The last time OSC was posting heavily and backers were enraged I requested an alt check because there were enough discrepancies between the post styles I figured it was a pretty safe bet they weren’t the same guy. Of course if I was wrong it would have been a blue on blue incident to rival that of Leonard Skinly, but that’s just more lols for the thread. Anyway here’s what I got back (I have no idea why Hogarth mentioned rules-breaking, since I specifically told him that the poster was abiding by the rules):
The one glaring thing from all of these attempts at gameplay is this: even if the game worked flawlessly, it would suck beyond description. I never hear the streamers, for all their protestations of “It’s in Alpha!”, address this in any way. No amount of fidelity, no amount of bugfixing, and no amount of polish can hide it: there is no game here. It is a joyless romp through generic nothingness - go to this point, aim at a box, and push a button. Congratulations CIG, the best-case scenario of a 100% functioning game still can’t save it from the dumpster - where it can sit next to Sandi’s excised film debut.
Sorry Chris, I know while you were pretending to be a director you heard this phrase a lot, but it can’t and won’t apply to your game: some things just can’t get “fixed in post.”
His rant at the end gloriously missed the point as well. He’s obviously upset at the whole thing, and he’s ranting at CIG about how the quality of Live is lower than the PTU etc. Just ranting and raving and not having any of the “It’s just an Alpha” excuses slow him down. While I enjoy the salt, I’m still blown away - absolutely mind blown - how much he’s missing the point. And it’s not just him - every streamer, every backer, missing the procedurally-generated forest for the high-fidelity trees.
It doesn’t matter that CIG released the game in this state to the Live environment. The frame-rate doesn’t matter. The patch cycle doesn’t matter. This guy needs to get something through his head - he can’t treat CIG like a game development company because CIG is not a game development company.They are a company creating digital assets for sale, and they’re attempting to cobble together an online world in which to use those assets. The company is led by a non-game developer who is not qualified, and in fact uniquely unqualified to do his job, and the company has produced nothing, has no history, and no path forward. Holding them to the standards of a game development company is unbelievably stupid.
That’s one part of it.
The next part is the assumption that CIG gives a flying fuck about what they release to the PTU or whatnot as if it’s all part of normal game testing and deployment. It isn’t. Every single byte of code that lands on the PTU, or anywhere else, is done for purely optic reasons - not to do anything for backers or the people who have funded this. It’s to create gaming journal headlines like “Long-Awaited 3.0 Patch Goes Live” just in time for backers to spend their Christmas money on Chris’s lies again. It’s so they can create a false narrative of progress (like how 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, now 3.0, are all numbers going up hence progress and not a scam at all guys). So when this guy rants and raves about the relative quality of what’s released to “Test” vs. “Live” my stomach actually hurts as I realize how naive he is - going into this with the belief that the “Test” and “Live” environments are being used as if Chris understands them, how they’re used, why they’re used, etc. It literally hurts to listen to.
Dear Streamer: if you haven’t already, please take a few hours out of your life and go watch The Truman Show. Then come to the realization that Chris Roberts is doing the exact same thing with Star Citizen. That’s why there are so many videos which they are peddling as “open development.” It explains why the highest possible fidelity assets were built before the engine was done. It explains why they don’t patch properly or test properly. Or do anything properly. I realize the awakening to the fact that Star Citizen has devolved into a scam is a painful one, but that pain is worth it. Once you get past it, instead of banging your head against the wall trying to understand this project, you will actually be able to predict its course.
Example: soon there will be a concept ship sale. No matter the state of the game at the time, no matter the bug count, no matter the lawsuit status - there will be a ship sale. Anything and everything CIG can do to move dollars from your bank account to theirs is their #1 priority all day and all night, 365 days of the year. Stop throwing yourself against this brick wall - there’s nothing on the other side.
in a few years I bet any StarTrek episode could more or less be re-played live in Star Citizen :P
In about three years we’ll either be able to convincingly recreate pretty much any episode of Star Trek or be able to take off from our 2013 hangars.
It’s a coin flip at this point really.
We can already do at least one!
What could sour the perception of this project for the remaining cultists? Is there any depths left to dredge besides them publicly running off with the money?
No. Nothing will. There’s no word in the english language to describe their perfect blend of stupidity and delusion. Over the years, the process of Star Citizen has bled out all rational thought, all meaningful discourse, and like the slow meticulous pruning and root binding of the bonsai, so has Star Citizen painstakingly cultivated a perfectly impotent caricature of an adult human with free will.
Chris could make Derek the new ship design director today and the backers would start rationalising it tomorrow.
“Derek was never really against star citizen, he was just an outside observer offering valuable critical feedback”
“Derek is an industry veteran who knows everything about designing giant buggy spaceships, he’ll be a great addition to the team”
“I actually LIKE Derek’s balls!”
Finishing anything at all would probably do it. Remember the golf swing scanning incident? The backers think they were upset because a golf swing mechanic is bad and dumb but I’m pretty sure they were actually upset because it was a mechanic at all. It came dangerously close to pinning some design detail down and that cut off whole avenues of theory crafting. Suddenly Star Citizen was supposed to be a video game again rather than the cyber-rapture for hyper-suckers which they paid for.
Virtual Captain
I think the tracker and perhaps even my posting have subconsciously been led by some desire to highlight how bad the foundation and current state of the game is. Thinking that at some point backers would start demanding real progress. Yesterday I saw a thread titled “Frame rate a “major” focus for 3.1! Check latest ATV.” and that’s when it hit me. The thing could crash instantly for the entire playerbase and they’d be absolutely fine as long as their belief session shows still air. Some people ITT tried to play last week and of the three people that got past the loadscreen, I think one managed to get in their ship, so by my count this has basically already happened. Many backers fully admit they do not install new patches, as they prefer dream crafting with their favorite streamer over playing what actual gets delivered. I finally got it, these people are absolutely in a belief cult.
I posted about this upthread, but something that unmistakeably without a shadow of a doubt destroys their faith in Chris Roberts personally. We’re not talking “ a dead girl or a live boy”, something that demonstrates outright contempt for backers or backer funds and cannot be rationalised away.
A meltdown blaming the backers for not pledging enough might do it. CIG’s accounts could certainly do it if they reveal shocking extravagance. Turning up drunk or high to the Whale dinner and stammering out what he really thinks of them. Maybe a revelation in Sunk Cost Galaxy if it’s big enough and embarrassing enough and easy enough to understand.
But it’s gotta be personal and it’s gotta be aimed directly at the backers, and it’s gotta be from Chris himself. Anything else will be dismissed as lies or FUD or a goon plot, or will garner sympathy for “coping with the stress”. Evidence that Sandi has spent millions on funding personal film projects wouldn’t do it (too remote from the backers). Evidence that Chris used backer money to buy his house and his annual Porsche might do it (but I can hear “Chris is successful and deserves to be paid big bucks!” arguments now). Ben breaking down and revealing that Chris wipes his ass with Issue Council bug reports while dictating memos about how to price the new Double Idris to bring in more suckers, ha ha these fucks will buy anything, hey Ben bring me another box of Wing Commander manuals I need to dry my hands would do it.
peter gabriel
You have to understand that we are dealing with people with either solid rubber brains or a single piece of sawdust in their inch thick skull where a brain usually resides.
Chris was outright caught buying Sandi upgraded airline tickets and saying ‘the backers don’t need to know’
Ask the backers how much money in bandwith they think was outright wasted due to no delta patcher for years, it makes them go into an error state and they can’t answer, I think it either turns them off or blue screens them.
It’s a real puzzler and you can’t work it out because normal rules do not apply. It’s like 4 + 4 = telephone
I’m not sure why people listen so closely to Leonard J Cr..French. He worked for 9 years as a Software Developer, picked up a Law Degree from a second tier University, did an internship at a Civil Law Clinic before striking out on his own. Which has proven so successful he panhandles for dollars giving out legal opinions on Youtube.
Just had to correct something really quickly. French went to Widener University Law School. That’s a bottom of the barrel, “Tier 3 Toilet” school (in fact, that school’s current ranking almost makes it a clown-college-worthy 4th tier law school). Not even second tier. And his masters degree in IT is from a fucking for-profit online school (University of Phoenix).
Otherwise I think you are spot on.
Nothing can stop this game.
Dragonfly spawns flipped most of the time. Back doors in cutlass black are sometimes missing after spawning, even claming doesnt fixes that. My friend is a ping pong ball. Mobiglass is play and pray so it doesn’t crash. Equipping items needs to be done many times in order to success(not always). Struggling with delivery missions to Olisar.
I was getting frequent freezing, especially during landing and takeoff. I found a partial fix - the bug seems to be related to audio. I turned off music and changed music dynamic range to ‘medium’ and I turned ship verbosity to ‘low’ and my crashes have been MUCH less frequent. Thought I’d share.
Oh, you’re asking me about issues? The game is unplayable. I get 0.7 - 4 fps on average (that is not a typo), the airlock doors don’t open, EVA thrusters don’t work and the game can’t even close itself, so I have to use the task manager every time I play. I have 8 gigs of ram, but I didn’t expect the game to run this badly even with a massive page file to compensate for the lack of ram.