Montoya is the leader of TEST, the biggest remaining Star Citizen Organization or something. At the time of this post, patreon displays that he recieves $388 a month from donors.
In light of the recent tragedy of an innocent man being killed after being doxxed and swatted, we as a community need to come together and condemn those who use doxxing as a means of intimidation!
@dsmart has now publicly threatened to dox me after I said I was fearful for the safety of my family and I don't want to be doxxed. After what happened in Kansas I am very concerned! Hugging my kids a lot today.
Now that Montoya has forced my hand, I’m not going to spend time and resources on a single lawsuit, seeing as I’ve been working on this for months now. It’s a complete mystery how /r/ds just closed up shop.
It’s a dragnet. And I’m not going on a fishing trip. I have never - ever - walked into a court case I didn’t prevail in, simply because I’m neither stupid, nor do I take them lightly.
I am just not going to wait any longer, even though complaints can be amended at any time, I’ve had it with these guys and their baseless accusations of my having committed crimes.
So now, I am just going to sue [Accelerwraith] and Montoya for it. I have grown tired of warning them. And this is how I am going to completely ruin the entirety of their 2018 so that they can explain to the “SC Community” and the legal system, how exactly it is I doxed anyone (including Trevor himself). And I am marching them straight into Federal court over it. As I know that I am 100% right, by the time the dust settles, I am going to completely bankrupt them, while dragging RSI/CIG into it because these two are directly connected to CIG community activities, and have always had a vested financial interest in doing these things by proxy.
In A.D. 2018 war was beginning.
Will Montoya lose custody of his JPEGs?
Guys im fearful for my life, hugging my jpegs a lot today
The Titanic
I wish I knew why people bang their heads against the Derek wall. They know what’s going to happen because Derek has done it to many people who have went toe to toe with him.
I guess they feel they will somehow be the Chosen One? The one who owns Derek so hard that he goes in a corner and cries? Because this has happened… never?
Well, good luck to the newest candidate to try to show up Derek at his own game. He’ll probably need all the luck he can get. Though I imagine if they get served actual court papers I have a feeling they get super cooperative, especially since winning an argument on the Internet, especially over a ducking video game, probably gets really stupid sounding at that point.
I can see it being a hamfisted attempt at the following:
1) Have an audience.
2) Pick a fight with DS.
3) Make a stand, and set up a gofundme to support fighting the good fight.
4) Collect a whopping $385.17 after fees, then back down before it gets to court.
5) Claim victory.
The guy is already trying to play up the sympathy angle, and a C&D is his cue to set up the fund. It’s a calculated risk, but would pay off as long as DS is willing to accept apologies or retractions.
Beet Wagon
Also lol if your first major move after talking up how you’re gonna go toe to toe with a crazy old man on the internet is to scream “I’m afraid for my life” on twitter like a bitch, tagging every journalist you can think of.
that montoya video with him green screened into his space ship with a bunch of stripper stock footage is maybe the most pathetic thing ive ever seen
Worth Clicking:
(video: Citizen goes full internet toughguy with count em’ 3 stripper gifs simultaneously)
Seems like maybe they missed a couple spots. Somehow.
Exactly totally agree. The truth, is, you can kludge together a blob of software that appears to do just about anything. Sometimes, that’s the right thing to do. Usually, it’s a terrible thing to do, because it only yields the illusion of progress. Now the expectations are high, because you cranked out this “awesome” thing in a small amount of time that barely works in demo and falls down hard in production. When the business goes “We want more! We got hot new customers in the pipeline!! OH!! And fix the bugs, customers are complaining that shit don’t work!!!!” they are understandably confused when you say “well, actually we need to go back and actually do the thing we just finished properly.” They’ll say “Why didn’t you do it right the first time!?!?” and you’ll say “Uhh, dumbass, because you gave us ridiculous deadlines and we kind of mumbled that it wasn’t possible but said ‘OK, I guess’ at the end.”
Then it’s years of half-finished re-writes, partial re-factors, the business complaining about slow feature velocity, turnover, complaining during 2-hour beer-soaked lunch sessions, etc. And the one constant is “production issues.”
Star Citizen is the poster-child for development done completely fucking wrong. Chris makes some outlandish, border-line psychotic public commitment, art churns out some high-poly assets up, eng duct tapes them together with no long-term plan (imo assuming what they’re writing is throw-away prototype for demo purposes only panic code), and then CIG marketing parades it out in front of backers to raise money. Then they pull a new branch and start cooking up the next load of bullshit.
It’s Marketing-Driven-Development, which is just countdown to failure.
In unrelated news, looks like Sandi has another movie in the can. A film starring Eric Roberts and shot (it would appear) this fall.
Getting paid to do nothing while pursuing an acting career is one of the perks of being a successful game developer’s wife, don’t you guys know anything about game development?
I don’t believe in auras or energy fields around people or any of that shit. That said, I am 100% certain that there is an aura or energy field around Sandi that makes her a fucking terrible, atrocious “actress” at all times. Every cell in her body, every hair on her head, every red blood cell, every molecule of oxygen in her lungs absolutely screams “LOOK AT ME I’M AN ACTRESS AND I’M ACTING AND I’M ON CAMERA LOOK AT ME.” It’s absolutely amazing. I’ve seen bad movies with bad actors (the NOOOO troll meme comes to mind) and I’ve seen movies where a good actor is trying to portray a bad actor, so they do it on purpose (Robert De Niro did this across Shatner of all people.)
None of them even approaches how fucking awful this woman is. Even her still pictures come across like she’s an alien trying to imitate HUU-MONN behavior without a reference point. I’m not saying this to pile on Sandi, it has nothing to do with Star Citizen, but that woman is probably the only living, breathing example of the uncanny valley I’ve ever seen.
Thing is that space / sci-fi is a great setting for a game. Just like high fantasy, grimdark, cyberpunk, many historical periods, etc. Not all settings work equally well for all genres. Space Opera is great for 4X, difficult for Grand Strategy, and Stellaris does a pretty darn good job at being what it is, imo, by using 4X elements to address aspects where it is a difficult setting for Grand Strategy. Your mileage may vary. But for me that’s one of the main reasons I enjoy it, and I have difficulty getting hooked by Space Opera 4X in general.
Star Citizen is a weird setting which is a little bit Space Opera and very much “WW2-sci-fi”. That is great for a story-based dogfighting game that doesn’t care about physics and realism, but is about cool pewpews and hammy cinematics. But it’s a terrible setting for a sandbox game, a decent one for a PvP game and a difficult choice for an PvE MMO. Star Citizen wants to be all of these and it absolutely doesn’t work. Even if we disregard all the issues on the technical side, the choice of setting and game doesn’t work. A PvE MMO needs a theme park and content-recyling mechanics. A PvP game needs a strong meta-game based on factions, rankings and/or player communities. Sandboxes need a mechanics supporting exploration, player-constructed content and emergent gameplay.
They want West World or the Holo Deck. But procedural content gives you NMS, Dwarf Fortress and ED. Current AI technology gives you uh… DOTA bots? Black & White AI was overhyped. Radiant AI was overhyped. “Pipelines” give you the amount of content in AAA games. Attempting accurate simulation of physics at an object-level in a space MMO as anything but fancy local VFX gives you either Glitchy Lag Simulator or Go-Broke-In-The-Cloud Simulator.
Seeing the constant chants of “you don’t understand game development” irks me to no end, because backing the Star Citizen project is based on fundamentally not understanding what is technologically possible, let alone what is possible with fricking CryEngine/LumberYard (which can be used to make awesome games, but not to secure the Turing Award) - because where Molyneux used dreams as a marketing tool, the open development of Star Citizen leaves no doubts about CIG constantly trying to do what the technical foundations absolutely do not support. This isn’t about alpha or development cycles. The problem isn’t the glitches, bugs, or missing content. That’s just development hell, and good games can emerge from that. The problem is the stupid idea that there is some magic technology underneath it all, and that’s going to save the day. And that’s where CIG should be honest and squash those insane expectations. But I guess that would kill the project faster than any space court.
Honestly, I’d rather see the grief now when CiG can work out solutions to mitigate it, than once the game goes live. The turrets at Ollisar are a start. Once Subsumption is ready to tackle policing, we’ll see some greater challenges for would-be griefers.
It’ll be interesting to see how they handle the difference between “legitimate piracy” (piracy that is engaging and brings immersion to the game albeit frustrating) and just plain old asshatitude. People would poop their pants if they incorporated it - but I think they need to add something to the extent of not being able to play the game for, I dunno, 12 hours if you get caught by the authorities after blowing up ship or stealing ships several times in a short period of time.
So is subsumption supposed to be code for magick? It’s like some of these people have a child’s perception about what goes into even a simple decision.
The thing about Star Citizen is that at this point is that it has gone on for so long and generated so much insanity that people think you are lying or exaggerating when you try to explain it. Like any one story from this would be hard to believe. Five+ years worth is just too much.
*Exceed original goal by a hundred plus million dollars.. still do not have content from original demo in game.
*CEO and HR/Marketing director attempt to hide marriage
*HR/Marketing director sings Nazi song to Germans
*CEO tells HR/Marketing director to just fly first class. HR/Marketing director tells this to media.
*Plucky little startup has like 14 offices/divisions/subsidiaries spread across the globe.
*In order to prove how honest and straightforward they were as a company, they promised backers that they would release financials in full if they didnt ship by a certain point. When that point came they just deleted all references to that and wrote a new ironclad TOS.
*Have missed every single date and milestone they have set for themselves.
Accidentally release dev build to public since it was on an open server
*The Book of Loaf
*insanely expensive and impractical office furniture
*Ryan Archer
*Backers buying a $14k package of spaceships that they can’t play
*The backers….
*switching engines
*Stating SQ42 is part only to be spun off. Then they claim it isn’t separate but A la carte.
used SQ42 as the reason for tax credits (which are also part of the loan)
Unless Ortwin can shit a GLA that says they can develop more than ONE title, they’re fucked. Completely. It’s game over.
And given the bad blood between Chris and CryTek, they’re going to completely destroy him for he did to not only them, but also their company (poaching their key engineers etc).
I am overcome with grief.
you will progress through the five stages:
Hug jpeg
Virtual Captain
Great, it’s Schrödinger’s game all over again
The cat jitters so hard it’s both inside and outside the box simultaneously.
Charlie Hall has some breaking news abouut the videogame star citizen
Star Citizen raised more money than every other video game on Kickstarter combined in 2017 - By a factor of two, and for the second year in a row
For the second year in a row, the team working on Star Citizen say they’ve raised more money than every other video game on Kickstarter combined. The numbers, which are self-reported and do not include returns, aren’t even close.
Chris Roberts’ collection of spacefaring games raised $34.91 million in 2017, down slightly from $36.11 million in 2016. Meanwhile, successful Kickstarters for video games overall remained relatively flat in 2017, with $17.25 million raised, down from around $17.6 million the year before.
That means the Star Citizen project has raised more than double the amount of every other game project on Kickstarter — more than 700 in all — for two years in a row.
However, the data set is complicated by several significant factors. First, CIG/RSI refused to report how much money they’ve returned to backers. Several significant returns are currently being contested, including one in excess of $25,000. It’s therefore impossible to know how large a proportion of its funding CIG/RSI have been forced to refund.
Additionally, Kickstarter said that of all the money pledged to video game projects in 2016, 85 to 88 percent of it went to successful campaigns. We’ve gone with the higher numbers for our calculations.
The Star Citizen project, which includes a single-player game called Squadron 42 and a multiplayer game referred to as the “persistent universe,” is incomplete and currently has no release date.
I never thought I would turn the lyrics of a Dolly Parton song into something about an Intel bug and Star Citizen, but here we are
Flushing out the cache and I stumble to the kernel
Pour myself a cup of speculation
Branch, pre-fetch and try to get ahead
Jump address spaces and the time starts tickin’
Out in the verse, performance keeps droppin’
With chips like me on the job from 9 to 5
Frames go 9 to 5, what a way to kill my livin’
Barely gettin’ by, it’s all takin’ and no givin’
They confuse your mind and no longer take store credit
It’s enough to make you refund if you let it
9 to 5, no service or devotion
You would think Sandi would deserve a fat demotion
Want to make it right but that Chris won’t seem to let me
I swear sometimes that man knows nothing ‘bout me!
They sell you dreams just to watch ‘em shatter
You’re just a step on the Croberts’s ladder
Now you got dreams he dare not take away
You’re in the wankpod with a lotta your friends
Waitin’ for the day your ship’ll come in
An’ the tide’s gonna turn and it’s all gonna roll your way
Frames drop 9 to 5, such an awful way of livin’
Barely clippin’ by, it’s all sellin’ and no shippin’
They abuse your mind and no longer take store credit
It’s enough to make you refund if you let it
9 to 5, yeah they got you where they want you
There’s a better life, and you dream about it, don’t you?
It’s a losin’ game no matter what they call it
And you spend your life puttin’ money in his wallet
9 to 5, whoa what a way to make a livin’
Parpmen floatin’ by, it’s all selling’ and no shippin’
Free your broken mind and refund all your store credit
It’s already made you crazy ‘cause you let it
9 to 5, yeah Chris’s got you where he wants you
There’s a better life, and you dream about it, don’t you?
There is no real game no matter what they call it
And you spend your life puttin’ money in his wallet