November Set 2

November Set 2

November Set 2

goon avatar

I worked at Cloud Imperium Games full-time (More than 3 years)


  • However this project and business turn out I’m happy I got to work on this once in a lifetime project that has really pushed boundaries in many areas of software development, games development, networking, and computer science.

  • Despite a lot of my ex-colleagues being younger, newer in the industry and sometimes inexperienced / naïve, they really worked incredibly hard and with huge amounts of enthusiasm, sometimes to the detriment of their own wellbeing and personal lives.

  • The offices and infrastructure are great with absolutely no expense spared in allowing us to get our jobs done.

  • Despite some of my criticisms below I would definitely do it all over again but I would also get out earlier.


  • A lot of the management have little to no idea what they are doing, use software development methodologies from the last century and are frankly out of their depth. This causes an exponentially increasing spiral of delays that a modern experienced project manager would see coming from a mile away and know how to deal with. The project is getting ever further away from completion despite what public statements to the contrary say. These managers may have been the best of the best back in their day, but it is no longer that day and people rarely have consistent hits their entire career.

  • This issue is compounded by the fact that CIG pays below industry average salaries, because they correctly think many people will want the prestige of having worked on such an exciting project to be on their CV, however you also don’t get the best talent this way.

  • Both the salary and management issues have caused a lot of more experienced staff who were really making the most progress to leave. A lot of the people left are fairly wet behind the ears and need a lot more mentoring before stepping up to the plate. I spent over half my time mentoring other members of staff even in areas I only have a vague passing knowledge of.

  • Collectively we ended up grinding harder and harder, losing increasingly more of our lives, over smaller and smaller irrelevant things that the CEO dreamed up. This has been getting worse recently not better, especially with recent technologies added to the game that should have been implemented at the end, not now.

Advice to Management

Hire experienced executives and professional project managers with current decade skills and qualifications - Not family members, friends or old contacts.

Keep on doing what you’re doing.


Ouch — this one goes for the tender underbelly and kicks the tenders after. It will surely be claimed as fakery, but as with the Jennison letter, it reads as authentic, holistically informed and bitterly resigned.

One of the great remaining myths that zealots and whales cling to is that Chris, Erin, Tony and the other graybeards are wizards trained in the secret sorcery of ancient forgotten gaming magic. Their willingness to believe this is profound because decades back, the younger versions of these men delivered a nifty game here and there. Or at least had their name on one. And zealots played them at a highly impressionable age. Yet that magic they remember so fondly now was not crafted by Roberts or his cronies — the magic they recall was Youth.

The notion that Chris & Co., rather than being Jedi masters of gaming, are in fact out-of-their-depth relics, hopelessly out of step with the times and simply incapable of comprehending let alone dominating 2017-era AAA gaming — it’s simply unthinkable to the zealot core.

The evidence is everywhere:

—The Zeno’s paradox of infinite subdivisions of distance to 3.0…

—“Welcome to BURNDOWN, our weekly look at our progress in eliminating blockers and bugs keeping us from release of the first fraction of our first of 100 star systems in the first person universe we’re claiming we can build…”

—A space sim that still hasn’t delivered a satisfying flight model after half a decade of futzing around with it…

—“I just want to sell the narrative…”


—The fact that their unironically admitting, in year five, that they’re closing in on their first complete game loop…

—“Legacy armor” (in a pre-Alpha!)

—“You can fit the whole of Skyrim in that crater right there…”

—Face Over IP

—and so on…

The entire project is now a NeoTokyo of bright blinking warning signs yet Chris is himself is so completely and hopelessly deluded — convinced not just of his adequacy (lol) but his supremacy — and his acolytes and enablers derive their misplaced confidence in him from him. It’s from this desperate collusive delusion that for many emerges a similar dread fear of irrelevancy. Star Citizen, while never overtly pitched as such, is their shared escape route from this fear into a utopia of relevancy, power and decisive personal agency — as the ample novellas of therycrafting so often attest. And for Chris, too, the game is meant as such, a statement to the compromised studios and evil publishers that “I’m still here and my game is BETTER than your game because I’m STILL a great Game Developer!”

How strange that only 5 or 6 years ago, a husband and wife had what surely sounds like a kick-to-curb warning, during which she told him, “If this doesn’t work out, I’m sure someone will hire you.”

Good thing it worked out. For both of them. For awhile anyway. But the downward spiral is well underway and everyone who can’t see it clearly senses it anyway. And the bitterest lesson of all is that Chris Roberts was given the greatest opportunity in the history of gaming — a gargantuan budget and limitless freedom — and with that freedom he destroyed the gift and left only the grim and slim hope that some salvageable mediocrity might somehow be recovered from the wreckage. We’ll see how that works out.

goon avatar


I think this goes without saying, but there is a point where something turns from helping fund a game and simply pre-purchasing in game benefits. Constantly monetizing seemingly every new ship coming out feels more and more like buying trading cards for a TCG and sitting around realizing there isn’t a way to get the full experience out of it because the final released game is still a ways away.

CIG wins as soon as they release the game. We lose if they cut features or performance to get it out the door quicker. Let’s hope they can keep delaying the win till the game is ready.

Derek Smart

3.0 is a paradox for them. If they release is inside of the next 4-5 months, they’re completely fucked (even more). If they don’t release it, they’re royally fucked.

God I hope they release it for Christmas.

Burndown Summary

here’s a TLDR version of burndown this week on progress towards PTU release


Bugs: 20 -> 30 (+50%)


Bugs: 11 -> 22 (+100%)

Tasks: 76 -> 91 (+20%)


Bugs: 6 -> 6 (0%)

Tasks: 31 -> 47 (+52%)


Bugs: 2 -> 2 (0%)

Tasks: 22 -> 18 (-18%)


Bugs: 18 -> 18 (0%)

Tasks: 42 -> 48 (+14%)

Performance stability

Tasks: 63 -> 57 (-9%)

goon avatar
peter gabriel

Hand got stuck in there, they’re still trying to get it out and it’s just wobbling and slapping all over the place and everything is going everywhere send help.

goon avatar

Fostering elitism is the backbone of CIG’s funding. The elitist are willing to pay huge sums to be elite in game, and as such, CIG caters exclusively to them. Which, when the game launches (stop laughing) will heavily dis incentivize regular players from joining up. And then all the whales, with their paid for advantages, will square off against each-other. But since there is no regular players for them to lord over, they will feel grief instead of superiority.

It’s gonna be yuge.

goon avatar

When I was watching the dreadful panel on base building or whatever at citizen con, I honestly thought they were gearing up to sell plots of land on planets.

I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if they did, but they’d have to make a planet first, I guess. Or not, citizens will buy it regardless, let’s face it.

goon avatar

I know that by admitting this I’m announcing a loss as I’m letting myself get caremad about stupid nerd culture bullshit, but there’s a particular type of pop culture nerd who just loooves the idea of mashing up multiple geek IPs together and will breathlessly gush about siren emote“WOULDN’T IT BE SO COOL IF HARRY POTTER COULD BE IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE AND ALSO THE XENOMORPH FROM ALIENS WAS THERE?!?”siren emote, and it really annoys me. The thought process appears to be ‘I like X and I like Y, therefore if X and Y were together it would be EVEN MORE awesome”.

But all it really does is betray a shallow-to-nonexistent understanding of what makes their preferred movie/book/whatever good. It shows a paucity of knowledge with regards to the concept of tone or theme in fictional works. Which is fine when you’re 10 and the reason you like Starship Troopers is you get to watch the Good Guys shoot the bugs, but when you’re a grown adult and you don’t understand that Captain Kirk beaming down to King’s Landing is going to be shit, it’s a problem. And it’s an even bigger problem when you’re directing a multimillion dollar video game.

So yeah: put in a sandworm because you like sandworms because they’re big and scary. And put in the planet from pitch black. And put in a Blade Runner cityscape. And put in Space Rome and Space China and service means citizenship. Surely your messianic horror cyberpunk space opera with social commentary won’t be a jumbled mess.

Or at least in this case it won’t because Roberts is adding them in with no regard to their thematic content nor to the context that they were originally displayed in. It’s a sizzle reel approach where he’s including things without understanding them because he thinks they’re cool.

Sci-fi video game creator Chris Roberts doesn’t understand the first fucking thing about sci-fi, and neither does his audience.

The Titanic

According to Amazon themselves, the network system they’ve built is not designed for a persistent MMO environment. At least not currently.

So yet again, right out of the box, Chris Roberts is just saying “but yuh huh! You just didn’t try hard enough!” directly to the company that actually built the network system.

So chances are high that when CIG moved to Lumberyard, they just brought their same arena type networking and had to fix it to run on an AWS cloud, and probably gave up shortly after they realized they lacked skill to do more.

Unfortunately for a lot of groups new to AWS and cloud computing, they think they can sacrifice smart coding practices and intelligent network design by increasing the processing power and throughput of their server, and sometimes up to a point this actually works; but it kills them in the long run because their growth was tied to how fast they can make a cluster, and there is a cap. Once people reach that cap, reality hits them in the face like a freight train.

I’m not a game developer though, but I’ve developed cloud architecture and this method of thinking persists a lot unfortunately. I have no reason to believe CR doesn’t think he can fix everything by throwing more computer power at it from the cloud.

goon avatar

This guy is legit amazing. He filled 9 full minutes, emphatic and believable, bragging about how they spent man-weeks (and writing a separate exe for testing) tuning the acceleration curve of the hyperspacing ships. Literally, how fast do we want to lerp to the jump destination and what particle effects should play for different speeds. The guy fully understands that this is an inexcusable waste of time while critical features and bugs are ignored, but he still manages to come across as a visionary code-philosopher doing God’s work.

And the painstakingly made notes, a-la Se7en. It’s beautiful.

Derek Smart
goon avatar

As a quick question to you and others here that DO KNOW this stuff. Does Amazon’s Lumber Yard do well with networking? In other words, is it Lumberyard being choked by CIG’s Frankenengine or is it an incompatibility with it?

Nobody knows, since there are currently NO RELEASED GAMES that use LumberYard. The engine, as a whole, is all very experimental - and still in Beta.

What I do know is that the CryEngine networking layer was always rubbish; and isn’t something that they were actively interesting in improving because most of the games the engine targeted, with simple 16-player games, with lobbies. Forget about fucking MMOs.

And in the latest LY build, they even deprecated the entire CryEngine network layer in favor of their own. Which makes sense, since AWS is network-centric and they would have top tier network engineers there.

The LumberYard engine was never designed for MMO games. At all. Even AMZ states this clearly in their docs and faqs about what the engine is designed to do, and the limitations/strengths of the networking component.

Whoever wants to use LY for MMO games, is i) one dumb sumbitch ii) an incompetent moron

There was also indication that they were either using, or planning to use this experimental bullshit called yojimbo which they were Golden backers of. If they did end up using it, fucking laffo emote because it explains everything.

If they are now testing 60 client sessions, it’s not because they magically came up with new networking tech (note that it’s not listed anywhere in the dev schedule) at the spur of the moment. It’s because they have realized that the AWS instances (these are the different tiers) they were usingvfor severs, are simply incapable of handling the additional shit that 3.0 is now throwing at it. Unfortunately for them, moving to higher tier AWS instances is not only going to cost them money, but it’s also NOT going to solve the networking/connectivity problem. It’s just going to solve the server’s ability to just fuck off and die at some point. And it was doing just that - CONSISTENTLY - in the tests they just had.

Using the cloud to build a MMORPG <– This is theoretical and shows you what’s possible, not that it’s possible for a real-time game, with high fidelity visuals etc

Building a World in the Clouds: MMO Architecture on AWS (MBL304) | AWS <– This is how Firefall did it. Multiplayer was pure shit. And the game died. As did the company.

<— This is how Frontier did it. And they don’t even try to do anything more than 32 clients within a “bubble/island”

They’re completely and utterly fucked; and Star Citizen will never - ever - be an MMO. Backers should just pray that they are one day able to play with 32 of their friends in a session. Fucking lol emote if they all have multi-crew ships.


The primary issue holding Star Citizen back, in my mind, is not related to technology per se.

You can write a 900-page blog about how it’s impossible or extraordinarily difficult. (Note to self: somebody might have already written one, I have to look into that.)

We can watch their horrific development practices and constant missteps all day and show that each one, by itself, stops Star Citizen from coming out, much less considering all the mistakes in aggregate.

But none of that matters. The primary issue that keeps Star Citizen from releasing is that their monetization scheme runs in 100% opposition to releasing a game, or even fixing what they have.

Many things need to be gutted to the core and either reworked or rebuilt from the ground up, but that can’t happen because it must be 3.0, then 3.1, etc. The backers must continue to see numbers go up, and iterations of the current build continuing apace, or the funding is threatened.

The entire flight model needs reworking, before the finalized pretty models are put in, but that can’t happen, because the finished models are what they’re selling - not the game.

They’re selling finalized game assets and the illusion of progress, and that decision doomed the game. Any course correction at this point threatens to sink the incoming funds, and then it’s truly over.

That is the true E.L.E. - the point of no return they reached at some point in the last couple years when they had the chance to go back and do it right, and chose instead to forge ahead with a broken system. Now that the funding and the development efforts are fully opposed, it’s only a matter of time before they collide.

goon avatar

Hopefully someone still has the screenshot cause this was a fair while ago, back around those heady days before even the persistent universe kicked in. Anyway a guy who wanted to do podcasts and stuff about Star Citizen and other space games cracked a joke in a previous incarnation of this thread (I think about people killing themselves over Star Citizen), and not too long afterwards Sandi emailed him a screencap of his post, and then as an aside demanded to know if he had in fact been complaining that CIG wouldn’t give him the time of day for interviews for his show. It was such a ham-handed attempt at trying to scare him it kind of beggared belief but really was the first major highlight for us that people were watching this thread, feeding this information back to at the very least Sandi, and that they thought that they could try to silence dissent with the implied threat of freezing people out. Freezing people out of what I’m not sure since nothing’s fucking come out.


Another weird thing was that at one of the conventions they gave Sandi a fake award that was like a golden computer or something that was for “putting up with shit on the internet.”

As far as I know she never had any online presence in the Star Citizen community at all so what shit was she putting up with exactly?


  • Your example of her personally responding to posts from this thread

  • People being banned on RSI for posting here

  • After we criticized giving Ben donuts she awkwardly came out and placed a huge bag of donuts in the center of the frame while looking at the camera

  • After we made fun of her looking high as fuck with huge glasses and stuffing her face during shows later she just weirdly stared into the camera and started eating while smirking

I think she’s probably narcissistic enough to have been reading this thread personally. Which is funny because it means that we have had more direct influence on Star Citizen than any of the whales have had while paying 0$.

Derek Smart

Also, I remember that time when, having been accused of lying about her credentials, she did this:

The Titanic

I’m only surprised that people are still surprised today when they realize they are getting censored. Censorship has always been a major part of the CIG campaign, and also a huge pillar for its detractors.

CIG has been removing posts to “concern” or deleting them since maybe about a year into the project. The major selling point for their whole Spectrum stuff was to help them censor posts better. If they didn’t like something, they prevent new posts, and then it magically disappears out of view.

If any of the upset users are reading this, this isn’t a new thing. CIG very much does specifically go out of their way to ensure they control the narrative of what potential new and existing backers can read. This is because their business plan doesn’t involve actually releasing a product.

Go ahead and ask CIG how they plan to maintain an international company after they release a buy-once non-subscription model game to consumers. You’ll get no answers from CIG, but about a million different responses from sycophants. Probably almost as many answers as you would if you asked about even basic gameplay mechanics. allears emote

There is a reason for that, but you’ll need to put 2 and 2 together on your own, and not think it’s some stupid “goon conspiracy”. It’s all CIG, all the way down to the rotten core.


There wasn’t always heavy censorship, at least not obvious stuff at first. IIRC it wasn’t until sometime between the LTI Uprisings and when Arena Commando released and the great Flight Model Wars began. At first they just katamari’d posts they didn’t like from a really wide range of barely related shit, making those subjects too hard to meaningfully follow (especially without being able to tell where posts/threads originated once spliced in) with their fast and loose qualifiers. It was well contained from normal sight since most folks avoided the forum mosh pits since it was still a hopeful time and circlejerking still didn’t require erection enhancements for a lot of the og’s, but eventually the waters of discontent started overflowing the levees of the toxic waste pits they were consigned to.

That’s when they came up with the ‘concern’ forum, a special walled garden gulag to hide unsightly posts and naughty hints of disbelief or talk of accountability in a dungeon far from public view and even obscured from wide eyed inductees. Moderation became increasingly heavy handed as dreams continued to collide with reality, a patch a time back when they still did that and at some point they needed even more control to maintain the narrative. CIG had long since recognized r/starcitizen was where the whales really hung out anyhow, so they capitalized on the existing arrangement once the katamari’s and Concern forum and brownshirting was no longer enough to staunch the flow coming from the cracks.

Enter, Spectrum. They made a site that’s basically their own little North Korea that makes it easy to keep up appearances and disappear anyone/anything unbefitting of dear leader’s visionTM but also made such a shitty mess of the forum for users that there was a critical mass herd migration to reddit. There they can generally maintain the narrative between sycophant brigades, retards on reddit, sunk cost grey marketers and good ole astroturfing etc, though outside the hugbubble of r/sc they often get drown in the bathtub of facts by non cultists that recognize the situation is laughably abnormal 6 years/160mil into this fever dream.

goon avatar

Banks don’t sell you products for putting your money into your account. This goes down to the very definition of transactions and commerce and this argument is so transparent you might as well type “Well I’m going to just make up whatever I have to do post positively about Star Citizen.”

If CIG doesn’t want people returning thousands of dollars of products they haven’t received yet they should either stop selling so many products they aren’t making or actually fucking make them.


The logical conclusion that with millions of dollars on the line they straight up lied about the state of their product is just ridiculous. (Company) wouldn’t misrepresent (Product) for money! They love me!


My theory is this:

Once 2017 hit Squadron 42 isn’t being talked about much anymore. Work probably progressed on it or The Prelude until early this year and at some point the idea had to have been abandoned. I tend to think that all the leaks about how ridiculous the animation data was were correct. Especially when you consider the slides putting this at 10x the speaking roles of actual studio releases of animated films. Chris Roberts had wanted to make a movie and had generated 90% footage and 10% gameplay with most of his budget and the footage was largely worthless due to the work required to turn tens of millions of dollars of motion capture data into anything resembling a game with a narrative that he could sell for $60.

I think they have shifted along this path

  • Planning to develop both games simultaneously with 4 studios

(time passes)

  • Already past their release date with tens of millions in Squadron 42, complete focus on finish it (Maintenance Mode PU)

(time passes)

  • Unable to deal with the hilarious clusterfuck Chris Roberts filmed, scope is reduced and a smaller step will be taken toward Squadron 42, further forgetting the PU (Prelude, A year without patches)

(time passes)

  • Development of anything to do with petabytes of mocap footage becomes so expensive that the forgotten PU is now front and center to make money (Fake Demos late 2016)

(a lot of time passes)

  • Once the main 2017 sales start getting closer CIG starts producing more fake demos but is now apparently struggling to develop something that actually resembles them. (3.0) Work has obviously just started on it sometime recently but they are running with it 100% and are no longer talking about Squadron 42. Due to almost bankrupting the company on Squadron 42 for years their last resort is a broken tech demo they had largely been ignoring. It’s all they have and that leads us to now where they are frantically trying to cram more features into an ancient engine they should have never used in the first place.

It’s a shame that we have to speculate so much about what is actually happening at THE WORLD’S MOST OPEN GAME DEVELOPMENT STUDIO. I’m pretty confident about that chain of events and if I was as crazy as Derek i would probably look up all the supporting tweets and information for each step but I don’t care enough to spend an eternity digging through endless amounts of bullshit to highlight my points.

peter gabriel
Derek Smart


So I wrote The Road To 3.0 article that the recent 48-60 client test was just a ruse and propaganda which just happens to start 2 weeks before the anniversary sales.

Like always it served no purpose other than to start propaganda ahead of the upcoming sale, as well as perhaps their testing of new (possibly .x.large) AWS tiers which they think is going to provide better experience and performance. (it’s not)

The main issue here is that they know the server can’t handle more than 10 clients in any reasonable (think combat, traversal etc) form, and that the server is still completely unstable. So, ask yourself why they’re doing these sort of client tests now, when they should be fixing bugs, getting the build complete, getting the game to run at least 16 clients – solid – before reaching for the insurmountable. It makes no sense. But it does make sense when you consider all the similar bullshit they’ve pulled these past years.

This was 48 player maxed out server. The physical core counts range from 4 to 20 cores.


  • 11-13 average fps – with no combat

  • 17-25 during server start and shortly after in a ship and just flying around – no combat

Yes, a 20 core Xeon @ 3.7Ghz can’t even handle 12 fps on average. And not even an overclocked 7700K @ 5Ghz could maintain 25 fps.

Remember, RSI/CIG keeps all this under wraps, is actively using DMCA takedowns on YouTube, Vimeo, etc to suppress this Evocati test information from getting out. For a game that’s supposedly “open development” and which backers have reportedly given $164 million to develop. As funding continues to decline (currently down -40%) drastically year on year, it’s clear to see that they are coming up with new tricks. But ignore us though, keep giving them money and wait for what comes next.


In addition to the total of 16 corporations involved in this venture, a few days ago on 11/08/17, they created another one. This time a foreign entity called “Cloud Imperium LLC”. It’s not even complete yet, but you can go to and search for “Imperium” to pull it up. So that’s 17 in total now that we know of.

Mini r/ds meltdown

Brief setup: ‘jester86 is the mod of the Totally Normal Derek Smart Testicle Obsession Subreddit and also the Ethically Questionable Grey Market Nerd-Fleecing Subreddit.’

Beet Wagon

lmao, Jester using an alt account to advertise black market services on the refunds subreddit. Now I’ve seen it all.

Exhibit A: this post by one Ivan_SC advertising black market shit on /refunds

Exhibit B: Jester responding to comments in that thread with comments clearly written as “Ivan” lol. These comments don’t exist because as soon as he realized the issue he deleted them, but since he’s flagged for manual comment approval they’re still in the modmail. Whoops!

Beet Wagon

It’s a common issue if you use their app - it’ll show you PMs and comment replies for all your accounts regardless of which one you’re currently signed in as. It also lets you respond to them, and doesn’t show you which account you’re logged in as until after lol. Reddit is shit.

goon avatar
goon avatar

Star citizen is some kind of fucking scam fractal

reddit emote

goon avatar

Dude come on. It’s okay to have an alt account. In fact it makes sense with the way CIG deals with black market trades - you’d want to protect your grey market account of course. You and I both know what comments you made and deleted on this account.

I’m only frustrated because as a moderator you should know better than to advertise on someone else’s subreddit without asking.


Nah I was pretty vocal about my ceasing trading a few years ago, enough was enough and there’s no money left in it. Ivan and I are org mates though.


You’re a liar (which is no surprise) and you have finally been caught Red handed again. I have first hand experience with your lies and duplicitous nature.

This is why as the mod of a hate sub engaged in targeted harassment of a guy writing about the project, you have every reason and incentive to encourage attacks and defamation against him. Because you benefit financially from it.


Holy fuck that was quick! I knew it! Ahahahah I knew it. But no, I’m not him. My org knows us as separate people, we used to deal a store together, I used him to sell off my ships when I wanted out, that’s the extent of it. Sorry to crush your dreams. But hell go write a blog anyway.

goon avatar

So when jester was handing out bans and deleting posts from anyone who said he had a financial motive for running r/ds, not only were they absolutely right but he was deliberately and dishonestly abusing his mod powers to conceal it from the nerds he was stealing from and encouraging to attack the warlord.

Scams within scams.

reddit emote

Discussing the archive’s future

So for a long time we’ve discussed (internally) on what the end goal and exit strategy for this archive is. It’s purpose is to discuss Derek’s gripes, groans and opinions, however that comes at a cost - namely, our sanity. It’s not sustainable given the amount of moderation this community needs lately.

after trying various crowd control techniques over the past 2 years the only real option left, in my opinion, is switching to read only.

Originally we had discussed doing this when 3.0 was released as the public build. Unfortunately that’s taking a lot longer (re: months, years) than we’d hoped and now that the Christmas season is upon us we’re faced with the issue of holidays and the extra traffic (and potential increase in Derek’s posting habits) it brings. I won’t be here for most of December so I know this place will probably go to shit without me keeping an eye on it. Trying to keep it afloat during my honeymoon was very difficult and not something I want to attempt doing again on my next holiday.

goon avatar

With 3.0 entering evocati, it is only a matter of weeks not months until Derek is proven wrong once and for all. Instead of hanging around to enjoy the moment and watch Derek meltdown like Chernobyl, I’m going to shut up shop because… I’m busy all of a sudden.

Forever un-bamboozled,


Virtual Captain

Clear some space in the trophy room:

reddit emote

/r/DerekSmart has never been a democracy. There will be no public vote as to the future of the subreddit. At this point the moderation staff is severely fatigued and is suffering repeated personal attacks, which is completely unacceptable.

As of next week, /r/DerekSmart will transition to read only and ultimately will be sent to private access at an undetermined future date.