Posted on November 19, 2017 | written by GOONRATHI
Random Assortment
Posted on November 19, 2017 | written by GOONRATHI
Random Assortment
god i’d rub anyone to read the amd letter
I have a p good feeling we will see the AMD letter by the end of 2018 or 2019
there’s some serious people sniffing around, and I don’t mean gaming sites n stuff
If the rings spin off due to collisions with player ships, that would be because the rings are created as physics objects (which makes them conserve momentum during collisions), and are configured with a preposterously small amount of mass relative to the ships. It would be incredibly stupid to make those rings physics objects at all. They should be normal game objects with normal colliders which basically give them infinite intertia (think Doom-style walls).
This is yet more evidence for me that CIG has massively downscaled all objects in the game world. An example would be, if a humanoid model is ususllay 1 CryEngine unit in FarCry, making a human 0.001 unit and scaling everything relative to that would effectively make your level 1000x bigger. 1 meter turns into 1km.
Of course, any fucking freshspawn game developer right out of college looking for apples on the coast knows not to do this, because it breaks your physics engine (everything acts like it doesn’t have enough mass) and it fucks with collisions (because collision detection is only accurate down to roughly the centimeter depending on how fast the object is moving and what your framerate is). Any of that sound familiar?
That’s why I always rail on the SC devs. They appear to have made almost every possible rookie mistake in the book and they don’t seem to be fixing any of it, just building more floors on top of the burning wicker foundation which was built on a landfill which once was a sacred Native American burial ground.
Star Citizen is fundamentally doomed and will, imo, never be salvaged into a playable game.
I love posts like this, it’s cool to see the plausible “under the hood” explanations as to why everything in Star Citizen is so fucked.
It also reinforces that no amount of “tweaking” will be able to solve problems like this, the fuckup is something that’s at a base level, and you’d have to literally start from scratch to “fix” it.
Help Needed: Favorite Moments in Star Citizen’s Development
Greetings Citizens,
Nothing formal. Nothing official. But today as we celebrate today’s 5th birthday of the original announcement, I thought it’d be fun to see what you guys thought were your favorite moments from Star Citizen’s development.
Now, this can be anything. A clip from a show. A particular patch or feature. A reveal or moment from a live event. Whatever moments stand out for you from the last five years.
Of course, in addition to sharing yours, don’t forget to vote for others that you agree with.
Oh, and Happy Birthday, Star Citizens.
top reply -
time is a flat circle, star citizen thread.
Someone needs to post the clip of CRoberts trying to demonstrate the game he’d obviously never seen before in that thread.
That was for sure a precious moment of SC development.
I love citizen con because every year they show just enough made up bullshit on powerpoint slides to keep that sweet sweet whale blubber flowing for yet another year
The Titanic
You realize coming up with these ideas is very hard. Chris Roberts can only have so many award winning genius ideas in a life time.
WW2 in space is very hard to pull off. Especially since your atmosphere is very 1940’s, but your hidden technology is space-age.
Like your people have guns that shoot bullets, and everybody hard loads cargo in crates, but inside the ship is liquid gravity. Nobody weaponized it though because they can’t advance outside of WW2 in space. So the gravity goo is taken for granted.
Chris Roberts is a visionary. If only he had programming talent to layer in the basic code on these ideas. He’s like a genius without a pen to write down all these ideas on.
I’m already looking forward to his next masterpiece. Which may be a space game in a highly advanced world but everybody in it is low tech, possibly like WW2 except in space.