So you’re saying that me reading and commenting in a subreddit I’m subscribed to is the product of some kind of collusion because I like to talk with other people on other mediums? Or are you accusing me directly of all that other stuff?
If you could please elaborate on this extensive coordinated campaign you believe is going on it would help me know how hard to laugh at you. I’d really appreciate it.
Lol. You’re working yourself up man. Read what I actually wrote.
Do you deny that anti-SC Discord channels, subreddits, forum threads, videos, “infographics”, websites, and “news” articles have been established and/or published by goons?
I’m not aware of any news articles goons have published lol, but in what way does that make them organized? Major Tom, for example has nothing to do with me (for example) except that we both post on Something Awful occasionally. You - like so many before you - are looking for meaning in chaos, and it’s extremely funny.
Do a Google search for Nick Munroe’s SC articles. He’s a goon (and for-hire “investigator”) who has published various “TheAgent” posts as news stories.
lmbo hold on, are you saying that because some dude you claim is a goon wrote an article on Star Citizen as part of his job that we’re somehow responsible for that. Hahaha holy fuck dude. You need to ditch the tinfoil hat, pronto.
My only collaborator on the 3.0 Infographic was Chris Roberts. Cry me a river if it made for depressing reading but that’s what happens when you turn from the future Chris is overpromising to the past he keeps underdelivering…
Beet Wagon
The beautiful thing about Citizen conspiracy theories is that the more you say “dude you’re being insane” the more they believe you must be hiding something.
CIG selling Green ships for St. Patricks Day
Whether you are a discerning socialite or a freewheeling party animal, the Constellation Phoenix Emerald is your personal passport to entertainment. With a limited edition “lucky” paint job, it’s the perfect venue to sip a glass of Radegast Gold or throw back a green Sleeping Tiger Malt while hurtling luxuriously through the stars. Just be sure to bring a designated pilot. The Phoenix Emerald comes with a Lynx rover and a Kruger P-72 Archimedes Fighter.
Warbond version ships CANNOT be purchased with store credit
$420.00 USD
Tax Included:
VAT 20%
0 left
Green ship bundles? Discounts on Squadron tees because they’re green? They won’t arrive for weeks if not a couple months so how exactly can one celebrate St. Patrick’s Day wearing one?
YOUTUBE: RELAY STATION: A highly blasted Erris expresses trepidation about CIG’s increasingly aggressive cash-generation efforts
2018 Erris: “straight up I’m kinda disappointed in CIG with all of the weird sales and weird things that they’ve been selling lately it’s not even just ships anymore it’s just like ‘hey we’re gonna support St. Patrick’s Day and so green ships because’ but you’ve never done this before why.. ‘oh because’ […] they’re throwing everything out there and it makes me kind of worried that makes me kind of concerned it’s like why are you guys trying so much to sell so much when theres still not that much more to the game”
Yes, Erris, it does seem a little worrying now that you mention it. Oh well, it’s probably nothing to worry about…
Virtual Captain
RELAY: When do you think drinkable booze will be in-game?
: been there for a long time in fact, couple years
yeah not in the PU though!
: probably very soon considering you can do it in the hangar
I think it’ll probably come around when we have the new health mechanics because they’ve been talking about new health yeah this is not happening this year but they’ve been talking about it in in the near future so that’s happening for beta and if they really do want to push beta out sometime next year or 2020 which is what they seem to be implying heavily
Star Citizen: Not happening this year but in the near future
Maybe CIG’s vaunted Subsumption AI should first be put to use to fill out the player counts in Star Marine/Arena Commander/Murray Cup games. For the reporting period ending March 17:
Star Marine: 2.8 concurrent, 129.9 uniques/day
Arena Commander: 2.1 concurrent, 58.7 uniques/day
Murray Cup: 0.9 concurrent, 24.6 uniques/day
Total: 5.8 concurrent, 193.9 uniques/day
Once again, the Squadron Battle leaderboard failed to update due to a presumable lack of any games played.
Here are the stereotypical charts you see in cartoons where a distraught businessman is gesticulating at a zigzagging downward line on an easel.
•Community management team is more of a marketing team .Keep coming up with excuses for everything guys.So fun to watch…
•Many Twitch streamers are obviously affiliated with RSI . They keep raffling SC packages which leads other streamers who want to remain competitive in that sphere to do the same .End result is that every stream I switch to the man keeps bombarding me with giveaways . OK I get it free stuff is good but I hope you get my point .Stop making viewers feel like plebs.
•Large chunk of the community is just too hyped with little critical thinking . WOW LOOK AT THAT NEW SHIP . HEY THAT IS GOING TO BE COOL . What I am trying to say is that these people downvote on reddit every critique of the dev process which is a highly regressive practice .
•Community mods on Spectrum and official Twitch channel are too strict . I cannot stress how negative this seems to me . Building an MMO on theme park policies and family friendly guidelines takes away from the flavor of any online experience .
I came to think around these issues yesterday because a friend asked about it . I like the technical and artistic work RSI is producing but I am highly disappointed in the way the way they sell their product .
Showing people what they actually built has massacred interest in the game. People streaming and/or “playing” it has all but dried up. This new plan is exactly what you’re all saying it is - taking away the visible evidence, and cherry-picking fully deluded backers - those who have sustained such extensive brain and neurological damage that they would pay the man they gave free money to for the privilege of face time. Those people are going to swallow whatever CGI dick Chris hands them - right down to the balls. Then they’ll go out into the world and spread their cognitive plague to the ignorant, telling tales of incredible gameplay, stunning AI, and swearing on their mothers’ graves that The Dream Is Real.
When in doubt, recruit more fanatics. It works for Amway, it works for Scientology, and it works for CIG. Anyone thinking that CIG’s end, whether or not it’s brought about by Skadden or some unforeseen circumstance, will be permanent is just as deluded as the backers themselves. “Star Citizen” the concept will go on for decades. It will become a sort of intellectual leprosy - people with functioning minds will go to great pains to avoid those who talk about how great it was/is/will be.
Sort of like now, come to think of it.
The hardest thing for true believers to accept, particularly after interacting with developers and artists on a tour, is based on a false dichotomy framing.
“All these people can’t be lying to me. They are nice, sincere, talented and working like dogs for this dream therefore it really is real.”
The frame is wrong. A visit, particularly to the HQ of CIG Mythmaking (CIG LA), amounts to a guided tour of the acute developmental dysfunction “normalized” under Chris Roberts practiced, Code Whispering hands.
The appearance of “Bad Sean” on the Newegg livestream shows exactly what this looks like, as Sean is asked “what is Star Citizen?” and gives the Chris Roberts answer.
Do we see willful calculation and nefarious intent at work here? No, we see a developer who spends the majority of his working hours in close proximity to the Reality Distortion Field that is Chris Roberts. This is how Chris talks about the game despite the fact that it does not have hundreds of Star Systems, it has 1/4th of only 1. Yet if Sean Tracy had gone on that stream and said “Star Citizen has a few moons and a planetoid in it right now” Chris would’ve surely said “what the hell are you doing telling people that?!”
The beauty of “The Road to CitizenCon” is that it meant to glorify their struggles and excuse their failures yet what it really did was capture Chris’s pathology so incriminatingly.
Josh Herman states it plainly: “Chris has very high expectations and I think a lot of us do, and we all want to match them.”
Indeed, no one can doubt Chris can be a cruel taskmaster. But his “very high expectations” are more truly described as “very dysfunctional expectations” and the video gives testament to exactly that.
Chris is more pre-occupied with the gesticulations of an imaginary worm than nearly anything else in the Homestead demo, a point only further driven home in the Jump Point transcripts which offer yet more glimpses as conductor leads orchestra in rehearsals for the wrong song. Throughout the video, we get pull quotes from developers worldwide, all laboring to hit that which the boss has deemed the target. And hit it they mostly did, save for some minor glitches, and the video spends ample time basking in the afterglow of the wrong job well done. Yet to what end, really, beyond fundraising jolts and breathless coverage of credulous press?
Specifically it shows off Star Citizen’s procedural planet-making abilities which, yes I know that’s a sensitive subject, but look at the results here. Those vistas are gobsmacking. Trees! Deserts! Other living things! And those sky-boxes? They’re not - that’s the game world. Whatever the unrestricted view distance touches, you should be able to get to.
The mission demonstrated is apparently indicative of the kind of planetary missions we’ll be carrying out in Star Citizen, the game’s leader, Chris Roberts, said. They’ll be handcrafted missions supplemented with “algorithmic” content. The demo also shows us a stealth takedown.
_(Eurogamer then went on to outline all the features of 3.0 that would be arriving by the end of 2016, and we recall all too well how that turned out as CIG endured the painful work of downsizing formerly sold fictive expectations so they could deliver the practical compromise a year after the fact.)_
Returning to “The Road to CitizenCon”, It’s incredible, really, the surreal victory lap everyone takes for having won the wrong race. The coercions to normalize all of it, every misguided week spent in its construction, are everywhere even as we and CIG all know now what a high price was paid for it.
How, after seeing all the blood, sweat and tears, could anyone doubt the hard working, friendly people who endured a summertime crunch to create that emotional moment? The developers themselves believe this is normal because their Boss has deemed it so and it was the necessary business to please him.
It is against this entire backdrop of collective effort that we can really appreciate the contrast offered by the stoic, cautious Todd Papy. As teams worldwide were laboring furiously to realize Chris’s grand fictive ambitions, it is Papy who anticipates the confusion risk and states point blank, “I just don’t want to be selling something we might not have in the game.”
Imagine that entirely reasonable soundbite edited in to The Road to CitizenCon, as teams were constructing the sandworm demo.
It’s impossible, right? That an entirely reasonable, morally cautious statement like that would never belong in such a video is because it would stand like a sharp pin above the fragile bubble of dysfunctional fiction that the entire video inflates over the course of 20 minutes.
Papy isn’t the only one expressing caution and sobriety, however much it runs counter to CIG’s aspirational semi-fictions. We saw a similar sobriety on “Calling All Devs” from Luke Pressley as he openly admitted Cargo Missions weren’t fun. You’d never have guessed that by watching The Alpha 3.0 Feature Trailer as the Cargo Box is the top-billed star and what a delightful adventure it enjoys (that has little to do with the actually quite mundane business of Cargo Transport in the game…)
But we can be sure that anyone visiting CIG LA for a glimpse of hidden wizardry isn’t getting a tour guide pointing out sorting fictions from facts, the short term likelihoods from the long term hopes. This is true for MoMA and will surely be true of the $350 guests in May. Any secret demos shown will all one big glowing ball of the transcendent glorious gaming that’s finally, finally right around the corner. It’s coming to validate the indeterminable wait and unbelievable expense. It will make all the past lies okay. It will humble all who dared doubt the process. And it will stand as open rebuke to the AAA industry itself; they didn’t believe in Chris’s vision and now must endure humiliation by it.
Star Citizen stopped being a crowdfunded project and turned into an alternative reality game around the time that Derek showed up. Chris was right about one thing; after about three years things begin to get stale. Star Citizen started to get stale around 2015, and now as we near the three year mark of Derek’s involvement the same is true for the ARG.