December Set 10

December Set 10

December Set 10

Holiday AtV is delayed 24 hours

CIG advertised their holiday show accross IGN and amoungst their fanbase. Only to cancel it 20 or 40mins before the scheduled time to go live.

goon avatar

CIG yanks the football away at the last second again.

I love you CIG, I really, really do.

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What a trainwreck.

The hits keep on coming.

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Imagine not beeing able to show gameplay of your game after five years of development

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Seriously these guys were probably promised that they were going to have tomorrow off after working their asses off all week but nope



The eyes of the world are upon you, CIG! This is your moment! Take my energy!


Only an entitled shitbaby thinks that the company owes him a presentation!

This is peak Star Citizen

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Hi , huge french SC fan , concierge backer and all that shit , and i have to say im sad , not angry just sad .

You plan a livestream which is supposed to be a big communication tool to show SQ42 progress , you even team up with IGN , trying to build the hype.

I even saw an article on the first french videogame website , with positive comments , wanting to see what is coming and what SC / SQ42 really is , past the trolls and goons shitsayers. And what do we get ?

A 24h delay 20min before the show …. what ? How ?

How can you make something like that happen , are you a 10 man studio ? Or do you have a full community section with funding from suscriber , that’s really unprofessional and you give goons another thing to laugh at.

If you were professional , everything would be ready since at least several days … stop with amateurism please. ‘Amateurism’ may be a bit rude , but you have to do something way better (174M crowdfunded guys , sorry you re not considered as a small indie company anymore)

I hope you have amazing rock solid things to show tommorow otherwise what will remain from that is the hyped stream with teaser and everything getting delayed , clownfiesta all the way :/

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an extremely star citizen holiday surprise

Derek Smart
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From reddit

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Fucking CIG, I’ve had the worst case of blueballs since their bullshit, boring, playing-it-safe anniversary stream and these assholes delay the holiday one.

It’s extra bad because goons turned out in force and the thread is moving at the speed of sound. It’s like everyone turned up for a concert a couple of hours early to drink beer and have fun but then the band didn’t show up, so we’re just hanging around talking shit while finishing our alcohol.

It’s not even 100% a metaphor, I’ve literally been drinking alcohol since the kids fell asleep in anticipation of this disaster.

OH and by the way… a fucking TANK? Like their mountain of engineering debt wasn’t high enough, now they have to include ground combat with gameplay value AND make it so there’s situations where deploying a god damn tank is the strategically sound decision. Do these people know anything at all about tank warfare? I mean, it’s not just a beach buggy with a giant cannon you send out for shits and giggles. Also, you have literal destroyers and carriers and shit that can, at will, enter atmosphere of seemingly any planetoid. Why the fuck would you need to deploy slow, ground-bound artillery units? What the fuck could they offer a combat situation that a fucking corvette with some kickass space gun couldn’t?

Stand by for the fucking Orbital Bombardment pledge incentive rendering literally everything planetside obsolete in their shitty imaginary shit stupid poop game

Fucking melting down over stream delay, sorry

What could have been the cause for a delay at the last min?

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Hi guys, I just got off twitter with Jared, basically “technical difficulties” doesn’t cover the issue. Burst water main, a Car accident, and I quote “that and more.”

goon avatar

First it’s technical difficulties. Then Jared says his house got flooded AND someone else got into an accident. Now someone made him delete those tweets.


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Could be a Goon psychopath’s work. Wouldn’t be surprised if one of their flock is stepping up the game. These people are dangerous and severely mentally ill, sooner or later they’ll snap.. even harder than usual.

Jared deletes the tweets and says those were methaphors

goon avatar

Even without a presentation hilarity finds a way.

goon avatar

Tomorrow’s stream.

“Unfortunately, the technical issues persist. Instead, please enjoy this complimentary screening of “American Satan: The Unrated Director’s Cut”

goon avatar

He put it in quotation marks. Yeah, it was clumsy communication, but I’m pretty spergy and I saw the metaphor.

I saw it as maybe a metaphor, until he explicitly said that it did happen. I recall from previous posts that you’re, Finnish, I think it was, so maybe there’s a second language issue? To me, it was clear that he stated it was a thing that actually happened.

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After having a YEAR to make sure they got last year’s holiday live stream right? (You didn’t forget last year, now, did you?)

I’m sorry, I cannot defend CIG this time.


like why you even delete the tweets unless you realized you 100% fucked up lol

the game is released, metaphorically

goon avatar

I would have believed the broken water mains thing because CIG have never had a working pipeline in their existence.

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I went from showing everything to my friends to showing the occasional new ship. Every time I do though they ask “It is even a game yet?” and I have to shamefully say “No” only to be laughed at for paying money 3 years ago just to get a bunch of pretty pictures.

At first I thought they were wrong but I gotta admit that my mind is slowly changing. I can’t help but feel that the money I spent on SC was just lost, like a failed investment.

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Yeah I got burned by last year’s stream. It was so bad I actually turned it off because I felt so embarrassed in front of my friends. I said I’ll just update them about the game’s progress when it happens… over a year later and I nearly made the same mistake again.

There was a time I could barely contain my enthusiasm about this game, but now I strictly keep it to myself. CIG’s livestream curse is something they really need to sort out.

goon avatar

I was disappointed at first with the delay from CIG, but now I realize that this is actually a miracle.

CIG was running out of ideas, running out of time and money. Skadden’s lawyers were phoning all day long, demanding to know about this and that, and Coutts’ e-mails were filling up the inboxes of everyone in the LA office. They could only entertain us for a scant two hours with images of generic space ships and regurgitated faff from old 90’s movies, and then we’d all have to back to the drudgery of our real lives. Hollow, like death. With only real games to play and our loving families to comfort us in our time of need.

But then, when no one was expecting it, just before the final flash of hilarity and fuck-uppery that would send us off for 2017, the word came that the comedy would last much longer. Oh, and it did. The comedy burned brightly for 24 more hours! Far exceeding the limits of what we thought possible, the Goons’ cups runneth over! Mirth and merriment spread across all the forums. Joyous words rang out from the signal boosters and the FUDsters, and for that day the Goons were more than satisfied by the offerings of the Crobberts.

And so it was, that on this day a new Goon tradition emerged! From now until eternity, on every 21st of December, we Goons shall light 24 candles, one for every extra hour of hilarity, and break our water mains, then get in a fender bender to honour the miracle that has been bestowed upon us.

Crobberts be praised, for he is the true giver of laughter!

FYI whatever they end up showing is all pre-recorded

goon avatar
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This is even more damning tbh

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Basically what he’s saying is: “We want to have shitizens comment on it live, while we also want it all staged and pre-recorded so that we get to pull off whatever smoke and mirrors we want and look like badasses.”

10:1 the reason for the delay is that they couldn’t even get the smoke and mirrors working sufficiently on time, because that’s how fucked their game engine and 3.0 is right now. And 10:1 that tomorrow there’ll STILL be glitches that they’ll leave in the pre-recorded footage and cross their fingers that no one notices and that shitizens will defend!

goon avatar

so their live stream isn’t even live, it’s just them playing a recorded stream… lol

and that somehow fucked up? wait what

wouldn’t it be recorded and ready to go like, weeks ago?

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This doesn’t even make sense. So CIG is telling all of us that they haven’t finished filming and editing the video? And they only knew about that 40 minutes before it was supposed to air? It makes the cancellation even more disturbing. People need to be fired over this. I would fire the VP of marketing. Nepotism will stop them from firing that person though.

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Wow, they couldn’t air a previously recorded show? Fucking incompetence AND arrogance.

goon avatar

Even without a presentation hilarity finds a way.


CIG is selling a tank now, for their game that everybody incorrectly thought took place in space.


Who’s up for a game of ‘where’s Archer’?

Beet Wagon

well fuck me that’s just about as blatant as it gets.

Beet Wagon

So they fucked with perspective and added some greeblies to the back of the turret but basically everything else lines up, including the major identifying marks on the chassis and the cowl over the barrel of the gun.

goon avatar

I thought it was reaching at first but then I saw the camera and rocket pod things. I can’t believe they are still archering things to this day.

goon avatar

Score another one for the goon forensics team.

Derek Smart

Despite the fact that Star Citizen is nowhere near ready and could take forever to be in a releasable state, CIG has decided that what fans need now is a tank. The reveal came as a VIP exclusive so it’s not visible to mere mortals but the image of the full page can be seen below.

With the Squadron 42 stream event thing happening this week the timing is perfect to suck in some more cash and throw out another elaborate idea. Seriously, this is taking the piss a little. With a basic option being $95 going up to $725. CIG, seriously, GTFO.

Again, I will reiterate. Backers should avoid pumping more money into Star Citizen. With the Crytek legal case looming and CIG trying to entice players with new “features” such as the non-existant land acquisition, reveals like this stink of desperation.

goon avatar

I see it more as a leader whose every decision, every action is moving towards one goal: building video game that will be considered fun by the people who play it. How do you do that? By creating an environment where working code is built as often as possible to provide gameplay feedback, and that feedback drives your development iterations. The technical shit doesn’t matter as an end in itself. “- moons” is not progress unless it yields fun, playable content that feels good. Now, contrast that with CIG. They roll out some shiny bullshot trailer of a planetary landing, with no grounding in anything playable or real, and in Chris’s mind, that’s literally Mission Accomplished. Meanwhile, 11 months later when you finally get a build, you just noclip down to a wet towel draped over a sphere for 16 minutes at 8.3 FPS, and when you get there, there’s fucking nothing to do.

goon avatar

Witcher 3 had Charles Dance as a voice actor, and reaped tons of publicity from this, without having to do mocap or face scans. Mocap should be a tool for animators. It can be really difficult to get some motions right without mocap. I remember an episode from a game I worked on where the animators needed mocap of dumping a body in a dumpsters (not the the easiest thing to manually animate so it looks right). Problem was that humans are actually pretty heavy, so most people can’t really do this without having it look silly. So a really big guy and a really small woman did the mocap, and animators did their magic to make it fit the body sizes in-game.

It’s a monumental waste of money to drag any kind of highly paid actor, especially an A-lister, through mocap for a game. Face scanning and expression mocap makes good sense. But the pudgy-suit mocap? Not necessary for the marketing effect.

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**A song honor of the Christmas Event

Crashing through the show

In a build no-one can play

O’er the moon we go

(Goons) Laughing all the way

Alarm bells start to ring

Derek Smart was right

What fun it is to watch this shit

It’s the E.L.E tonight

(Oh) Jingle Bells, Lesnick smells

Crytek seized the day

The Crob-Mobile lost it’s wheels

And the law firms are in play

(Oh) Jingle Bells, Tanks won’t sell

Chris lost his toupee

The Coutts are mad, the game is bad

And the cultists blame SA**