I agree with CIG’s assessment to get the patch out by the deadline at all costs. It looks like shit to us, but to backers CIG is turning it around. Delays have been the number one morale killer. If they delayed the first patch of their new quarterly release schedule, it would kill the enthusiasm for questioning backers. I’m more interested to find out if every major feature gets delayed and rolled up into a big end of year patch.
Good thing they’ve got those dedicated avocados that deeply test these things before they get to the PTU. Good thing they didn’t just rush this shit out the door with 10% of the promised features and riddled with bugs.
Everything is looking good for Star Citizen.
Virtual Captain
The faithful are losing faith, the money is slowing down, Star Citizen not being released has become the joke. Now he needs to start delivering if he wants to dispel the inevitable decline, and there’s nothing to deliver.
The faithful are doing a good job of hunkering down for 2018. I think this year they have such exciting things to look forward to such as:
Performance (lol)
Female playercharacters (WIP since 2013, I got a feeling this year G0RF)
Every year they get better at lowering expectations, MoMA and the rest of was looking forward to a full release of SQ42 or at least a couple missions last year.
I am seeing the idea of 2020 being fully embraced by backers more and more. Another captain says “You have to have faith” Can they survive on the number of devotees they have remaining? Will the faith hold? It sure would be funny if it didn’t.
That shit really grinds my gears. “Oh we didn’t have the features on time for 3.1.” Well if you define a feature set, say that feature set will be in 3.1, then you release without that feature set, then it’s not fucking 3.1 is it? That’s what 3.1 is - the shit you said beforehand would be in it. That’s what makes it 3.1.
Yet this shit flies with the backers. The constant non-stop release version increments without associated progress on the game. Don’t worry that nothing you paid for is in the game or will ever be in the game, and don’t worry that we haven’t even thought about designing a game system yet - these version numbers are going up, up, up!
Virtual Captain
There’s a part of me that wants to buy in the minimum amount to see this shitshow for the first time.
Not because I want to play or support CiG, but because I feel like I can get entertainment value from laughing at this mess first hand and posting things here.
I spent about 20 mins watching 3.1 streams last night. I saw at least 4 crashes. You end up doing this constantly:
typically followed by
Beet Wagon
The game runs like absolute dogshit, and it’s so much work to even get to the part where you can clip through a wall and go “heh, that was kind of funny” that it’s not even worth it 99.9999% of the time.
More bears
phwoa….this doxxing is hard work
No joke.
I could have been Bear4TheBearGod.
It’s not too late for you to start sending bears to CIG. I’m not sure whether it’s funnier if you send grizzlies or massive, bearded homosexuals. I suggest splitting the difference and sending gay grizzlies.
Well what do you know, people gave Chris money of their own free will, thus Chris is allowed the same. Once given the money is officiously income to Chris Roberts to use as he pleases
lmbo this might be the dumbest fucking take on all of twitter right now. It turns out Star Citizen isn’t crowdfunded because actually Chris self-funded it with money people just happened to give him for some other totally unrelated reason.
0:25 - “some people really tired, some people are like ‘you know what I am so tired in this […] candy cycle; you know it looks so good it tastes so good and then it rots the fucking teeth out of my mouth’ they’re tired of seeing this cycle over and over again”
5:16 - “for the game to be successful we got to drop this kind of elitist attitude where we think we’re the only people that matter and that [other people] just don’t get it”
2014 made $32,933,205, and had 138 days of sale, about 38% of the year.
Minus the sum of non-sale day average of 227 days, those sales accounted for 78% of the year’s earnings.
2015 made $35,961,202, and had 153 days of sale, about 42% of the year.
Minus the sum of non-sale day average of 212 days, those sales accounted for 81% of the year’s earnings.
2016 made $36,100,538, and had 121 days of sale, about 33% of the year.
Minus the sum of non-sale day average of 245 days, those sales accounted for 78% of the year’s earnings.
2017 made $34,912,412, and had 150 days of sale, about 41% of the year.
Minus the sum of non-sale day average of 215 days, those sales accounted for 80% of the year’s earnings.
2018 has to make about $36009847, and is projected at this rate to have 215 days of sale, about 59% of the year.
Minus the projected sum of non-sale day average of 150 days, these sales will account for 87% of the year’s earnings.
unfortunately we have to take funding tracker at its word, otherwise the facade of open development falls apart.
seriously. ridiculous stuff too, like getting locked into the mobiglass window and everything becomes un-clickable. reboot. stuck inside ships. reboot. crash to black window, reboot. controls locked out. reboot. and none of this is even related to the piss poor performance, either. that’s a whole nother issue. it’s these game breaking bugs that just randomly make it so nothing works. and this comes after having game blocking bugs for 3 months that prevented me from even loading to the main menu since january.
you don’t have to sit here and repeat the same tired old defensive talking points, dude. like i said, old backer, heard it before, i can see right through your excuse making. it’s getting tiresome. at some point it should sink in to you that criticism isn’t the same thing as being derisive. and i have taken time off, in fact, for the last 3 months i wasn’t even able to load the game at all because it crashed every single time. it’s only been in the last few days that i was able to even load into crusader, and it’s been a constant bug fest.
these are pretty obvious and apparent facts that i’m stating, even after a long forced break from the game it’s still a perpetual struggle to even accomplish bug testing. it took me several hours to even TRY and repro a bug because just getting to the same conditions requires a struggle! discussion with you is pointless if you’re unwilling to acknowledge what is real.
It’s pretty clear you’re not interested in reality right now, merely grumbling and bitching about something none of us can control, and CIG already has plans to address.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a $45 backer or in for over $2k like me. The facts don’t change based on amount paid or spent
Star Citizen: It’s pretty clear you’re not interested in reality right now
I understand the frustration but it’s like blaming your son not doing house work before he is being born. Give the mother more time and support, she is giving all she has got.
Beet Wagon
Physics, what is it?
(tweet: For #ThrowbackThursday, we want to see some of your favorite #StarCitizen moments)
I say Chris should skunkworks a team there on Operation: Waifu. I’m semi-serious. Throw some serious cash at designing an NPC companion with a thousand lines of affirmation that sits beside you on those long dull stretches saying things like “You are the best pilot in the galaxy!”, “it’s a privilege to be part of your crew”, or “I like a man who knows how to handle a gun.” Something, anything to inject life into that vacuum would help. A UEE radio station, a time-passing minigame like Gwent… Something to give the player’s brain more to engage with than just the thrills of watching a circle get bigger verrrrrrrrrrrrryyy slooooooooooowlyyyy…
Day 852 and the adventure comes to its end.
Today is my final day working at Foundry 42 on Star Citizen. It’s been an absolute blast helping contribute to such a groundbreaking game in my own small way.