December mini Set 13

December mini Set 13

December mini-Set 13


Thankfully, you don’t have glitch in order to travel to this here youtube video…

Worth Clicking:

(video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Chapter 1: Past to Future to Present)

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Unlike Chris, I actually write code for a living, and for many years applied that in the gaming industry. I have multiple AAA titles under my belt. You won’t believe any of that, same as you won’t believe that Star Citizen has already technologically failed. But I don’t care about your beliefs beyond marveling at their lunacy. All the evidence you need is right in front of you. Go play Star Citizen! It’s always been utter unplayable shit and it always will be.

I would never share my whole CV for obvious reasons, but I’ve shared this one on the old RSI forums: Starsiege Tribes.

The point is, at a technical level, Star Citizen’s engine is in disastrous shape when compared with what they’re promising, and from my perspective, it’s getting worse. I want to see Star Citizen made, so I’m gonna keep speaking my mind, and defending myself when the white knights ride up on their horses and hurl their weak ass insults from inside their echo chamber.

goon avatar

This is the second time this year that they’ve grossly underestimated engagement/demand (first being the referral contest). It was promoted on the stream of their big game reveal as well as going up alongside the 3.0 release, and yet they are getting numbers that are similar to the tail end of a moderately popular release.

Interesting to compare this number to the Drake poll, which claims 37440 voters. Kinda thinking there’s roughly 10k whales and then about 20k people following the game closely. Really really small community for such a “huge, ambitious project”

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goon avatar

I swear to god if any of these guys saw EA or Activision deny a refund because they played a preorder demo of a release game that was still 4 years away they’d be all over that saying “See this is why Im backing CIG” completely unironically.

The flood of NMS refugees shouting never again while pledging into SC put the irony meter into permanent hiatus I’m afraid.

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This is not your normal subreddit by a long shot the outright denial of things that go wrong with this project and the lack of people being self aware is more like a cult than a fan base. Also the hate that comes from here if you talk about refunds or anything negative about the project is nothing short of toxic, although I guess fan is short for fanatic and this subreddit takes that meaning to 12.


Well I’m going to try and play 3.0 again.

20 minutes later 60% of my GPU is being used to render a black screen.

Seriously what the fuck CIG.

This is not an alpha product. It’s not a product at all. It’s a collection of concepts loosely held together by prayer and shitty programming, and it has no hope of ever being anything near what Chris has marketed it to be.

He’s better off settling with CryTek, selling Squadron 42 as a standalone CryEngine product, and then turning around and making a completely new engine for Star Citizen. Actually the project would be better off if they paid Chris Roberts and the rest of the executive team $10M to fuck off and let actual competent developers finish the job (and by finish I mean start), but neither one of those are going to happen because it would require Chris to accept that he’s not the savior of PC gaming and is instead a walking punchline.

goon avatar

It’s also not OK to hide behind “it’s alpha” in almost 2018 when the game was supposed to be delivered in 2014. Either Croberts is an incompetent manager who can’t estimate project dates and he does not understand development, or he’s an incompetent manager that can’t execute or deliver. For Shitizens it’s somehow neither and he’s great at everything.

No head bug

There is a bug where the players head disappears and chat no longer works if you look at mobi-glass without a helmet or something.

goon avatar

Star Citizen: I have no head and I must chat