February Set 7

February Set 7

February Set 7

goon avatar

Any word on why Bootcha stopped uploading videos?

I don’t know if this is an answer.

Worth Clicking:

(video: Sunk Cost Galaxy Interlude 1: Salt Cook Travesty)

The Titanic

“Hello legitimate Star Citizen game players! It’s me, also a legitimate Star Citizen game player! I’m here with yet another totally not paid for article that looks suspiciously like marketing but haha, I am only a legitimate Star Citizen game player doing this on my own without being paid by CIG!”

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Stop building ships and move those resources to finishing this damn game

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im going to rant based on this bit of news on the interweb is true and not bs so if it turns out to be bs just ignore me.

cig if bind culling isnt going to be in 3.1 dont fucking bother releasing a fucking patch as no matter what you put in there it wont change the fact that many of us cant play whats there due to all the issues.

you made your selves look fucking retarded not going with a 2.7 patch and pushing on with a 3.0 patch that was stripped down and then performance was fucking shit in 3.0 (due to extra load of the map and more players) imo upping the player count to 50 people was a mistake being it had a massive negative effect on the player base. i get it dev takes time but keep telling us an update the game desperatly needs is in the next patch only to be pushed back to a later patch then pushed back to a later patch and so on is a joke.

you have been doing it since 2.6.1 how about dont list it and drop it in when its done. oh and you may as well push the reclaimer back as well, as soon as 3 people spawn theres in at the same time the servers will take a shit due to there size and if i wanrted to play at 0 fps i would turn my pc off.

im guessing that being pushed back has pushed all the planned improvments back so thats another 6 months of not playing/testing the game

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It’s not a matter of how long shit takes, it’s them never meeting expectations. Cig hasn’t met a date in literally years. Delays, major delays, should be the exception not the rule. I’m sick and tired of looking at a new and “more transparent” schedule, reading the fucking caviots and thinking “this time for sure.” Seriously, how can anyone be this bad at predictions? Surely they’d eventually get it right by sheer luck, but no. And this isn’t even major content, it’s a vital fix needed to make the game playable.

goon avatar

Network bind culling was in their schedule in June 2017, it “just missed” 2.6, was 110 tasks completed in Jan 2018, went up to 710 tasks completed in Feb 2018, and is now back to 110 tasks complete and pushed out to 3.2

They haven’t touched it. Every single schedule, roadmap, powerpoint slide and every single date given by CIG has been pure fiction without exception.

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In an effort to White-knight this game you missed the point and are trying to distort/spin it in a positive way for CIG.

Bind-Culling was suppose to be released in 2.6.1 hell, I think it was suppose to come out earlier.

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It’s not that I’m not patient. Patience is my middle name. I don’t care if the game will not be playable until the end of the year, I have other stuff in my life to do in the meantime (I’m studying medicine, I don’t know if I’ll have time at all, not to mention play SC).

**As I watched the last ATV episode, I got a big slap in my face - Chris Roberts has a huge problem as a visionary and a director of this game.

You can shout “Fidelity” as much as you want. This is not fidelity, its straightforward a man who do not know when to stop, and what’s important to have that game finished eventually.

At this current path, we’ll never see a finished product.**

Why in the hell do you need to keep all of the NPC’s inside a ship all the time active, even if you’re not looking at them? (or more specifically, not in the same room with them)

Why do you make them look at every unimportant imaginary hole in the ship?

Why make hundreds of your employees do unnecessary overcomplicated work and basically guarantee that it will never end?

Some more examples: - Wildly-over-complicated “Item 2.0”. Really? is it necessary to disassemble every pixel in a ship/character/element to a component with sub-items?

Every screen HAS to have a function?

Ridiculously over-analyzed schedule of every NPC?

Who gets to process all of that information? my average computer or NASA supercluster mega processing farm?

Nobody (in this case, just me in the meantime) cares if the NPC’s on a ship have a life, as long as I don’t see them (or see them exactly 5 seconds). Why make them still doing stuff while its not IMPORTANT? This is the reason its taking too much time. THIS IS UNIMPORTANT. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

SC and S42 COULD have been finished and RELEASED until now.

But no, we still don’t have a brand new shiny system, that make every NPC in the game itch his head, because of lice in hair, so we don’t get enough FIDELITY. They might feel uncomfortable while talking to us! (excuse my sarcasm and over-exaggeration, it’s only to make a point)

I have plenty of respect to Ms. Roberts. He did what nobody else could have until now (unless we compare him to Elon Musk, Hm..). BUT, from the beginning it was apparent that he have a Future-creep Issue. I thought that he will calm down eventually, but no, the appetite grew stronger. I predict that we’ll get some kind of playable content (working playable content, unlike the current state) only in about 2 years from now. And even then, it still will be Pre-Pre-Alpha.

**Disclaimer: Just before everyone downvote me into oblivion because I have the audacity to raise some criticism and concern, let me just say - I’ve invested well above 500$ in this game until last year. No, that’s doesn’t makes me an owner of CIG, I KNOW. I’ve been following this project since day 0, well before it even started- since the days of Freelancer I was waiting for this game to happen. I only talk because I care.

Thank you.

goon avatar

The magic of Star Citizen is as if backers got a peak behind a magic trick to see the magician is just hiding behind a mirror and didn’t actually vanished into a tiny box. But then they willfully stop looking and return to the other side and gasp “he’s in the box!!! How did you do that!!!???” and pretty much repeat this process infinitely, constantly paying to see the same fake trick over and over.


Its like your sweaty, smelly, unlikeable uncle doing the coin-behind-the-ear trick to you except its the fifth time this hour and you’re running out of quarters to give him.

im concierge Star Citizen redchris18 but you can call me Legatus Navium. i first started buying ships when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of “immersion” and buying Star Citizen ships constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like “you know… PHYSICS PROCESSING” and “LAY the CODE” in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing my hands clip through things etc, basically stimperial schizophrenia. im now seeking a refund. i always wondered what the “server mesh” actually was all about; i think it’s the power of machines leaking in to the cloud, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who buy multiple ships a week to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to being scammed. parp.


Worth Clicking: Something Awful: Star Wars: Galaxies and the Joy of Being a Big Dumb Baby

It discusses the allure of a new MMO before people fully understand the game systems. The appeal of the unknown when everything still seems possible, because nobody knows any better yet.

This article really nails down exactly why the backers act like they do. They’re in permanent “anything is possible” heaven. With no game coming out, they’ll never crash to Earth.


(tweet: I’m constantly amazed by those people who are calling the #StarCitizen flight model “unrealistic” – it’s amazing to see just how many people have been to space and have piloted such a large number of different spacecraft that they’ve become this qualified to judge the system.)

yeah the realistic flight model of crashing into a planet surface at 400m/s and bouncing off like a squeak toy cannot be proven or disproved until the year 3000

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is actually not that much, if you compare it to the War Pack, or Completionist Pack, or any of the previous Mega packs.

ATV discussion prompted by debug info on screen


Meller stuck reading cue cards like a Taliban hostage.

Derek Smart

We like Phil. So it bothers me that I was laughing so hard at the fact that they have a LEAD DESIGNER reading off a f*cking cue card during an update on a project he SHOULD know about.

goon avatar

SQ42 lookin sexy


Virtual Captain
Derek Smart

I’m the debug info where an NPC has like 6 or 7 states. Hygiene? For an NPC? Like no fucking wonder they can’t get a game - any game - done.

Hygiene is being tracked for every NPC? On the client? That sounds nuts.

Let us remember what Chris said concerning showering

2014 Chris: “if you don’t shower for a while some NPCs won’t want to talk to you ‘cause you smell”

I’m having one of those they can’t possibly be this stupid thoughts here. Track that on the player, if this is somehow still something you want in the game. If you want it on every NPC, do it on the server and query during conversation. Don’t burden the client with this stuff for every NPC on the ship. The only thing I can say in their defense is that obviously this is a Squadron 42 mission. But if they’re sharing code heavily between the two? (As often speculated) They’re bonkers because that’s going to need syncing with the server. Dumb, bad, shtawp. I had the illegal thought, help.

I’m guessing they are using whatever default conversation system CryEngine provides and just plugged in Hygiene like you would Charisma. The client just needs it all the time. lol. None of this has been thought through at all. babby’s first Crysis mod.

goon avatar

The hygiene interacts with the argon, so It’s important they get these systems in early.

goon avatar

Regarding “bind culling”, there is an actual reason for the idiosyncratic naming. In CryEngine the term “bind” refers to the process of delegating control of an entity to some other authority, such as a script, physics, AI, or a server. In the case of a network bound entity, the server will handle all state of the entity and synchronize with all connected clients.

Out-of-the-box CryEngine doesn’t have any granularity for this. You send all updates to all clients and there is no way to vary update frequency by importance, distance, etc. So CIG want to “cull” the updates of distant/unimportant entitities. There are several ways to accomplish this - but they all hinge on adding more fine-grained control over synchronization of entity updates. I would think “bind/unbind” refers to synchronizing on a per-player basis, completing turning on/off updates of irrelevant entities. “Bind culling” refers to controlling the frequency of updates on a per-player basis.

Normally when engineers use very technology-specific names for such things, marketing and community management will translate it in more generic terms. But sometimes the terms bleed into common usage - “Unit Frames” from World of Warcraft is an example. There are no “units” in WoW, but it was based on the WC3 engine, so a Unit Frame is the healthbars of a character or monster.

Bind culling should have been named something with advanced entity synchronization, selective update frequency, or similar. But I agree that marketing has recognized the benefit of having a unique name for a very mundane problem. The technical newspeak helps create the illusion of innovation and mask the actual problems with just how ill-suited CryEngine is to handle the PU.

The Titanic