Posted on November 25, 2017 | written by GOONRATHI
November Set 7
Posted on November 25, 2017 | written by GOONRATHI
November Set 7
3.0 Released to wave1
wave1 includes seemingly all the streamers, subscription holders, and many concierge members
Hello thread its time to wake up. 3.0 went public PTU.
Beet Wagon
So far all I’m seeing on reddit is “screenshot of ugly terrain OMG!” and guys… I’m starting to think that maybe, just maybe… well maybe Star Citizen isn’t that good?
From the announcement:
“The goal of this initial PTU release is to increase our total player count in an effort test concurrency. We also need you to focus on testing the traversal system by quantum traveling, landing on moons, locating and visiting Levski, and just exploring the great expanse of space around Crusader.
Please note that the complete Alpha 3.0 experience is not in this build, as some features are still being implemented and refined. These features will be added to future builds when ready for wider testing.”
It’s not working.
What isn’t?
DJKnight has just clipped through the planet surface
You can bump someone interacting with the ship console and it knocks them out of the menu.
Got my new profession lined up in the Verse by the way.
There’s no way this streamer either isn’t aware how broken 3.0 is (given how much he’s focusing on walking around and looking at things and not actually doing anything) or he’s been coached and/or paid.
The vocal enthusiasm for 3.0 doesn’t match the fact that there’s no enthusiasm in the playing.
**Holy fuck, they need to drive 37kms to get somewhere at a ridiculous snail’s pace. Vehicle physics don’t seem to be any different to no-clip starships.
And then the Ursa rover somehow ended up in space.**
It’s so weird to me that he opened up the new missions screen, saw like half a dozen entries there, but didn’t examine any of them and then went back to walking around in circles talking about how good it is.
That’s certainly the behavior I expect of someone who has just gotten his hands on something new and exciting.
Glad to see clipping out of the cockpit is still in 3.0. Gotta keep the classics.
The buildings to the left and right of the flight path as he lands at Levski are 2d sprites - you can see them sliding around, they aren’t attached to the ground. Shadows are baked on. It’s quite obvious. e: if someone can grab this that’d be amazing, it’s a live stream and I don’t know what I’m doing.
So the seamless planetary landing is:
1: You fly to a waypoint in orbit
2: You fly down to the waypoint on the ground
It’s a pre-determined flight path.
The travel between planetary bodies is pre-determined as well.
Performance-wise it is running like utter piss, it’s really bad.
Mocap NPC at Levski, his hands clip through his body as he emotes, that’s allegedly the problem with all of the SQ42 mocap
Single digit frames inside Levski base everywhere
BPM monitor on HUD and Mobiglass don’t match
“This game is early access, if you aren’t interested in early access it ain’t for you”
11-14 fps in Levski pretty much consistently
Background music stuttering badly, .5s gaps of silence in the bg music
“50 players per server now, this has also decreased the fps”
Miles Eckhart NPC not working, wasn’t able to interact, “there’s really no point in going to Levski right now, you can’t do missions right now”
Another player has arrived at Levski, let’s see how this works. They arrange to meet at the 14fps statue…
Music is stuttering and skipping with a vengeance now
PLAYER 1 is waiting at the bar, PLAYER 2 is coming down the stairs now…
“Can I live with 15fps? No of course I can’t live with 15fps”
PLAYER 3 on chat “It’s just crashed on me, I’m gonna leave it there”
PLAYER 2 “It’s so laggy it’s hard to tell what the fuck I’m looking at”
PLAYER 2 arrives at bar, PLAYER 1 can’t see him
PLAYER 2 on voice chat “Scam! Get a refund!”
PLAYER 2 is trying to interact with Miles Eckhart, PLAYER 1 can see Eckhart interacting but can’t see PLAYER 2
Aaaaaand PLAYER 1 exits the game
end of live blog thanks for listening get a refund -
Astropub has loaded up an empty Star Marine game now, he gave up with 3.0. Don’t blame him, 11-14fps with one other player that he couldn’t even see. What a pile of shit, no gameplay in sight - like NONE.
You know what, watching that actually put me in the mood for firing up Elite and just doing some random planetary missions and taking the old buggy for a spin in 60fps with superior graphics
When the dude clips thru the moon one minute into this you can see which objects are “real” (that is, not part of the moon). So the buildings and the stalagmite-like rock formations are regular 3D objects while the slopes and hills are the ground generated by the planetary tech.
Ironically the only thing I’ve seen working in 3.0 are the doors.
Everything else is broken, everything.
Why do the ‘vessel’ thrusters sound like Ben chewing the mic?
What does your heart tell you?
Reprise from October 6
More than 2000 years after the original event, we get to celebrate this very special time of year by watching the Jesus patch being born and then instantly crucified.
It’s magical, and I for one am glad that unlike the Romans, we have easy access to plentiful supplies of popcorn. :)
Please let my Christmas stocking be stuffed full of Major Tom 3.0 videos.
Like some posts earlier “He can’t even get in to a ship”. Then one post later “he clipped through the ground on the moon”. Like which is it. You owned yourselves in less than a post. Shits gonna be janky but you are acting like its so much worse than it is.
Troll or not this is a pretty good impression of backer thinking.
They’re not gonna be seeing the godawful jank and everything being broken, they’re going to be blown away by the fact that they can do something other than wander around a single space station. The mere fact they have an update with “3.0” printed on it (irrespective of it being nothing like the original scope of 3.0) is enough to claim victory over derek smart Derek Smart DEREK SMART
We’ll see $200million out of this dumpster fire yet!
However, you can’t deny that’s exactly what the shills are thinking right now. They’re so desperate for good news that literally any update (even a horribly broken one that is mostly unplayable) will be heralded as the next coming of Christ.
CRobbler unexpectedly squeezing this large turd out to PTU before it’s even remotely ready is a fucking genius move and SC backers are dumb enough to fall for it every single time.
Looks like Roberts won, time to wrap it up goonailures.
This will never not make me laugh.
It’s one of the early sketch comedies CIG created during the post Wingman early ATV era, usually as a lead-in for a short-lived series “Sandi Goes To Flight School”.
It was a botched attempt to make Sandi appear more likeable in “she’s a gamergirl!” kind of way. But Sandi’s visible unease with both acting and Star Citizen itself was simply unmistakable. It was bad enough even CIG realized they were pushing their luck, as only goons looked forward to the next installment. So they phased it out without comment and slowly started dialing her persona back to something more natural to her — disinterested news reader patronizing a viewership she’ll be happy to kick to the curb as soon as she gets her big Hollywood break and becomes relevant to a demographic with greater social currency.
Any day now.
Twerk just now: “i really want to show you guys missions — hopefully they fix the mission system. I was unable to complete every mission… except for the dookie one — where you pick up shit.”
Having watched several streams my $6 million prediction remains but now for the refunds sub.
So basically CIG decided that the best way to maintain enthusiasm funding was to show just how fucked they are publicly?
They saw how the thread was doing and decided to help us out
In 2022, Star Citizen will be in a “Failed Kickstarter” Humble Bundle, with the soundtrack as a free bonus, and customers will be asking to buy the soundtrack without the game included.
“But you don’t have to activate the Star Citizen game code…”
“Nah, you take it back. I don’t want it listed in my library of available games.”
“But you can listen to the soundtrack without playing the game!”
“Nah, it’s my money. Kill Jester.”
Would you like to be? Apply now, and you could be CIG Lead Structural Designer within a few months!
It has a much better fly model. Just check this shit out!
Thanks for the audio. I needed to go to sleep early tonight. This is perfect.
4. General server desync.
Problem: The SC servers are being stress tested and are failing the test. Even during the midnight hours when no one in your region is playing, there will still be desync until the developers fix the problem. This particular issue is causing SEVERAL other issues you will encounter.
6. Doors won’t open, the context menu won’t come up
Problem: I’ve encountered this several times, especially when the desync is bad. Try looking at the open-pad on the door holding F from several different angles, and if that fails try another door. Also make sure that you have armor, and an undersuit equipped because you can’t go outside in a T-shirt. If that fails, you are shit out of luck.
7. I went to go sit down on a bench, and now I can’t get up because there is no option.
Problem: You sat on the bench, now you’re fucked.
Solution: You can’t even kill yourself on this one (ALT + Delete). You have to go back to menu, then sit through that agonizing load-in (if there’s even room for you in the server).
9. I took too long to get in my ship that I spawned at Port Olisar and the station spawned another ship INSIDE of mine.
Solution: Run, run far away as quickly as you can. It looks funny, but walking up to observe this catastrophe will crash your game.
11. I started climbing a ladder and now I’m stuck.
Problem: You’ll get onto the ladder then it’ll be impossible to get off. Well, you can but the game will like yank you back onto it.
Solution: After getting to the top or bottom of a ladder, stop giving input. Your character might stand still and you’ll be freed from the clutches of the ladder. If not, try giving no input for just a little bit, then spamming movement keys.