll see just how eagerly he talks complete bullshit in service of fleecing people for money. He outright makes shit up unprompted about what can be done in game, what’s in development, and what’s just around the corner.
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September 2017

September 2017 TheAgent Mocapping a few animations that end up blending into other animations is all fine and good, because its usually a brief second or two of animation that your anim team has to hand scrub anyway. Mocapping an entire performance gets tricky. If you’re not 100% confident of the take, you can have a lot of problems. You get weird wandering heads, eye darting, jiggling jowls, hands and arms and legs clipping through clothes and backgrounds and other characters and a whole lotta other weird shit you gotta clean up by hand.
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2017 August Set 1

2017 - August Set 1 G0RF “Soon there will be a jump gate that can take me to the Helios system! I bet we’ll have underwater vehicles by then and I can explore the vast depths of Helios II! I’m going to set up deep sea mining operations as soon as its live so I can get a head start carving out my thrilling future as an Oceanic Mining Tycoon!
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January Set 5

January Set 5 Streetroller points to the bleachers So Here’s The Deal: I’m suing Chris Roberts for consumer fraud in small claims court. Everything he’s ever said will be used against him as a public figure, and his litany of LLC shell companies don’t protect him. He either comes to Jersey to defend himself, or get’s a default judgment of being a fraud. Fucking blow me.