March Set 1

March Set 1

March Set 1

Sunk Cost Galaxy is back baby!


I am not a lawyer.

Worth Clicking:

(video: Sunk Cost Galaxy - Chapter 4: The Ecstasy of JPEGs)

I am a broken, mouth-breathing, obsessive troll with nothing better to do than make my opinion heard

here’s the calendar from the video:

Green line was the initial crowdfunding drive.

Red lines are for any time “something is on sale”

Preaching man is for a major presentation event, like Gamescon or Citcon.

The present is for major module releases, like AC, SM, and 3.0.

The little patches are for, well, minor patches to the public builds.


five emotefive emotefive emote

I know I’m biased (particularly about this one) but I really do feel it’s a serious heavy-hitter from start to finish. I am sure it will infuriate Zealots but I’m hard pressed to see how the core arguments can be refuted aside from “Goooooons!” argh emote There’s just too much that’s too heavy to brush off.

In this new era of hypersensitivity about Microtransactions, Chris Roberts’ shamelessness about Macrotransactions hasn’t yet be subjected to the new harder scrutiny. Only earlier today, Kotaku addressed the new climate and its impact on the DICE crew making the next Battlefield game. They seem a little shell shocked still.

Chris’s business model has, for the most part, been tacitly tolerated even as its excesses horrify many and the abuses of trust mount. He’s overdue for a re-evaluation and it’s clearer than ever why. I personally believe this year will not be a steady state year for CIG as the last many largely have. 2018 doesn’t end without the old, dead Thesis of Chris Roberts 6 year sales pitch giving way completely to the Antithesis of it. This video shows very clearly exactly why this must be so.

goon avatar
goon avatar

Bootcha’s tetris scene has unsettled a lot of redditors, god damn.


I’ve backed star citizen for over $14,000 but let me give you my fair, balanced, and unbiased view on the state of the game

Virtual Captain

Someone filled out the form saying ‘Nyx landing zone’ should be marked as Completed. I’m gonna go with In alpha at best.

Expectation 2015:

Deliverable LATE 2017:

I seems clear to me the original video was an on rails tour; practically a cutscene. I’ve NEVER seen a ship move so smoothly. It looks like they just plopped most of that cutscenes model right onto the moon. without any of the gas or atmosphere effects.

Virtual Captain
goon avatar

The Nyx landing zone is what is currently known as Levski, on the asteroid Delamar. This is where 3 jacket Miles Eckhart hangs out. It’s on an asteroid that is supposed to be in another planetary system (Nyx system), but has “temporarily” been relocated to the Stanton system. It’s basically a transplanted demo area.

Hahaha. Well that explains how I got confused. * Realism Intensifies *



goon avatar

I’m the tools that they’ve almost finished that will allow them to start working on something that they showed as complete 3 years ago.

goon avatar

Nope’n development.


goon avatar
goon avatar

In regards to stress eating: This was the Erin I knew from Digital Anvil (who the other dude in the pic is, I do not know). And back then he wasn’t the ordained right hand to the king of sperg mountain (the king had others he treated much better). But Erin was held in captivity by his brother, to serve as the cleanup guy for Chris’s bullshit. For what it’s worth (totally contrary to his brothers demeanor) Erin came to office every day, Erin was always approachable and fun to be around, and Erin did not demand that he have an entourage of henchmen follow him around all day to intimidate the workforce.

Then Erin left the business of working with his brother (and started making lego games, and was quite financially successful in that endeavor) and Voila! He became healthy, found new self esteem, and looked better then I had ever seen him look. I was happy he had found success on his own merits, and conquered his demons. Escaping his brother seemed to be exactly what he needed

But once again, His brother came calling and sucked him back into the vortex. Now we are seeing the real AOE damage that Crob does to his brother’s wellbeing - those photos are very sad of where he must be mentally again.. Erin looks exhausted, sad, and desperate to not make a blunder - or lest he be dragged before the royal couple to be brow beaten, yelled at, and told how worthless and untalented he is in comparison to the lord And lady.

Say what you want about about Erin. I like him on a personal level, and would gladly have a pint with the man at any time.


I mean who wouldn’t want tech from a company that is doing the impossible and is 7 years into their project and still can’t figure out how mining is going to fucking work.

Really gives me the confidence and peace of mind to believe that they created the best possible 64-bit positioning coding of all time!


reddit emote

3.0 is boring now

Yes, yes, I know. “It’s an Alpha Test!” That’s why I’ve said “3.0”, not “Star Citizen”.

Even with the amount of moons we have to explore, there’s just nothing to do. The sights are pretty, but they get old after about the 300th time you’ve seen them. The game chugs at places that were stable in 2.6, making you not want to go back to them. Aside from trading there’s nothing to do, and trading gets old and useless, especially after you have bought everything and still have over a million credits.

I just feel like I’ve done everything the game has to offer, and I haven’t experienced any bugs aside just general server lag. There isn’t anything left to do, in game or bug reporting.

I’ll see you guys around when we get Corusant.

We’ve really entered the barren midyear stretch now. March 2nd and no patch in sight, Citizens are getting restless.

Virtual Captain
goon avatar

Everything in Star Citizen vibrates. This is why ever since 2015 parked spaceships slowly spin and glide around the landing pad.

eyepop emote

I hope someone familiar enough with CryEngine chimes in with exactly how insane this is. My guess would be this kind of stuff make it difficult to gauge what needs to be updated over the network because presumably, everything has a new location from the last update. lol

goon avatar

Can’t say if Crysis is bad for this, but It’s pretty common that physics objects resting on other objects will jitter or slide. Especially if they’re on a slope, and the objects ping-pong between being ‘stationary’ in one update, then ‘sliding’ the next update. I’ve never seen a physics engine that doesn’t have this problem, at least a little.

The developer has to be diligent in keeping the physics objects simple, using as few physically simulated objects as possible, and clearly define when and why they should move, and when and why they should be stationary. If it’s not possible to rigidly lock an object, the jittering needs to be smoothed, clamped or hidden somehow. For example, in KSP, ships had a tendency to jitter and slide down slopes. So if you park your spaceship on a slope, the game will apply a deliberate counter-force to stop this. I’ve had success with monitoring a physics object for small angular accelerations, and if the accelerations are small enough, just applying a make-believe torque to stop it. It’s particularly hard to stop jitter whenever a force and counterforce equilibrium needs to be achieved, like in the case of a suspension spring pushing back against gravity, or a car sitting on a boat that is held up by buoyancy. Ideally, you just want to declare when an object is ‘stationary’ and freeze it.

SC is turbofucked because the ship is a collection of physical objects (many of which interpenetrate), the players are also physical objects, you can park vehicles in ships, and the landing gear suspension is never is allowed to ‘lock’ like in ED. The ship always has a bunch of erratic forces acting on it, with a bunch of erratic counterforces and, like you said, these counterforces can be delayed by an update or have a discrepancy with the server.

goon avatar

Worth Clicking:

(video: ship violently shaking)
goon avatar

:redditor 1: I think it’s gotten so bad that his wife has left him, he is completely off his meds (his own admission), and literally has locked himself away in his apartment.

Redditor 2: He may not have an apartment for much longer. Not sure how much more I can say without getting in trouble. PM me if you want more details.

Goon: lol i thought doxxing was bad

Redditor 2: Careful with the mental gymnastics. You aren’t good at them, and might hurt yourself.

The lack of self-awareness amongst Citizens is simply staggering. “We did a reverse Google image search to ID this woman, found out what she did for a living and then traced her social media, because her husband is a FILTHY DOXXER!!!!” What will it take for these morons to have a “Are we the baddies?” moment?

Virtual Captain

reddit emote

I got about as far as 2:07 but it left me with little more than a sense of consternation as to why someone would go to all of the trouble to make the fourth part (and counting) of a series about something he hates. I’m sure that the goons will love it. After all, that’s how they get their kicks. But I really don’t care what his particular thoughts on SC are.

Broadcasting to the rest of the group that you are so repulsed by the opposition that you cannot stomach their voice, an idea, or a person is a tell. It lets everyone know that they haven’t been speaking to anyone outside the cult and they are protecting themselves from anything that might dis-confirm what the cult has been teaching.

Eric Weinstein spoke about this at length. I think it was on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

goon avatar

Worth Clicking: (video: Streamer says he is playing 2.0 instead of the latest patch. “The things I like to do is just nothing”)


Virtual Captain
goon avatar

I didn’t think that was public knowledge yet, but it is now so fuck it.

The dude who figured out a way to do planets was told to not let Chris see any of it, because Chris would freak out and all the plans and schedules and teams would be changed again to prioritise planets, surfaces, surface vehicles

Can you guess what the guy did, what do you think he did

Next thing you know there’s a trailer for it

Anyone who thinks they’re working to any kind of roadmap or schedule is deluded, the roadmaps are just for the backers

I don’t think there is a single aspect of this that is well managed. Not even the art, maybe they have concepts that sell well. But if t takes you nearly a year to model one vehicle into the game you are fucking up somewhere. Go back an watch that Overwatch prototyping video. Star Citizen is not even at the stage you would need textured assets.