commando is probably an autoban word which is as hell
“This is a make-or-break stream to convince thousands of backers not to bail on this scam, so be sure to wear your nerdiest t-shirt.”
He said: “Here’s the infamous door.”
“This is very very early stage stuff…..”
Chris Roberts in January of 2017:“Squadron 42 will be finished this year. Probably.”
Steve Bender in December of 2017: - “This is very early stage stuff.”
That must be the water main that exploded yesterday.
Just imagine having a giant shit pipe in your office.
This is shit. I noticed a few animation jumps already. I don’t see shadows on characters. And yes now the player is casually strolling through the reactor room for some fucking reason ? Oh wait simply so they could show off the ai and their scripted canned dialog
Beet Wagon
faces are hard
I call it progress to be honest.
Last year they couldn’t carry a box 10 feet without crashing.
Now they can carry grates!
Beet Wagon
this is some Source FilmMaker quality shit right here
Anyone know the font for the “inner thoughts” UI? I could definitely have some fun with that.
The font is called Orbitron.
I’d animate it but I’m tired.
In light of today’s livestream, I still think Squadron 42 is an absolute black hole project sucking light, gas and heat away from Star Citizen and bending time itself, slowing it, crushing it.
The demo today, with its ponderously long “flying towards nothing doing nothing” segments were cinematic NyQuil that no amount of Fidelity can overcome. The hardest of the hardcore may delight in the presumed ambitiousness of it yet Chris already has their money, and the demo showed only too often how heavy the burden becomes when alloying the dogfighting game to the space sim. All that blessed freedom — to walk around the giant ship, to fly around a giant map — is a curse and damnation for how can it be made fun? Can CIG give NPCs that can’t be counted on to even walk straight enough vitality to be interesting enough on their own as you encounter one after the next in Super Hallway Runner?
Can a studio that can’t even craft a satisfying racing module or FPS game mode with an FPS engine overcome a too much time to kill / too much space to fill hurdle so high even Rockstar — the absolute masters of the time killing / space filling mini game — would steer the hell away from it?
“Signs point to No.”
Yet clear these seemingly impossible bars he must if he’s to hope of finding new buyers for Squadron 42.
Ambition unto itself is not a virtue when the bearer is blind to their own limitations, when the loftiest goals are declared yet planning is eschewed because it looks like constraint. In fact, it isn’t Ambition at all but rather its dim-witted sibling, Folly. And the Folly of Roberts was on fullest display today, in year five, when the game he told the world would be finished this year “probably” was revealed as pre-Alpha with his own team declaring the work only just begun.
I don’t write any of this with glee because it honestly makes me sad to reflect on. The farce will be with us, always, yet there’s a heaviness in the consideration of so much squandered opportunity.
Have a punky Xmas with this end-of-year all-notes-must-go offering:
It’s such a cringefest when they showcase “stealth kills” because it’s very obvious they’re doing it to hide how bad the enemy AI is. They did the same thing a year ago with the video on the desert planet and the “Sand Nomads”.
Beet Wagon
There’s actually a very simple explanation for a lot of the graphical oddities in the demo
The game’s so bad even the ships want to kill themselves.
Is it just me or was even the audio in that SQ42 demo fucking terrible? It was all over the place. And why are they using lightning sound like all the time in the background. Not even when they flew into the weird space lightning bit, I mean just on the big carrier at the beginning there was loads of lightning noise. And the score was so heavy and overblown the whole goddamn time, even when they were just flying along in a straight line for 3 minutes it would build up as if some epic thing was happening on screen… But it wasn’t.
my favourite bit in the demo was when they spent 2 minutes zooming in on flight deck crew before the player was about to take off. You couldn’t see the crew because of the terrible lighting, meaning that all those animations they spent so much time making and then making a film about how they made them, were not seen. Except those that were, were absolute garbage.
So I caught up with the thread, and I’m about 10 minutes in to the demo.
It’s shit. Everything is shit. The programming is shit, the characters are shit, the visuals are shit, the writing is shit, the directing is shit, the constant cut-scenes in what is supposed to be a seamless first person experience is shit, it’s all shit. I’m so glad I got a refund.
3.0 available to all backers finally
Shitizens: Chris Roberts is a perfectionist, and he won’t show SQ42 before it’s perfect
Shitizens: Well….yeah…you see…he is a perfectionist in that everything has to be perfect before moving on to the next th….
Shitzens: But…but….Chris perfectionist?
The fact of the matter is that he's NEVER going to be able to deliver EITHER of these two games, let alone in ANY fashion he promised.
And for that, I am going to do everything in my power, and will spare NO time or expense to put Chris Roberts in jail.