November Set 3

November Set 3

November Set 3

wrap up the r/ds meltdown real quick

goon avatar

“We’re not owned! We’re not owned!” the posters of r/ds shrieked as often and as loudly as possible before the enveloping silence…

goon avatar

“This doesn’t mean you won!” I sneer with my face pressed to the ground by Alexander’s sandal and illuminated by fires in Persepolis.

Beet Wagon

It’s one of my favorite parts of this whole thing. The whole bottom half of the meta thread over there is people crying about “how come /refunds isn’t going read-only?”

Uhhhh…. cause we actually discuss refunds there instead of writing murder fanfiction about a stranger.

goon avatar

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Oh, look! There’s Derek claiming victory thinking he got us closed down!

Hey Derek! You didn’t get us closed down! We left you!

goon avatar

Ok back to Star Citizen




*Buys a fake vending machine for his fake hangor filled with fake ships WHERE NOTHING FUCKING WORKS* sterv emote

goon avatar

Interesting post from a software developer I do respect:

GitLab Blog

Refactoring is that word that a new, super-green developer mentions on day one when they suggest to rewrite everything in Angular. That hasn’t happened at GitLab. Our frontend devs tend to be very conservative, which is a very good thing. Which begs the question, why does it seems like everyone is always refactoring? What are they trying to achieve? I can only speak for GitLab. What do we want to achieve with a refactor? In reality it’s going to cost a lot of money.

The costs are:

Cost of doing the refactoring.

Cost of testing the change.

Cost of updating tests and documentation.

You also have more risk:

Risk of introducing bugs.

Risk of taking on a huge task that you can’t finish.

Risk of not achieving the quality/improvements you intended.

The Titanic

The soul of the project has transformed from passion into deceit. Here’s my general take on the transformation:

My opinion on this is that one of the big drama bombs was Sandi, because she actually believed she was literally the smartest person in the room at all times. There are others as well, but she was a Star because of her attitude.

This ultimately lead to her direct confrontation with Beer4TheBeerGod in a CS case, which ultimately resulted in her looking like a fool.

When all this happened, she pulled out of Twitter, pulled out of customer service, and basically pulled out of everything not related to being on camera or hobnobbing with movie stars.

I firmly believe that up to this point, Star Citizen was very personal to her. She was personally invested in its success because she was making tons of money from it, and up to now had fought tooth and nail to make it what it was. During her come to Beer moment though, she realized being made a fool publicly wasn’t worth it anymore, and she had more than enough money to just do what she wanted to do (be an actress), so has since vanished onto the cutting room floor of indie Hollywood movies. She no longer cares about the game because she already is a millionaire.

So why then is there less drama now than there was before? Well, simply put it’s no longer personal for the head people who couldn’t be trusted with themselves. They’ve made their money, and can just keep “doing what they do” and ignore the people bashing it.

They know Star Citizen is not going to become the game promised. So why defend it to the death like it will? No need. Just keep pimping, keep lying, and keep the narrative mostly positive like it’s real and they’ll keep making money until they want to stop the money train.

When this was a Roberts passion project there was plenty of fun to be had. But since it’s transformed into a very blatant cash grab, the passion is gone, the soul is black, and because of that there is really no excitement going on outside of laughing at the latest video of lies. It’s a soulless project now, and it shows on every level.

goon avatar

So, here’s the interesting thing about Lesnick’s “joke website”. Recently, my local MP was suspended for being a moron and saying poor taste things in his younger years.

CIG essentially promoted Ben after his, far worse, collection of thoughts were exposed.

Boy, those 1400+ screenshots of a Philadelphia News Reporter sure isn’t creepy or stalker’ish behavior. That sort of creepy attitude is only a thing goons would do! NO, there’s no double standard in labelling all goons as criminals when Ben Lesnick clearly is a racist fuck and therefore that would mean all Star Citizens are racist fucks.

Now let me get back to jacking off to this reporter, I can almost smell the cheese steaks…

goon avatar

We called it “Ben-ghazi”.

Here’s the thread:

goon avatar

Not only was Ben in his mid 20s when he did a lot of the things on his website, he literally tried to blame attempting to be a cool kid like the people on SomethingAwful for his behavior, yet the site had equally representative behavior which predated the existence of SomethingAwful.

Also, if I remember correctly, he had publicly linked his website 6 months before any Goon found it. It was only when he publicly linked its existence a second time that somebody here found it.

We were literally digging for it so hard, he had to broadcast its existence twice before we saw it.

goon avatar

When Chris Roberts asked for $500,000 during the kickstarter he got $2,134,374, but that was great because he could make the game and it would be amazing.

In fact, if you add what they raised on their own website during the kickstarter period they raised $6.2 million. Then Chris Roberts said he was going to do without investors and could make the game for $14-20 million.

Reaching $20 million there was much joy, though costs and postage means they really need 23 million.

$23 million was duly raised.

The cheering was great at Games Com when Chris walked on stage to tell them they’d just broken $50 million.

According to the RSI website, they are currently on over $164 million, not counting several years worth of subscriptions.

Anyone mad about a few dozen people refunding, even if the amounts are sometimes in the thousands, is actually really worried $164 million isn’t enough.


In far less provocative news, there’s a new CIG Interview at Glassdoor.

Interview Questions

”Describe this pen to me.”

So he/she failed to adequately describe a pen during a pear-to-pear interview. Next time he/she will nail it, though.

goon avatar

The nib is hand formed in 18-carat gold, contains military grade ink. The barrel is carved from Banu aromatic sandalwood. The pen is presented in a number limited edition wooden case, come with a brochure for the lucky purchaser or recipient. The discerning purchaser can also have the pen emblazoned with a custom phrase in Latin, a tidy $2,000 price tag.

goon avatar

reddit emote

We’re receiving some updates that CSR’s are now locking ships (they have a grey outline and are unmeltable) related to the scam alert posted yesterday. If you’ve bought anything recently you should check this is not the case for you. If it is, begin screenshotting Reddit communications, RSI details, invoice details etc. to supplement your Paypal dispute incase accounts are deleted.

goon avatar

I believe it’s saying that customer service reps are locking ships to accounts and preventing them from being turned into store credit or gifted to another account.

What that has to do with ship sales is beyond me. While I know that the process is pretty streamlined at this case I can’t imagine that funds are being transferred beyond the hands of a middleman without some assurance that the ship itself can be moved.

That’s why you use a middleman.

CIG loved shipsales back in the day as it presented not only a kind of safety valve for people contemplating dropping real cash (oh boy I can just flip it for a profit later) but really provided a sense of confidence in giving someone insane amounts of money amounted to some kind of investment that could be withdrawn from. For a long while now they’ve been making increasingly obvious movements towards viewing that collective pool of store credit as toxic and counter productive to bringing in new cash. So maybe they’re adding additional obstacles to people being able to melt ships for credit?

Either way it’s good news for Star Citizen.

goon avatar

1. You buy $100 worth of jpegs

2. You trade a $50 jpeg to someone else’s account in exchange for their $30 jpeg

3. You request a refund

4. They investigate, say “you’re only entitled to $50 of refunds”

5. You accept, they close your account, the $30 jpeg you traded for isn’t yours to refund and just disappears into the ether

peter gabriel

From top to bottom every single aspect of this project is fucked

goon avatar

Vacanies at 67, highest since March 2016


Senior Gameplay Engineer

November 13, 2017


Strong multi-threaded programming skills.

Experience with multiplayer programming


• Online game and/or MMO development experience, ideally including interfacing with backend server code


Senior Systems Designer**

November 10, 2017


Design and develop new features for the Squadron 42 and the Persistent Universe, working closely with the Lead Designer and the Game Director to ensure Chris Roberts’ vision for Star Citizen becomes reality.

Be the “go to” person for the implementation of complex systems that stretch the capabilities of the engine and challenge the expectations of the players.

Be a leader within the department for cleanly implementing content with our designer tools and scripting languages.

Develop prototypes that clearly articulate the vision of the features for which you are responsible.

Pitch concepts, designs and full-proposals to project leads.

Partner with cross-disciplinary teams to execute game systems.

Use expert data analysis skills plot how the game is being used. Draw conclusions and make recommendations for how to improve the experience.

Identify and resolve conflicts with other disciplines in a way that best meets the design goals of the project.

Review work at various stages of implementation to ensure the execution matches the vision, goals and quality requirements.

Routinely collect feedback from user-testing, the development team and design management.

Identify solutions to the problems expressed that won’t negatively impact other systems or mechanics.

Create and refine gameplay mechanics.

Contribute to Tools and workflow development, highlighting bottlenecks or suggesting areas where tools could improve workflow.


5+ years of professional experience in game development – in a System/Tech Designer capacity

Shipped (from pre-production to release) 2+, large scale, 3D titles (PC, current/next-gen consoles)

Knowledge and experience with a C style programming or scripting language.

Must have knowledge in writing script to handle gameplay systems such as weapon balancing, navigation mechanics, basic AI behavior, and scripted sequences.

Positive, solution-orientated individual with a passion for game development.

Experience with next generation AAA game engines.

High degree of self-motivation and initiative.

Inherent ability to bring out the best in people around you, remains positive, and motivate your team.

Expert in time management, verbal and written communication skills.

Ability to gather, analyze, and act on feedback from the team, openness to critique.

Passion and constant drive to stay up to date with latest technology and new techniques.

Excellent English communication and written skills.

Willing to relocate to Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

International Travel may be required as part of the role


Knowledge and prior experience with multiple scripting languages.

Experience with building behavior tree based AI.

FPS gameplay experience.

Massively Multiplayer Game experience.

MP debugging experience.


Experience in data analysis.

Strong interest in science fiction based themes.

goon avatar



Schimmel has a proven talent for reinforcing Chris’s delusory sense of superiority to all any and all possible competitors and as such is indispensable.

Sometimes it seems like that is the LA office’s primary purpose, manning and fortifying the defensive perimeter around Chris’s precious and vulnerable ego. Whether it’s John Schimmel declaring the obvious superiority of the game they hadn’t even started building yet, or Ben Lesnick treating Wing Commander arcana he discovers on eBay like it was another Dead Sea Scrolls discovery at Qumran, or Josh Herman telling those snotty Foundry punks Amir Boparai & Ricky Jutley that “CR was not joking about the worm” (so you sure as hell better stop doing that), CIG LA is definitely keeping Chris awash in the luxuriating delusions to which he’s become accustomed.


Beet Wagon


goon avatar

Star Citizen and CR a long analogy :

The most luxurious ship in the world, the RMS Titanic is sinking having struck an iceberg on her starboard bow, her bow is now under water up to the bridge and the lower decks are flooding fast, dragging the ill fated vessel to her doom. Captain Smith, a man of reputation and an experienced sailor, runs aft towards the galley, dodging through the crowd of over paying passengers, pausing only for autographs and to “um, er, 3 point oh” away questions of their fate. He finally reaches the galley, catching his breath and giving a cursory glace at the inventory of stores he spies the item he needs to save the ship.

Captain Smith, marches purposefully at an angle to counter the now heavily listing ship, to a fine glass cupboard, the engravings are wonderful. He reaches in and collects a small ornate sherry glass, with his prize secured he now begins to head downwards, into the bowels of the ship where he can work his way forward towards the damage. The lights are flickering as the doomed vessels electric generators and batteries are damaged by the salty brine welling up from the lower decks, he presses on into the gloom, water shin deep to start with but within a few short minutes he finds himself wading knee, then waist, then neck deep in frothy brine.

Finally, he has gone as far as he can, he is directly below the bridge and deep within the ship. Clamping an arm around an overhead freshwater pipe he retrieves the sherry glass from his jacket pocket, dips it into the seawater and then with a grimace and steely determination, turns to make the trip back to the upper promenade. The swim is perilous and long, but finally the water level becomes gradually lower until he see’s the picture postcard perfect starry sky above. The over paying passengers see him rise from the service hatch, and gasp.

The Captain has only one final task to complete to save his beloved ship, with one hand over the top of the sherry glass to prevent the liquid from escaping, he strides confidently as far astern as he can, fighting gravity as the angle of the deck becomes ever steeper. He reaches the handrail of the port side promenade, the now silent crowd of passengers watch intently as their savior finishes what he started. In one deft move, Smith lifts his hand from the sherry glass and simultaniously pours the contained saltwater over the side back to whence it came.

The passengers erupt in a cacophony of roaring cheers that shakes and rattles the very deck they are standing on, arms are flung high, smiles abound “He’s done it, we’re saved!!” they chant almost in unison, eyes bulging, faces reddening, capileries bursting with the screaching effort. Lifting the brave Captain onto their shoulders, they parade him over to the starboard side and place him down, he nods and smiles, then jumps on the jetski which is packed with moneybags he had parked beside the ship and fucks off leaving them all to die while he laughs all the way to the bank. The end.

goon avatar

Evocati testing going well!

They don’t bother emailing you about the tests/procedures so if you’re not on the Spectrum 247 you might get banned allears emote

goon avatar

The people who paid thousands of dollars to test our software are not following our exact orders!

goon avatar

I guess it would make too much sense to hire a contractor to conduct testing using known hardware configurations to follow test scripts and submit data in a timely and consistent manner.

It only makes sense if you are serious about putting out an actual product, though. So in this context, the approach they’ve taken makes perfect sense



Take that, person who’s given us money!

If you can’t trust the members of your super secret club of exclusivity, who the fuck can you trust?

goon avatar
goon avatar

In the history of video games, has there ever been a project that has such an authoritative iron fist and thirst for vindictive revenge, punishment, cruelty, and humiliation as this? Because for the life of me I thought these things were SUPPOSED to be fun.

It’s not working. They can’t make it work. People in authority above them are dishing out punishments for not making it work. Sooner or later, people start thinking it’ll work if they hurt their enemies.

They’ve already ground through filthy refunders, insufficently committed fellow believers, and spies/sabotage from Big Publishing. Now they’re down to members of their own elite super-loyal testing group who don’t obey orders. Surely if they punish these people hard enough, Star Citizen will start being good and Chris will stop yelling at them.

goon avatar
goon avatar

Based on the deleted video, they have the same access as normal. They choose a ship from a menu on the Port Olisar computer terminal. Then the computer literally gives them the wrong ship. lol

That’s neat… so they might get banned from the evocati for spawning a blacklisted ship they didn’t even request laffo emote

goon avatar

An evocati goon sent me this on his carrier pigeon:

We have access to all the ships in etf but we literally had to fight for it, because cig wanted players to play like they only had access to their paid ships. Which is hilarious if you consider that half the ships in the game have horrendous bugs that need desperate focus testing. Pointing this out was the argument that ultimately persuaded CIG to give us access to all of them.

goon avatar

A normal dev team: “oh look, whenever ship X spawns, the server crashes. How about I just turn off the ability to spawn ship X.”

Crobbits team of modders: “do wop woah diddy dum fuck you, banned!”

goon avatar

just another example of sc doing things that have never been done before and hitting problems nobody knew existed.

Being able to control what spawns in a mmo, who could have predicted that would be useful?

goon avatar

A normal dev team: “oh look, whenever ship X spawns, the server crashes. How about I just turn off the ability to spawn ship X.”

Crobbits team of modders: “do wop woah diddy dum fuck you, banned!”


reddit emote

I created my account at the end of 2016 and after some months of thinking about buying the game in March-April I bought my first ship then played for a while and stopped, waiting for the v.3 to play again.

So as you may know I was just too tired to wait and wanted to start playing but big surprise when I tried to login I saw this message:

This account does not exist or is no longer active.

What can I do besides sending them a message it’s been 2 weeks without an answer.

Edit: So as suggested by some of you I double checked my emails it seems that my bank made a refund to my bank account cause they thought it was a fraud obviously I never saw the email warning me about this and that’s why they took down my account. Thanks anyway for all your support I really appreciate it.

laffo emote My bank thought this was a scam. I taught them a lesson and spent that money on the same fraud as before!

peter gabriel

When your banks security algorithms recognise Star Citizen as a scam you really need to stop and think about all this shit

peter gabriel

Hey guys my bank thinks this is a scam how do I get round that rather than take a long hard look at things?


“Star Citizen” exists in the realm of the imagination right now. You can’t get pissed off at how bullshit it’s pay 2 win mechanics are because you can’t state with 100% certainty what the specifics of it’s mechanics actually even will be. Even though they are obviously bullshit you can technically argue they might not be bullshit. That technicality is all they need.

Like LTI. Nobody even knows how that works but we know backers have paid tens of millions of dollars for the concept. It’s pay2win bullshit but backers live in that little area of the brain that makes you go “Well we don’t know for certain it will be bullshit, and here is all of the ways it could not be bullshit.” They won’t get angry because they don’t want to which is a luxury of the state of the product and it having no firm definition of anything at any level.

All of that falls apart when there is a game though.


If CIG is smart enough to take out a payday loan to play the currency market somehow then I trust them with my savings.

A $2,700 space ship bond will have 400% growth in value, just ask MoMA! You’d be stupid not to buy!

peter gabriel

Don’t use Star Citizen as a bank, looking at the Twitch views you’ll see it has a very very low interest rate