Seemingly former Star Citizen stream DeejayKnight is now doing something cool and good by streaming with FIRST Robotics Competition. I volunteer for FIRST. It’s a lot of fun.
We’re seeing a lot more Star Citizen fans and streamers quietly slip away lately. The ones that are left are becoming increasingly agitated and perturbed. Eventually the Brown Sea will be distilled down to a single fan, a single solitary drop of pure rage certain that Star Citizen is coming soon.
WTFo: “I feel like I’ve lost a lot of drive for the stream. Iuhhhhh.. a lot uhhhh… well, nothing really going on with Star Citizen.”
What we were shown in KS was the assumption, that this game could be finished with the KS funds with what Chris was showing us. Not “early days” or something to begin development with. If you review the media, he show’s ship in ship (i.e. oh wow we have physical grids now) landing. 6DOF flight, IFCS Flight, the Vanduul, a big as base, NPC’s in a ship to interact with. All the mechanics in working order, and a game that needs funding to be completed. And the best part, it all looked FUN to play with.
However, this is not the case. It seems that Chris caught on with the “ship bug” and just made ships, refactoring the “game” everytime. This is to make it shiner as its current competitors without fully realizing any “game”. Elite is in v3.0, looks good as hell, and here we have Star Citizen, barely a playable shell, with screenshots, artwork and a presentation that rivals a fully working and developed game. How can these games even compete? The illusion of progress because the art is buffed everytime masks the engineering debt that it has accumulated over the years. Star Citizen still looks current gen, regardless of how you spin it. Does it work? No. But will the graphics sell? Yes.
As long as CIG keeps this “curren gen” polish going. The funding will keep flowing.
Oldman will be voicing Admiral Bishop in two video games, “Squadron 42” and “Star Citizen,” both out in 2018.
“Both out in 2018”
What sort of new fud is this?
The games are already out. Backers have been playing Star Citizen for years, it just keeps getting better and better with every patch. Ben has already played SQ42 to the end and Gary Oldman has been parping in that one since 2013 (?).
Just buy a ship and play.
Buy more though to make all your dreams come true.
The expensive ships buy you happiness as well.
“I refuse to prove I exist,” says Star Citizen, “for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing.”
“Oh,” says Derek, “but what about Around the Verse? It proves you exist and therefore you don’t. QED.”
“I hadn’t thought of that” says Star Citizen, and promptly vanishes in a puff of motion capture.
“Well, that was easy” says Derek, who goes on to prove that bad gameplay is good gameplay and is killed at the next E3.
The Titanic
And as is reminiscent of how Chris Roberts believed modern programming to function, each of these totally separate components would just click together like LEGO bricks.
This harkens back to the entire problem with Illfonic, and other studios since then, where everything they worked on simply was not a compile away from joining hands in a happy computer program that knew how to be friends immediately.
His AI will be perceptive if the environment they are in and actually see and hear and react to these sensory inputs naturally because why not. You just build one AI to be the all AI and next thing he expects is Boston Dynamics sending him mail asking to please share his wealth of knowledge with them.
This is also why there is no design document. Why all the ships are basically self contained entire games. Why a single stretch goal could be a hugely complex Command and Conquer game. Why he can suddenly believe in tanks. Why procedurally wildlife can totally just appear on a planet that looks like a hand made Crysis map within a few short algorithms. He has absolutely zero comprehension of how these huge, enormous, and basically silly things will ever actually interact with each other ever. He doesn’t even know how to start thinking this big.
And that’s why after 5 and some change years people have a borderline shit tier FPS game and a no clip space flight experience where you can land on a planet. I’ll give them credit for the planet thing; although it hasn’t made the game any better at all, as everybody had said. Nobody is forgiving the sub 15 FPS because they can slowly judder across an empty planet.
Chris Roberts is the perfect squirrel. Always chasing the next shiny object. When it comes to management, this is exactly the kind of personality you don’t want associated with any kind of long term project. You will get nowhere fast, everybody will be pissed, and he’ll never understand why the shareholders are furious because his years overdue barcode scanner can now also take pictures and upload them to Instagram while being connected to a cellular tower by itself.
Cali Lawyer: fired off motion to dismiss,
Judge: See you in court
Some of the hardcore backers probably think that having big dreams and the force of personality to order others to carry them out to the letter, instead of making these annoyingly trivial and boring things they tend to do on their own. Chris is their proxy dreamer - his vision is so grand it can encompass any vision of their own. Even the biggest whale doesn’t have the personal wealth and chutzpah to make a start-up, hire actual staff and start telling the minions how it’s done. But this crowdfunding is a way to make it happen anyway!
When it fails, they’ll blame the stupid minions, Derek Smart, the gaming press, CryTek, goons, filthy leavers, anyone but Chris. Even if CIG comes out of the legal battle unscathed, if funding keeps flowing in, and we all get to witness an actual release of a buggy and unfun product - they’ll still not blame Chris. He can ship a crappy game with pride or brazenly quit the project ahead of time and they’ll still not blame him. Because he is their proxy. Some of these people have no point where the incompetence and absurdity becomes apparent to them - any problem is caused by bad minions or outside influence. It is far more likely that they get lured away by better proxies or run out of money.
It’s not really a huge problem when incompetent visionaries waste money chasing dreams. People get paid and the money flows from stupid whales to the economy as a whole. But when the workplace is toxic, workers are taken advantage of, etc. - then the dreamers are feeding a beast that needs to be put out of it’s misery. I see a lot of signs that CIG and F42 aren’t great places to work. I hope I am wrong, because then this is a great comedy and people get paid. Everyone wins. But the faces in those videos look stressed and overworked. It’s not the backers I feel empathy towards. It’s the studio staff who could’ve been employed under better conditions, had the money flowed to less abusive dream factories.
Is this a scam? Not really at this point. It’s not hard to find a video showing what the product is actually like at this point, and it’s no secret that it’s late, buggy, etc. A few vulnerable backers probably get taken advantage of to a degree they don’t deserve, but they could be in much worse hands. But overworked game developers watching cronies make it rich, while they slave to produce smoke and mirrors for the dreamers. That irks me.
If CIG put half as much effort into making a game as they do into scamming people, making shell companies, reneging on their own terms of service, denying refunds, selling nonexistent products, fucking over their partners, violating contracts, and attempting to defraud the court system itself in order to protect their ill-gotten gains, we still wouldn’t be playing anything, because Chris Roberts is in charge.
Patch 3.1.0 released to Evocati (CIG’s super favorite players)
40014 will cause a client crash. W/A: If this occurs, wait 10 minutes and relaunch.
The missing person/crew missions immediately abandon after accepting.
ESP is currently not behaving as intended and IFCS fixes are still pending.
The new ships and vehicles are incomplete and may be missing certain functionality.
Drake Cutlass rear ramp and side doors can not be opened.
A target ship despawning will cause the player to crash.
Testing Focus
For the purposes of testing, ETF will be restricted to certain ships uniformly that will not include the new ships/vehicles yet. For this initial phase, we would like you to play as normal to test stability, focus on regression testing of the numerous bug fixes, and help with the following test request:
Implemented service beacons (Currently disabled, but below is how it should work).
What an underwhelming turd of an update.
New ships: Don’t fly them.
Some ships: Doors don’t work.
Crashes?: Wait ten minutes.
What a disaster. lol
**for those interested in performance news, the new patch doesn’t offer much. Remember that fresh servers always perform better due to low player numbers and low NPC/physics clutter.
I have seen averages in the 20 fps range with dips below 10 fps so far on aging servers with a regular number of players. Pretty much 3.01 business as usual**
You also have to remember that given the current state of the patch with general instability, memory leaking and rather quick gameplay degradation, many players only access a server for a few minutes which leaves population and load lower than on the average live server
The watermarking of evocati stuff is still going strong.
This is a leaked screen cap of the reclaimer (taken from reddit) showing the watermark:
Beet Wagon
(Honest Concern) Isn’t it a bit worrying that 5 years into development the game isn’t fun at all to play beyond its awe-inspiring moments?
Implemented service beacons (Currently disabled, but below is how it should work).
Ships and Vehicles (comming soon, but not part of initial focus)
You have to be fucking kidding me.
So the patch notes are basically “Here’s what we’d have done if we’d done anything.”
Implemented fun (Currently disabled, but below is how it should work)
The word “should” appears an alarming number of times for a changelist
Are we sure these people know what they are doing
Star Citizen should now be good
It’s feast or famine in the star citizen laughing scene
Today it’s a feast
The much awaited “netcode special” AtV Episode airs
Clive: “in theory the client should receive an update for entities every two frames, so it has to kind of guess what’s happened in the middle frame. So basically what it’s doing is it’s locally simulating all the entities.”
Clive: “we’ve had to change assumptions on the networking code side where previously it would say, “Okay, I’ve got an entity, it’s a networked entity, every client needs to know about this,” there would be be assumptions all the way through the network code that relied on that being true so we’d have to change all those and so it’s a bit by bit process that we’ve kind of unraveled stuff and add new stuff and optimized stuff that would allow bind culling to be possible and we’re almost there.”
Clive: “There’s a couple of different ways we could deal with that situation but until we do we can’t really put bind culling in because it could break the gameplay.”
Clive: “Up until now, all of the entity spawning has been synchronous or what we call blocking which means that the point in the code where it says that I need this entity, it’ll basically stop whatever it’s doing, it’ll go and load the data in for that entity, create the entity itself, register it with physics and whatever else it needs to do, and then go,”Okay, this function can exit. Let’s carry on and do the rest of the game. So, we need asynchronous entity spawning which is also known as object container streaming.”
So the 10 year old engine is not at all designed for modern multiplayer, why did you do this to backers?
Matthew: “We have about a budget of about 2500 draw calls for all ships on screen at one time and a ship can be anywhere between 500 draw calls to 800 draw calls at its highest resolution.”
Anything over 5 ships will start to impact performance? but we are still going to have big fleet battles right>?
Virtual Captain
I don’t think this was ever answered by Chris but yesterday we got our answer. Will Star Citizen players all be on one giant server?
Clive: “We are planning on attempting a single shard”
Planning on attempting.
Virtual Captain
Q: Will server meshing be used to attempt a single world wide server shard, or is PING the unbreakable barrier?
Clive Johnson: Ah, well, PING’s definitely an unbreakable barrier… ehm… we are PLANNING on ATTEMPTING a single shard, ehm… but PING’s definitely gonna be the big OBSTACLE that we’re gonna have to FACE. Ehm… so… (gulp) a number that I’ve kinda got in mind, it’s… I think it’s ehm… Australia to parts of the US is something like a typically, like a 200ms PING… ehm… from EU to US something around 100ms or so
So they’re not insignificant latencies… so potentially what we COULD do is try and find, ehm… a SERVER that’s geographically in the MIDDLE of the players who are interacting at that point and try and locate all the players who are interacting, so all the players who are on Port Olisar are on the same server and people would be in the geographic middle somewhere where all the player who are at Port Olisar at that point at that time
Ah, and try and optimise the PING that way for as many people as possible, ehm…
The biggest challenge they are thinking about in terms of a single shard is ping. It’s fucking hilarious.
Matthew: “Another trick that we do is with our vis areas and portal culling. So, when we’re on the outside of the ship we don’t want to draw the interior and even when you’re in another room in the ship, we don’t want to draw the next room.”
Matthew: “We have a few tricks in our bag to do that. One of the things is LODs - we have artists creating level of detail meshes which reduce the number of polygons and reduce the materials as you go into the distance. These are being hand done and also generated by our Simplygon tool.”
Actually, Chris regularly stated throughout the campaign that more funds would mean they could get content out faster, while at the same time expanding stretch goals.
“Finally there is one very important element – the more funds we can raise in the pre-launch phase, the more we can invest in additional content (more ships, characters etc.) and perhaps more importantly we can apply greater number of resources to the various tasks to ensure we deliver the full functionality sooner rather than later.”
The idea that when backers “voted” for more stretch goals Chris Roberts warned anyone “Okay but it’s going to take longer” is a fiction. He actually told us things would happen faster.
No it isn’t. I was there, I voted and I read everything he wrote about it.
Which is exactly the truth and exactly what they are doing. More funding means a bigger team which they have hired to make the game come out sooner rather than later. I know exactly how you are trying to spin words and it doesn’t work with me and you know it. You prey on the ignorance of others to make your FUD work. Luckily most people aren’t as gullible as the few who actually believe you.
“out of context”
Okay dude. lmao
lol…go back to your little refunds hate sub. I am having fun calling out you Star Citizen detractors that enjoy coming in here and causing drama because you can’t get anybody to believe your FUD.
I’m sorry your brain is so broken. I hope you get better soon.
Your interpretation that Chris meant he was going to miss the 2014 release date intentionally by 8 or more years if people just pledged more money when he said: “the more funds we can raise.. we can apply greater number of resources to the various tasks to ensure we deliver the full functionality sooner rather than later.”
is just full on crazy - no sane backer would have given him a single dollar if this was the case.
It is hilarious seeing you call other people here detractors while poisoning the sub with this kind of insane claims.
Chris said loud and clear that the more nerds he fleeced the faster he could make this game . Chris lied, nerds cried. Then true to form, instead of saying ‘yeah we got that wrong’ the backers doubled down, cried their hearts out and revamped history to make damn sure they could look each other in their four eyes and say ‘we’re still right’
Ben Lesnick played through all of Squadron 42 and Chris Roberts can’t even come up with its 2018 roadmap.
And a SQ42 roadmap won’t be published btw. Because it’ll be added straight into the lawsuit as evidence that there’s a second title in development. That’s why I’ve been banging on about it, there’s the Chris transcript THERE in which he says the roadmap will be a realtime mirror of the internal JIRA, and here is Skadden HERE saying that a second title is in breach of the licence.
So it took CIG 3 months to realise what I realised in 2 minutes. They can’t publish a SQ42 roadmap, you will never see a SQ42 roadmap because CIG know fucking rightly they don’t have a license to develop SQ42 on CryEngine.
If you are a Star Citizen backer right now, this is what you believe: