November Set 1

November Set 1

November Set 1

goon avatar

I think the best part of the Star Citizen Scam finally collapsing is that a large number of nerds will stop psychotically obsessing over Elite Dangerous being THE ENEMY and instead maybe shut up and enjoy the game that delivers on many of Chris Roberts promises.

I’m sure there will always be people that refuse to play it because it dared to exist opposite of Star Citizen and ten years from now at any mention of Elite Dangerous they will scoff and go into a rage filled tirade about “Polygon Tacos” or whatever but I think that will be a small minority.

ED might see a nice boost once thousands of people stop saving themselves for space marriage.

I dunno I’m optimistic at heart so it would be nice to see all the millions of dollars and thousands of players go toward an actual company with a proven product they continue to develop instead of a stammering idiot with a modded Crysis map promising the literal matrix to fools.

It’s the fanboy paradox.

They need Elite to exist so they can gloat at how much better Star Citizen is. But the fact that Elite is objectively the better one at the moment (by virtue of being real) is currently driving them fucking insane. I can’t imagine what they’d be like once you took the possibility of Star Citizen ever existing away from them, because that’s basically their only lifeline to sanity.

peter gabriel
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peter gabriel
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it is fucking hilarious that someone was chucking out god damn hard drives at a conference like the world’s dorkiest ever hype man

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Yeah I couldn’t resist not getting them for my fleet☺️ Plus it injects new money into @RobertsSpaceInd studios buying Warbond Editions😊👍

Tweet Summary:

Clifford aka Miku buys two of the new $800+ JPEGs because

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Pledges, please.

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Video Summary:

WTFo’s friend camps out in good wifi to buy latest JPEG by melting ships and misses most of the Citcon keynote

This is loltastic. Panic swapping of jpegs for other jpegs since jpegs are limited and the latest jpeg incarnation fulfills all sperg dreams in a singular jpeg. The Pioneer is the jpegularity.

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Video Summary:

WTFo’s guest explains how water was 5€ at Citcon (but you get 1€ back if you return the cup)

Amazing. Only the best treatment for their devoted supporters.

goon avatar

The funny thing about 8 minutes is, I’m a proponent of long travel times in online open world games, it’s good for the non-combat part of economy play (trading with places far away from main hubs gets profitable since it takes a tiny bit of effort so most won’t bother), but obviously star citizen did it all wrong.

On how to do this shit right, look at Freelancer. It’s a bad game on many levels, but anywhere on your journey, you’re hitting content. You see police patrols ganking you for cardamine, you see pirates interrupting the trade lane and scanning you for valuables, you see patrols fighting pirates, avoiding space rocks in space fog nebula, there’s constantly something happening around your ship.

On the other hand, in star citizen it’s just 8 minutes of fucking nothing. There’s not even awesome nebula scenery or anything, it’s just nothing.

goon avatar

relay is starting to turn into somekind of absurd art.

talks about things coming next year sighs and starts talking about how citcon was best stream ever.

talks about tech shown being impossible. Then starts talking how CIG showed that its possible allears emote

“it doesnt matter what reality is . it matters what it looks like” its amazing quote taken out of context and it fits star citizen like a glove.

showing actual gameplay is bad

goon avatar

negative emote

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Adult men crying over a non-existent video game.

I’m not sure what community they’re talking about? All I’ve seen are fanboys arguing with fanboys about what’s going to be in their imaginary game and talking non-stop about Derek Smart. Is there some niche, non-toxic sector of the SC community that I’m missing?

30 Things I Hate About Your Game Pitch

goon avatar

Topical GDC vid

“We did final art for all our spaceships… ended up throwing it all away.”

timestamped youtube link (746)

goon avatar

The biggest one I noticed that CIG is often guilty of is “dont use real world limitations to excuse bad game design”. Especially because they are so arbitrary about it. Like one second its all gravity goo and the next its ‘well each thruster needs to impart force thats why it flys like shit nothing to be done”

9:20 “If someone comes in pitching 1000 person firefights then alarm bells go off”

Although the presenter does show a shocking lack of game dev knowledge “Don’t prototype your character opening doors. Thats easy stuff any team can do. I want to see the things that are unique and interesting that define your game”

goon avatar

22 and 23 as well. Don’t go thinking you’re going to have the success of WoW. Don’t be a complete pain in the ass to work with. Don’t go trashing other publishers, don’t jam in the latest fad (VR), know your scope and budget. Wow, this guy knows about game design.

This is really a proclick for anyone who knows anything about Star Citizen.

Virtual Captain

#9 - You Never Mentioned Your Glaring Obvious Tech Risk timestamped youtube link (535) (8:55)

“A lot of times if you see a lot of pitches and if you’ve been working them on the publisher side a lot you kind of know what’s feasible and what’s not and you know what things are hard to do and what things are easy to do and if somebody comes in and says yeah we want to do a thousand person multiplayer game with real-time firefights then alarm bells go off and it’s fine to do something that’s really technologically ambitious it’s fun to do something that’s really dangerous and hard but if you say something like that that sounds dangerous and hard and then you don’t explain how you’re going to pull that off then that really makes people nervous.”

#13 - You Polished Too Early timestamped youtube link (740) (12:20)

“Part of the reason this image is in here this is from a game I worked on where we did like final art for all the ships before we had our combat modeled down and all the stuff got thrown out and so if a game is really really visually polished but the mechanics are still really broken in prototype that also is an alarm bell because it suggests that the team is not putting all the effort where where it should be and it also suggests that a lot of work is going to be redone. So again if you want to showcase what you’re capable of in the art department that’s great but make sure that it doesn’t overshadow the fact that your your game in the prototype phase may still be really really incomplete. A few still images of show with your art team is capable of is much better than a prototype that is broken in a variety of ways but what that looks amazing because the person you pitching to knows that’s all gonna have to be thrown out when the game actually gets nailed down so make sure that work in progress actually looks like work in progress.”

goon avatar

TLDR : If CR pitched the game to an actual publisher, it would fail on all counts.

That’s so good for star citizen.

munch emote

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None of this applies to CIG because they are their own publisher. @3000ad_games can’t give their games away, that’s why it’s Indie.

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It is amazing to consider this when a Citizen mentions how far the game has come. Five years, $160 million, a company that has spread across the globe like a disease and all they have to show for it are videos that (at least to this layman’s eye) look much the same as the original pitch videos. Where the fuck has that money gone? Ok, Porsches, cocaine and playing at movie making. Stupid question. I hope this whole thing does end up in court, because I’d love to see Roberts desperately trying to explain how the 2017 videos are massive advancements from the 2012 pitch videos, and totally took up all that money.

Beet Wagon
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Tweet Summary:

Exclusive ship sold with Intel SSD doesn’t come with LTI, BoredGamerUK petitioning Ben on twitter to add LTI.

Damn, they didn’t even bother to give the Intel shill-ships LTI? That’s some weak shit, CIG. People are shelling out $500 for a variant of a ship that originally cost something like $200 and you can’t be fucked to give them LTI?

CIG’s gone so far into the ship-selling rabbithole that they can’t even remember their own rules.

goon avatar

Dear Newegg:

Please issue an RMA for my Intel OPTANE.

Reason: No LTI on imaginary ship.

Thank You-

BoredGamer, Angry SSD User

goon avatar

Groundbreaking tech

Chris has made the world’s first quantum game!

It exists in two simultaneous states until it is interacted with by the user. The game is both Alpha and Released Already.

Observer notes it is a buggy piece of crap: “It is Alpha. Send more money.”

Observer notes it is a buggy piece of crap and they want a refund: “It is released. No refunds.”

goon avatar

How can they describe these bugs with a completely straight face? Either the coders are super good actors, or they are actually pizza delivery boys that were invited to stay.

“To see if the player has his cursor over an item in the store, we raycast the cursor against all the colliders in the entire universe. This causes a bug where the display case glass blocks the ray and the player can’t select the item.”

1. You would just raycast the items near the player, not the universe. You’re not shooting a bullet.

2. You don’t want any level geometry to obstruct the item, anyway. It would make it hard to select an item that is partially obstructed.

3. Why not use a faster and easier selection system? The player has to painstakingly put the cursor right on the item’s collider (which will be annoying if the object is small). You could literally just check if the cursor is within X pixels of the item on the screen, X changing with distance and item size. If the test intersects more than 1 item, use the nearer one, or the one that you clicked closer to it’s center. User friendly and 1/100th the processing time.

4. Transparent objects would need to be on a separate collision layer anyway for when you code NPC vision AI, among other things. Collider layers isn’t an unexpected crisis.

timestamped youtube link (261)

goon avatar

The first time I ever designed a system for picking up items, I had a problem. I couldn’t pick up items if there was something in front of it. The raycast would hit the something first. Then I did a quick google search, read about object/collider layers, then I read about raycast filtering. I went back to my editor, set all items to the “item” layer, set the raycast so it could only hit objects that were members of the “item” layer. Problem solved in ~10 minutes. I have a terrible memory, and I remember it, so.

Am I supposed to believe CIG, a $160m company with world class game developers don’t know how to do this? I don’t. I’m not a uniquely bright individual, and I figured it out.

Possible options:

1. Somebody just forgot to set environment object layers properly

2. The item 2.0 “use” raycast wasn’t set to filter properly

3. It’s a fake bug they invented just for the ATV segment

4. It’s incredibly hard to do raycast filtering in CryEngine

Personally, I would be embarrassed sharing this as a “hot take” bug fix. It’s either a silly oversight, or reveals shocking ignorance on the part of the CIG devs.

trustme emote

I still don’t know what LTI is and I don’t care to know.

goon avatar

I don’t know if this has been linked already, but…. what the actual fuck

Video Summary: 23 min video of Klingon level detailing of Space Lizard language.

Thousands of dollars worth of man hours went into making this stupid ass video on how to pronounce this made up language in a jpeg simulator

goon avatar

That’s a video on a multi-million dollar space game’s Youtube channel with thousands of views.

laffo emote

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timestamped youtube link (1147)

Ahahahahaha, this is so fucking low-effort (and ching-chong racist). It only looks well-done when you have no idea of how this stuff works. (Like everything else in this doomed projec).

goon avatar
goon avatar

The schedule report has a new format where they list ‘bugs’ and ‘tasks’ for each of the six remaining focus areas.

57 bugs and 254 tasks until PTU

Keep in mind that all of the performance/stability issues are technically tasks, not bugs, and shopping went from 17 to 20 bugs overnight. CIG is dangling a new carrot in front of the backers, and have revealed how much information they have been holding back over the last couple of months. Keep in mind that they often add almost as many bugs as they solve, and that figure could easily end up being 200 bugs and 1000 tasks.

I really wish the “de-bamboozle” guy was still around to explain this.

goon avatar

So let me start off by saying there is no bigger fan of SC than me. I am literally all in financially, emotionally and spiritually. This game is going to be the best game ever and quite honestly the one true game. That being said I have a slight concern and wonder if I am just being silly. The previous burn downs showed far less bugs/tasks than what we have now. If you sum the current list we are at 291 tasks/bugs. This is drastically higher than before. Like I said I’m not bitching, whining or anything of that nature and I believe in star citizen to the point that I think I might be a zealot.

What do you guys think about the task/bug numbers growing so drastically?

goon avatar

goon avatar

lol why would you tweet this

Whatever intern she’s got running her twitter is so good at their job

Derek Smart

[Citizens] together with CIG, they’ve created a situation that keeps SEO specialists awake at night. Not that the best VP of marketing since she was a leetle gurl knows wtf she’s doing anyway. So there’s that.

Someone sent me that image earlier, along with this:

The Google algorithm has associated you with the knowledge graph and is now generating your profiles in relation to searches for the brand.

Honestly, in the “SEO” sorcery space… that means OWNED and would cause a crisis for brand rep. THAT is why Sandy angers me. Don’t call yourself a VP when failing at basics with no formal study or true industry experience: BEHOLD THE IMAGE.

What you’ve done is every SEO “brand reputation manager’s” dream.

The #1 request is: Something negative about me shows up on page 1. Realistically, given way algorithm works and signals it detects, hard for 95% of brands to fix it

too long to explain even though I spam you, and like NDA issues, but many brands are internal messes that prevent corrective action.

The thing is, it is often a link to an article A LINK TO AN ARTICLE. Not an individual showing up with his fucking mug shot on page one for a knowledge graph search on google.

Some of the client work I am dealing with now? They would have a heart attack if someone, an individual let’s say a product critic with a well researched arsenal of content on his website showed up under their profile in the right hand bar as “also searched for”.

Not only your name shows up for also searched for, beautiful google algorithm quirks and flaws picked up your profile pic. This is a neutral, no history, opt out of all ads, doesn’t browse view tool I use for keywords to see visibility for terms when not influenced by a logged in gmail account nor cookies from google apps and api bs


That would cause a fucking crisis.

If Sandi, was a true VP of marketing, she would be all over it… the funny bit is, because “link building” is still a thing, the most “authoritative” alternate source regarding SC is you in the google algorithm’s mind currently (sans some manual manipulation internally at Google)

So to fix their search situation, they would literally need to work with you as long as you keep your domain and site active.

New consumers searching for “roberts space industries” or “star citizen” will see your profile unless they take serious corrective action to protect the brand on search. Sandi isn’t doing that. A “marketing manager” or director could do what that VP is not.

goon avatar
Derek Smart

Evocati 3.0. Landing sucesfl

Mining is in!

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As much as I think Derek Smart and his ‘goons’ are absolute twats, I can’t help but feel increasingly hopeless about the project. I think we just keep making excuses for them because we want it so badly to be real. But, I mean, if you had told somebody last year that we’d be reasonably speculating February 2018 for a slightly scaled back version of 3.0, you’d be called a hater.

I still desperately want to have faith in the project, but I can’t help but feel like in February 2018, due to unforeseen circumstances, we’ll be speculating April 2018 for the awaited content drop.

goon avatar

Good news everyone, CIG have just started advertising for a backend server MMO programmer to work on their exciting PC space combat sim, Star Citizen!

• Online game and/or MMO development experience, ideally including interfacing with backend server code.

• One or more shipped products, especially PC products.

• CryEngine/Lumberyard development experience.

• Space combat sim development experience. e - (they need someone who has done this before to do stuff that’s never been done before)

• Passion for science fiction and space exploration

This exciting new role takes the number of published vacancies to 64, the highest it’s been since March 2016.

Derek Smart

I think I am pretty close to this. Though I have zero LumberYard experience, I am very familiar with CryEngine though.

I haven’t had a resume since Carter was POTUS, but I wonder if I should put one together and send it in to see how long I can troll them for.


**friend: hey dude, I’m looking for a job is CIG any good? they’ve been headhunting like crazy lately

me: hold on a sec, I gotta post this in a giant thread dedicated to how fucked up that entire company is

friend: what**

goon avatar

Video Summary: The Captain’s Table admits CitizenCon was a snoozefest on the level of 1 hour presentation of Spectrum last year.
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Felt like doing a thing before we go out for fireworks, so I did a thing:

Art shamelessly archered from a Viz comic :)

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goon avatar

Oh and Destiny 2 is a nothingburger piece of shit too, and you can purchase everything in Assassin’s Creed with real money.

Gaming is fucked.

thank god roberts is here to finally save pc gaming

thank god

goon avatar

Supercruise was the DDF’s (Frontier’s sperg army) sole contribution to the game and is the dullest part of the game. In fact it’s the dullest part of any game ever. In terms of gameplay it’s the equivilent of 1984 Elite with the ‘J’ key jump drive disabled so you’d have to sit and watch the fucking thing in real time which is what you do in ED. Sit. And. Watch. It. In. Real. Time.

Star Citizen has taken one of those types of spergs and have them design an entire game.

goon avatar
goon avatar

3.0 is good

stimpire muscle torture fetish is IN

goon avatar

at least the doors are working

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Searchable tweet text: “Diduknow #StarCitizen: Pioneer license will claim a ground from approximately 4x4km up to 8x8km. It’s a Skyrim map size, estimated at 6x6km.”


just remember, some people have been in crunch mode for almost two full years now

the other ones, like some peeps that I know, straight up walked out after 3 to 6 months of that shit, mostly because there was no end in sight, no goal to reach to end the crunch and no rewards or incentives for your sacrifice

now you’ve got 26 year olds leading entire teams with no prior game or managerial experience, working constantly because they have no idea its a bad thing. they take their cues straight from roberts on how to manage your employees: “do what I say, exactly how I say, or quit”

the tales that you’re going to hear next year are going to fucking astound some people. I’m sure the die hardest backers, whose money will have paid for expensive trips for executives, producing terrible indie films, and weathly as fuck lifestyles, will simply never believe a goddamn bad thing about the savior of pc gaming chris roberts


at what point do you mention to the backers that you’re financing film careers? that you’re starting to broadcast yourself as a digital effects company, with access to superior motion capture and CGI technologies? don’t you think someone on this great big internet is going to fucking find out about it?

I mean, I guess you can hope that the game comes out to rousing success before then, and of course, of course! hollywood and special effects are a perfect fit for chris roberts, so its no big deal he’s spending a lot of time and resources and backer money doing hollywood things

but goddamn chris, y’all playing with fucking fire

like hey, here’s a bad thing: we are running out of money to develop a game

and yeah, we’ve taken out a few loans and are really, really hoping no one looks too closely at this whole UK tax credit thing and yeah, yeah we are down almost 30% in revenue from last year so far

but also! intel paid for our last two shows, amazon floated us some monies and we’re only a wee bit behind

but hey, here’s a good thing: we got a fucking major cash injection from a movie production company to do their digital effects! the company is saved

also I need all the art teams focused on the movie stuff because we have a four month deadline for our portion of the vfx, but this is also okay because we need six months or so to get our programmers to finish our engine

Beet Wagon

lol, game’s been in dev long enough that peoples’ commemorative merch is falling apart. (Yes, I know it’s a shitty Chinese product that was probably falling apart the day he got it, but damn if that isn’t Star Citizen in a nutshell)
goon avatar

Honestly, I’m fuckin’ proud of you, Chris. You aimed for the stars, missed horribly, and landed in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Let this be a lesson to you all. Got an idea? Just fucking do it. Find a way. Make it work. Always do, even if you’re a complete fuck up. The universe loves action, it needs juice, and as long as you just show up and try, you win. Get off the fucking internet. Stop watching the fucking TV. Don’t play video games, they’re all just shit designed to keep you off the playing field. And NEVER let that nagging fuckster in the back of your mind tell you you’re gonna fail.

Chris Roberts wins at life. He laughs all the way to the mobile banking app on his phone to check his auto-regenerating bank account balance. Scummy? Oh what the fuck ever. He played by the written rules and that’s all that matters. Bad person? I don’t know him, but he pays for his wife’s movie dreams and gives all his friends jobs, and that’s a hell of a lot more than most of us. Immoral? Didn’t know you were runing the books on that one. And I’ll tell you what. It’s immoral to let people as stupid as Star Citizens, with their fucking cringecore stunted bullshit fantasies, keep their money. Who the fuck would wanna make a game for that lot of losers anyway?

Fuck em. Fuck you. And fuck me.

Chris Roberts is a genius, and he deserves to enjoy his Porches, because god dammit, at least he got up off his ass and tried.

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goon avatar

As we approach a year without an update, and CIG managing 0 out of 5 of the updates they promised would arrive this year (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, SQ42 release), take a look at the communities reaction to the Gamescom 2016 schedule

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i think it’ll pick up steam into this next year.

the major ground works is finishing up or done and Foundry 42 in the UK will be finishing up with SQ42 content production which means their largest studio can roll over and start making content for the PU.

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If I have learned anything having watched all the CIG events since Citizencon 2014 I have learned that none of their roadmaps ever amount to much. I think the one thing we can reasonably expect is that 3.0 will be close to what they have said it will be and that 4.0 will be the first patch to introduce another system.

Specifically I don’t expect them to introduce the new mechanics and large ships anywhere near as quickly as they desire. I wouldn’t doubt that they could get 4.0 out around early to mid 2018 though.

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Personally I doubt they will let it languish for 6 months without an update, I think 2-4 months between updates is a bit more realistic. Though I highly doubt they will stick anywhere near that roadmap.

goon avatar

When I was a child, I played the Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness demo. My computer wasn’t powerful enough to run it, so what I saw was a scrambled video, instead of the normal game, but I could still play the game through sound and the occasional tiny window through the scrambling. When I finally got the game to work, it suddenly wasn’t as interesting. It was easy now. What had changed was that the game no longer required me to engage my imagination, and that’s what they’re selling at CiG, a chance to engage your imagination.

They’ve monetized your imagination, as a business model.

goon avatar

How about a summary

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#More mo-cap

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$164m well spent. 3.0 is surely just days away from release.

crobber ya game all fucked up. Although if your goal was to make a sequel to octodad, good job I guess.