Posted on February 20, 2018 | written by GOONRATHI
February Set 4
Posted on February 20, 2018 | written by GOONRATHI
February Set 4
Regarding the beautiful forests in Kingdom Come Deliverance:
They did the same with the Nemesis system from Mordor. Chris Roberts says “Oh we’ll have that but it’ll be even better” without any concept or thought into what it involves or the amount of work the programmers and designers went in to making it and balancing it…No, just a simple thing for the fans to go “Oh we’ll have this as well!”.
Cut my life into pieces.
Some of you may have heard of BitCoin, Etherium etc, and specifically Javascript based CryptoCurrency miners that can be embedded into a website enabling viewers on a website to earn coins for the owners of the site.
Using some back of the napkin math from this article, it is possible for a single user keeping a page open for a 24 hour period could earn ~60 cents or 1000 people each contributing for an average of 8 hours at a time could earn $190 per day for SC development. Assuming of course my math is correct.
would you take advantage of that to help continue providing funding to SC?
Imo, Chris would say yes to anything, as long as it might provoke a backer to pledge more.
Backer: “Chris, do we have to load our cargo manually, or pay someone to do it, and watch it beeing done, instead of cargo just appearing as a number in a menu? Because that’s very realistic!”
Chris: “Yes” *waves hands
Another Backer: “Chris, will I be able to buy cargo and have it transfered into my ship automatically, in a short amount of time, to have as much fun as possible?”
Chris: “Yes” *waves hands
Yet another Backer: “Chris, when I grow tomatoes in my veggie ship, and I choose to put a bulb with the wrong color temperatur over them, will the time I spend at light speed prevent them from getting leggy due to the color temperature beeing corrected?”
**There are so many great writers in the thread and I feel grateful to contribute. I try to drop 10000 ft. editorial comments in often, in part for the silent lurkers and newer members who might not yet have a big picture grasp on the Counter-narratives we all take for granted at this point.
I remember when I first joined the thread. Mostly lurking, infrequently commenting. I’d heard things, seen some warning signs, but it was hard to get a handle on what was true because CIG’s Triumphalist Narrative was so dominant. Yet even before Derek launched his July blog there were warning signs, troubling indicators, online gossip, little intrigues. There wasn’t yet a true thread consensus — guys like Octopode and others saw “situation normal everything under control” while voices like AP, Beer, Bootcha, OhDearGodNo, Sorla78 were giving voice to far dimmer and more subversive theories. For me, the Zapruder film was the June 19th 2015 episode of Reverse the Verse. It captured the dichotomy perfectly — in the foreground, happiness and deference to the wonderful talented VP of Marketing. In the background, perturbation, disgust, intimidation. Even CIG eventually realized how dangerous it was and purged it from their archives, and there we see revisionism, suppression…
It very quickly became clear just by watching CIG’s propaganda reels that something really is wrong here and they don’t want us to know it. It was all shadows through dark glass back then, at least to me, yet now it’s crystal clear and brightly lit. You just have to care enough to educate yourself and be willing to commit to the effort and you’re rewarded with the decryption key to make sense of the incoherence and contradictions that define CIG’s schizoid tale.
Anyway, knowing that there are people visiting or lurking here who’ve lost faith in the Triumphalist view yet don’t really yet have a coherent counter theory together, I try to offer summaries here and there. I know I’m not enlightening the regulars by doing so but it’s easy to take for granted what might’ve taken years for regulars here to fully apprehend. I’m just only too grateful the master storytellers in CIG LA spent years too stubborn to change and too proud to back down because the years have been such a bounty of riches and the thread memory and archivists retain it all.
Many of histories heresies get reclassified as the unspeakable truths of their time and the thread’s will as well. It’s growing obvious to more and more despite the valiant efforts of the Charlie Halls, the David Swoffords, the Joe Blobers, the Gremliches and all the rest who keep fighting to hold the crumbling ruins of the old faith together. Sooner or later there’s too little left to even prop up; it’s just fools and liars pushing dust piles around until the winds finish the job.**
Virtual Captain
I had a very boring 3 hour skype meeting
Oh hey there was that big hubbub over the Squadron 42 mailing list, wasn’t there? How is that getting along?
… 31267 recruits?
… a recent average signup rate of 1.35 per hour?
At this rate it will take 18.4 years to get the in-game T-shirt reward for 250K signups. I’m a little worried that the Monday January 15 deadline might be in danger of being missed.
However badly I long to see and play it, Squadron 42 seems certain to go down as the very biggest mistake made by Chris Roberts in the last 6 years. It could’ve and should’ve been a cakewalk but with a wave of Chris’s wand he turned it into their costliest death march, and that’s no trivial feat considering. Tens of millions wasted and goodness knows how much time. They could’ve been used to improve their money maker but went instead to his money taker. ROI seems impossible at this point, a second game even moreso, and the demands still ahead just to get it to a releasable, Metacritic 60 state seem so onerous.
For what? Lawsuit trouble, mo-cap trouble, celebrity trouble, all at so dear a price for the hope at grabbing a very narrow slice of the PC gaming market.
Niche kitsch is all it needed to be but he mistook himself for an auteur genius with a story that must be told. Now we’ll be lucky if we see even a fraction of it and it’s a damn shame.
If there's one thing that stands a chance at curing depression, it's Star Citizen! 😉🚀🌌💖
tweet: If there’s one thing that stands a chance at curing depression, it’s Star Citizen!)
While most pilots view fuel, arming and repair as an ‘any port in the storm’ situation, familiarizing yourself with possible options ahead of time can save credits and time.
These types of tweets probably get to me more than any other kind. They’re the most arrogant kind of lie - without outright saying it, CIG implies with tweets like this that not only is the game nearly complete, it’s also got layers and layers of fully functional, deep features. “While most pilots view…” makes it sound like there’s a healthy pilot community in this game who are so sophisticated that they have “views” on different aspects of the gameplay. The separate mentions of “fuel, arming, and repair” do well to hide that none of those systems are in the game, nor are they designed yet. “Saving credits and time” implies the existence of a sophisticated economy including the time/money underpinnings required to make financial decisions.
With just one bullshit tweet, CIG makes Star Citizen look like it’s been done for years, rather than being a model-viewer with no game design document or plans for such. These people can’t burn fast enough.
[fixed]BEER: Well, Christopher, I made it. Despite your crowd funding site going down.
CHRISTOPHER: Ah. Superintendent Beer! Welcome.
I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable space simulator!
BEER: Mm. Yeah…
CHRISTOPHER goes to check on his space simulator in another room. It is on fire.
CHRISTOPHER: Oh, egads! My game is ruined!
But what if … I were to employ Crytek to develop a demo and disguise it as my own game?
Delightfully devilish, Christopher!
BEER walks in and sees CHRISTOPHER attempting to climb out the window
♪ ♫ Roberts with his crazy explanations ♩ ♪
♫♩ The superintendent’s gonna need his medication 🎝
♪♩ When he hears Roberts’ hand waving exaggerations ♬♩
🎝♪ There’ll be trouble on the forums tonight! ♪🎝
CHRISTOPHER: Superintendent, I was just- uh, just developing the game.
Isometric game development. Care to join me?
BEER: Why is there smoke coming out of that studio, Christopher?
CHRISTOPHER: Uh… Oh. That isn’t smoke… It’s fidelity!
Fidelity from the fidelitous space simulation we’re developing!
Mmm. Fidelitous space simulators!
BEER leaves the room
CHRISTOPHER shows BEER 1000 youtube videos
ROBERTS: “The best damn space simulator ever.”
BEER: “The best– The best damn space simulator ever? At this time of year? With this little progress? With this many promotional videos? Localized entirely within your game engine?”
BEER: “…May I see it?”
GOONS: Christopher! Your game is shiiiiiiiiiiiit! HELP!!!!
CHRISTOPHER: No, goons! That’s just the non-public build.
BEER eyes Christopher suspiciously
CHRISTOPHER gives him a thumbs up
Star Citizen: Mouth-Watering Steamed Scams!
Saying “enjoy your game” to a cultist is secretly a high level troll. You are demanding the impossible to them, and they know it. You couldn’t enjoy SC two years ago, and its no better right now. Likewise, its no closer to being a game yet.