Posted on December 10, 2017 | written by GOONRATHI
December Set 2
Posted on December 10, 2017 | written by GOONRATHI
December Set 2
The Titanic
$6.59M raked in for the sale.
My biggest problem, that I always have with SC, is that no matter how bad it is or how much I know I have to ignore logic, I keep assuming people are not fools.
All my projections are off because I can’t accept how stupid people are about this game.
It’s weird how square one is “these people are insane enough to spend thousands on jpegs of spaceships” and yet they still find new, inventive ways to come off as increasingly insane.
I’m a backer who originally pledged 8k worth of items, 4k were for friends of my org who have since paid me for those items. I offloaded around 1k in the grey market and now sit on just over 3k worth of ships. I know you guys have fun with the whole Toast bit - it’s cute sometimes but mostly boring others. If I were Toast, I’d likely have much more skin in the game seeing as how CIG gets ginormous discounts on ships and all.
i saw a glimpse into the good timeline where trump isn’t president, where obama passed universal healthcare, and derek smart raised 200 million for LOD 2017
croberts was crouched in an alleyway, crowdfunding from passers by, and snorting ‘fool’s coke’ he had made out of dust and crushed up rat poison
So this thread still exists but now it’s Chris posting about his July blog.
yeah some things never change no matter which reality you flee to
on twitter”]
Well, if the latest Star Citizen patch seems better on the CPU, it’s cuz after MANY weeks, whoever left Sleep (0) in the code, has now changed it to Sleep (1).
Star Citizen still has DOZENS in there. Each one can tied up a CPU to 100% utilization.
They’ve got over 400 CrySpinLock references in this. OMG! Please call up CryTek and ask them why that’s very - very - bad.
CSocketIOManagerSelect::PushUserMessage were removed by Lumberyard, but still in Star Citizen.
At this rate, I’m just going to have to keep disassembling this whole mess and just fix the performance bugs myself. God I hope they sue me. That would be hilarious.
They better credit you when the intern reads this thread and says,
“Erm, guys. You’ll never guess.
Derek just solved all our framerate issues”
In render mesh management, code lock contention has been optimized. Generally, frequent CPU spikes on server and client side due to spin locks have been removed. The relevant changes mention in last week’s report as in-progress have been submitted. People on the PTU have observed the effect of a degenerated “spin lock”. A spin lock used to control access to a shared resource when multiple threads are trying to work on it, such as a file or a memory space. It allows for very fast resource transfer between thread, but threads waiting for the resource are consuming a huge amount of CPU while waiting. It’s useful as long as each thread doesn’t wait long for the resource, otherwise it becomes a huge performance drain on all CPU cores
Derek Smart
Well, bad news. CIG didn’t remove any spinlocks or sleep(1) calls in the latest patch. hence the continued hangs, crashes and performance issues. there are still 600+ spinlocks and 400+ sleep(1) calls still in this patch.
They lied. Shocking, I know.
Using IDA disassembler and Hex-Rays Decompiler, you can see this a clear as day in the current and previous versions.
There is NO fixing bad architecture and design; so I don’t expect ANYTHING they do to yield ANY positive results in the short term. There will be crashes, hangs, and even worse performance issues if they ever survive long enough to progress beyond 3 barren moons.
My favorite part is not that the server crashes just as he’s arriving at the place he wanted to go, in the ship he wanted to be in (which probably took an hour), and instantly got a criminal record due to CIG’s buggy bullshit “criminal” system. No. My favorite part is that he muses to his subs “hey, I wonder when I reconnect if I’ll be at the same place in my ship because of persistence. Also, I’ll probably still have my criminal record, due to persistence.”
Did he spawn in to his last position? No.
Did he spawn in the ship he was last in? No.
Did he wake up back in his Port Olisar wank-pod? Yes.
Did he have a criminal record? No.
There’s no persistence man. This game’s never coming out.
For the record, persistence is one of the trickiest things to get right, especially on the programming side. You have to account for every edge case. It can’t have any bugs, because persistence bugs are what make people ragequit/uninstall/refund games. It means losing progress, and even the Stariest of Citizens will rightly lose their shit if persistence isn’t near-perfect.
The CryTek top brass don’t play softball. I know someone who was asked during a job interview there if he had an SO, because they preferred staff without attachments (family got in the way of crunch). They also had a tendency to try and trick applicants into writing actual production code to be “evaluated”. Add to that the way CryTek treated their staff during their recent financial crisis, trying to convince them not to act on missing paychecks (which in Europe can cause a loss of ability to get compensation in case of bankruptcy), was pretty shitty. They certainly don’t deserve any pity. But I am pretty sure they’ll sure hardcore if they can.
CIG sent out 3.0 invites to “wave 2” so there are a slew of new low fps bug videos:
My method of bug testing has been to attempt a cargo mission. At first, it was just to find the bugs. But after about 25 attempts, I just wanted to complete one.
So after crashes, so many many crashes. After getting stuck in Mobiglass mode; dying from standing up; dying by carrying a box onto another physics grid; having boxes disappear; having boxes jump back to the start; missions going away; locations going away; my ship going away; starmap failers; more crashes; framerate dropping to 0; mission just not acknowledging delivery; mission resetting after dropping the box; the interaction key failing after arrival and, I kid you not, a power failure right as I was about to deliver.
I finally dropped off a box and was acknowledged for it.
Over 50 attempts. I know it was the latest patch. But I can’t help but feel vindicated.
Look forward to more attempts.
To think he pays for this privilege.
Right here is pretty much the be all and end all of the last 6 years of CIG-related development hell. The “they built a roof before building the walls/painted the walls before doing the drywall” analogy has been trotted out more than once but it’s worth repeating. Roberts hired carpenters with the intent of building a house, said “wait no I want to build a castle”, got angry and fired everyone who said “well, our foundation and first floor is for a house, so if you want to make it bigger we’re going to need to start over from scratch”, and now everyone is making a massive Chernobyl-esque sarcophagus out of paper maché and elmer’s glue, and they’re trying to prop that facade up from the inside with a finite number of 2x4s that they keep stealing from people on the other side of the house. And it’s starting to rain.
Also there’s no carpenters, it’s just college grads who majored in basket weaving.
I’m not sure what the context of this is, but I’m sure it’s good for star citizen
Yeah no big we’ll just swap VR in later that’s how all the really good VR games do it right it’s not like they need entirely new versions released because literally every interface has to be rethought for VR boy it sure would be a problem if we’d sold the game repeatedly as being the ultimate VR experience or something back when VR was the big new fad oh well fuck it we’re chasing new fads now like face over IP hahaha yeah sure go ahead and buy that camera see what it gets you oops I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud I’ve been working for 96 hours straight oh well fuck you, you’ll buy anything.
This place is really hopping- there’s like 5 commando ships here which for Star Citizen is the equivalent of the Stormwind auction house steps. Naturally my FPS takes a shit due to all of this activity and I end up in a kind of uncontrolled drift-crash into the main tower. Luckily my ship and the largely-glass tower come away completely unscathed from another 2000mph impact. Somehow I manage to hang onto my bandolier of clips and medpens as well. Fidelity! I request landing, one system which miraculously has not actually failed yet, and am directed to one of the big hangar pits with the door that slides open for me to lower my ship through.
I cannot think of anything more fundamental than inventory management for an MMO and trading game. It’s such a solved problem, too. It’s just lists and DB calls! How do you fuck that up so badly? Nobody, not one person on earth, is going to have an improved gameplay experience because they had to manage every individual clip for their stupid rifle.
It gets even worse when you go to the shop for ships. At least you sort of vaguely know what a rifle or a pistol looks like. Everything in the ship shops is just a box with greebles glued on to it. There’s no information on them at all except price. Oh, I can get an Aegis Regulator for 5000 credits? Great! What is that? Is it a shield? What size is it? Is it even compatible with my ship? Is it better than what I’ve got? Oh this one’s a power plant, you say! How do you even plug that in? The only mod points on most ships are the guns on the outside.
On top of that, now you can’t even spawn shopkeepers by just giving them an inventory list. Some poor slob artist has to painstakingly go through and set down every item in the shop just so, and then some poor asshole programmer is going to have to wire all the triggers so clicking on it opens the Moby-Glass to the right page. I’ve already found several guns that are priced wrong from the ones right next to them.