Crytek put up the cash. Guess they must think they have a shot. Should be interesting at least.
Crytek putting their life savings on 0 at the roulette table.
I spent the last 5 hours trying to play Star Citizen.
I probably won’t log back on. Convince me otherwise? That was hell, it was the worst experience in any project I have ever had even tho some of the visuals were stunning. I do professional software dev, I can understand what an incomplete project looks like, but I’ve seen the videos where elevators, doors, ships, they all work. Voice chat works in videos. Did they break 90% of working functionality in the last patch? What THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS PROJECT. PLS HALP.
About 10% of the money I have as accessible “savings” in cash - not invested.
Why is money pledged to Star Citizen going towards Squadron 42?
If he can’t make decent GAMEPLAY MECHANICS with a proper MMO engine in 10 years, he’s a lying, scamming, con artist and should be treated accordingly.
He’s been paying himself his brother and his wife mid 6 figure salaries for years and he hasn’t done anything to deserve it yet.
This is why I consider the Crobbler a crook and not just a vanilla failure. Nobody would fund his bad movie game, so he funded it with the promise of a product he didn’t care about, and one far beyond his extraordinarily limited abilities. SQ42 was entirely possible, albeit inevitably bad. But nobody wants that, certainly not to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
In that sense he’s worse than Elizabeth Holmes. At least she defrauded people over a very focused and specific lie.
Anyone buying the 890 jump upon release into Alpha?
A mate of mine wants to take a 1 grand loan from his Credit Union in order to get it. It was a bruh moment between us. Anyone else splashing the cash on it?
So, in discussion with people of various knowledge specialties…
You guys should really read or re-read “The True Believer”.
And you should stop thinking this is exclusively a “religious” phenomenon, and look at it from a political angle.
I’m not joking. The “cult” of Star Citizen has more to do with the mechanics of politics than it has to do with the mechanics of religious belief.
They’re not going to put out a big flashy demo at CitCon for the same reason they didn’t put one out last year: All the big flashy demos were made by other companies, and they’ve burned everybody in the industry who could possibly work with them.
There is nobody at CIG competent enough to put together something like the sandworm demo, or the vertical slice. These guys can barely make sitting in a chair function correctly, you think they can put together 45 minutes of semi-interesting footage? All they ever produced for those things was the art assets- everything else was coming from other, better dev teams.
This year’s CitCon will be a near-future preview of whatever shit assets they’ve managed to get working. It’ll be thoroughly uninteresting and mostly focus on stuff that they will deliver in the next three months- new particle effects, new damage states, new missile contrails, whatever. Just random pretty shit. There won’t be any promises or previews of big mechanics. That era is over. Chris is barely even connected to this thing anymore. I mean he really hasn’t even appeared once in the last 6 months. His orders are to hunker down, don’t say anything stupid, churn out minimal progress, and keep taking money until the last possible minute when he slams the doors and turns out the lights.
It’s the time of year I want to predict it’s all going to come apart at citcon….but as I am capable of learning. This year we have to predict something else.
Can I mix drinks this is important
No, but you’ll probably be able to have sex because it turns out that is literally all any of the big supporters want out of the game.
“Have sex” makes it sound a lot more consensual than what they actually want out of the game
You are completely correct, to be honest. They want a literal space rape mechanic.
There is only one mattress in my spaceship because of the implication
Beet Wagon
Without hyperbole, what are the things you can do in sc at the moment? Box collecting missions, instance dog fights, fps shooty bits, flying round planets…? I played for half an hour when it was free but got bored before I found anything to do.
You can do the things you listed, and nothing more. But sometimes much, much less, because the things you listed often don’t work lol
Man the usual whale pacification strategies are just not working at all.
Been apart of this project since July 2014. Back then, backers and devs used the term “it’s still so early in development”. Even in 2016 we heard that. In 2018, same thing. Now we are on approach to 2020 and I find it baffling people still say “well, this early in development… blah blah…”. Like no dude, it’s been at least 4-5 years of active development on major parts of this game and all this complaining and posts like this are totally justified. Hope it doesn’t stop until we get some serious updates. These past few weeks of roadmap updates have been very disappointing.
Chris literally said at $60 million, that they now have enough put away that regardless of future funding they can finish the game. Clearly not with all the ridiculous stuff he promised, but they can get it out.
No, they absolutely DO NOT have enough to put anything away, or finish anything.
We know - direct from CIG financials - that they had $14 million left at the beginning of 2018. We also know they burn between $4 and $5 million per month. Meaning that, by the time they received the money they said they would never take, from Calder, in May of 2018…they were broke, or close to it. Sure they claimed its for marketing only. Sorry, you dont sell of 10% of your kickstarted company for marketing when your game is a year or more from release.
They were desperate for cash. They needed Calder just to survive. Which is why, behind the scenes, he is calling the shots. Which is in turn why CR has stepped away from the camera…because they cant trust him not to say something utterly stupid or make promises they cannot keep.
They absolutely are low on funds. Everyone knows it.
Its gonna get ugly. Soon.
I see reddit is still strugging with “who owns what percentage of the company” concept. Calders owns 10%, Chris owns 75%, so Chris “wins.” Except that’s not how anything works. Calders own 10% of the valuation of the company, a valuation arrived at by arcane measurements of current capital (physical and liquid) and projected income if delivery occurs and meets projected income. The actual real-world situation is very different. Calders owns almost 100% of the current operating capital of CIG. Which means if Calders says “fuck it, we’re out, and we’re taking what’s left of our money” then CIG is done at that very moment.
Screaming “but 10%!” into the void doesn’t change that.
When I think about the citcon demo we’re going to get this year, I like to think back to the demo from 3 years ago and how far we’ve come since then.
I mean, just think- three years on- and we’re still able to dream about maybe someday seeing any one of those features!
do the scopes not work?
They just added the first weapon attachments a month ago, i.e. 3 years after that demo. They work exactly as poorly as you might expect with regard to physics and actually staying attached to shit, and the zoom function works by just zooming your entire screen.
Now the Citizens are arguing over a single half refill of $890 ship should cost the equivalent of $100 (full refill 250k UEC). Good times, good times. Let the cash flow.
I am a whale and I am perfectly fine with this. Flying around the big ships needs to be an earned privilege.
Virtual Captain
“Flying around the big ships needs to be an earned privilege. Also I purchased every single jpeg in my fleet with real money” just lol do they write this with a straight face.
I even made a deal with my wife and put aside $3k in a separate savings account just for when the Javelin comes up for purchase again (if ever). I realize I don’t have any friends or anything so I’ll most likely will have to assemble some shamble of an org myself
A J4G walks into a bar. “I realize I don’t have any friends or anything, so I’ll most likely have to give Lowtax :10bux:”
That $100 refueling cost for your $890 nonfunctional luxury spaceship is just too perfect. Of course the whales dumb enough to have bought one have already internalized it all and spit out ridiculous rationalizations, all dependent on mechanics that don’t exist and will never exist.
Of course they will be the lords of the ‘Verse, they paid good money for it! Starter ship peasants will be lined up around the block to work menial jobs on their space yacht, and they will transport VIP passengers and get all of the prestigious high paying missions!
I’m an actor who’s done mocap work for Star Citizen looking for a scene with two gunners and the player by a turret.
You’re at least 1½ to two years too early.
asses of creation’s battle royale test* is out and it’s a new level of trash. the subreddit is an exact duplicate of star citizen with the whale defense force telling everyone akshually you don’t understand game development. i’m sure some of the same faces are there but my brain shuts off after reading reddit for more than 90 seconds.
*not a test, this is going to be the game because it’s all they have.
they’ve followed a pretty clear and obvious pattern for 6 years now.
Pump out expensive, high quality, polished ships, with no currently implemented gameplay purposes. Tell everyone those gameplay mechanics are coming next month/later this year/early next year. A week or two before the announced release date, delay the gameplay mechanics another few months. Repeat indefinitely.
peter gabriel
The grey market exodus is kicking into full swing. Tons of people trying to get out at 70% of what they put in.
[WTS] 150 Store Credit @70%
[WTS] 175$ account for 150$
[WTS] $310 Credits for $217 (70%)
[bump] [WTS] 1030 credits at 70 %
[Blackmarket] [WTS] Veteran Account with RearAdmiral and more. 800€
[bump] [WTS] 1030 credits at 70 %
[WTS] Discount Scrapyard $150USD Anvil Hurricane LTI Warbond (pledge cost is usually $195 USD)
[WTS] LTI Anvil Carrack $380
[Blackmarket] Account selling include Super Hornet LTI Buccaneer LTI, Prospector LTI, Cutlass Black 3 Month Insurance, Caterpillar 6 Month Insurance
This is all just the last 24 hours. Sorry, boys! Nobody’s buying anymore.
A great article that is becoming increasingly relevant:
I’ve convinced the tophat is an undercover goon trying to see how far he can take it.
Lowest voted for ship concept and they went for it. lol
Add minelaying to the backlog of salvaging, medical, farming, colonization, news reporting, etc. etc. etc.
Feature creep is real. I’m starting to think the game is getting further and further from release at this point.
A lot of peoples heads are exploding about the idea of a space minelayer. What’s it going to mine? Jump points? Yeah sounds like great fun for everyone.
Star Citizen: Fuck you, got minelayer
We seem to have passed a tipping point this time. People are already getting disillusioned and for once in the life of the project more ships are not the answer. I’m betting we see a very-serious sit down chat from the Chairman next week where he does his shame-on-you routine and tries to flip the script on backers. No, it’s your fault for having high expectations about our roadmap! Chances are it’ll work, or at least drive off another layer of doubters, leaving that diamond-hard core of the craziest, most awful faithful just in time for the big Con.
Citizens are angry:
You charge us for literally every aspect of the game, you find new ways to nickel and dime players worse than any other publisher / developer. You’re despicable and have for the last 7 years found new excuses to release new sales of concept ships under the justification to ‘continue the funding of the game’ but have historically failed to deliver on older pledges and promises that you’ve sold. You have a backlog of existing ships that you’ve sold, a dream to players of flying around the stars. You’ve continued to pile on MORE ships to this growing pile with the expectation that you will continue to gain more revenue. You don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy, anyones loyalty and especially anyones trust as you’ve at every point squandered the good will you’ve built this game around.
It’s always another ‘concept sale’ or ‘new promotion’ to drive people to grab a credit card to buy the new garbage.
What happened to the Crucible, Merchantman, Polaris, Apollo, Hull A, Hull B, Hull D, Hull E, Redeemer, Endeavor, Hercules Starlifter, Prowler, Orion, Genesis, Pioneer, SRV, 100 Series, X1, Ranger, Idris-M, Idris-P, Kraken, Javelin, Mercury, San’tok.yāi, Corsair, Vulcan and every other ship that you’ve sold a concept for with not a single word on when they will eventually arrive.
Crazy idea, how about you put a stop to this concept sale garbage and start completing ships you’ve already sold before selling us some new kooky idea of some gameplay mechanics that a marketing puppet came up with on the toilet. You owe us a guarantee on when a ship should be completed. A timeframe IE 2 years or 5 years from concept. You can’t just keep dropping new ships and ignoring the older pledges because you want our money now. Eventually, critical mass is going to take over and people are going to get angry. Some of the ships I’ve listed above have been bought by players YEARS ago and have been dead silent on progress.
Don’t know if you guys saw it, but there was a thread on that dinner posted on resetera and SC defenders are getting eviscerated there:
I don’t think the word ‘macrotransactions’ is enough for this phenomenon any more.
I prefer the sound of ‘ultrasactions’ for anything above £100
During the presentation three developers presented the ship and the different tasks and aspects of the design. The Nautilus should be shown as a nearly finished model in 3ds Max, which crashed right at the beginning and hung up the whole PC (without a crash this would not have been a CIG event). When the whole PC was down Chris Roberts left the room towards the bar. Next I saw him with a beer in his hand looking down from the gallery.
My oppinion to the presentation: I was a bit disappointed, that there was nothing shown ingame, as I thought it would happen. Just a 3DS Max and a Powerpoint presentation, isn’t what I expected to see. What they have shown was a good progress of how the ex- and interiour of the ship is going to look. It is really similar to the Hammerhead from the Interiour. The only thing i just missed were that they show how the deployment of a drone could work. We’ve seen the bays on the top and bottom, but not the mechanics on how they walk thru the ship to outside. The Q&A was good and informative.
The Food was OK. I was disappointed that the service people were to busy to realise, some people had no dishes. There wasn’t enough potatoes for all. The Meat was good, but I were more into a conversation and almost had no time to eat. :D So overall the portions were really small sized. Like the deserts. Not enough bread for the starters etc. At least there has been enough beer and wine for all. ^^
peter gabriel
there wasn’t enough potatoes for all
Hot air and small lunch.
I’m interested in the final line, “At least there has been enough beer and wine for all.”
Plying people with alcohol is literally the go to tactic of a wide array of people that want something from another party. Throw in the fact they did it to people they controlled to be on an empty stomach and you have some careful planning that deserves recognition.
3ds max Crashed
C. Roberts ran off to drink
New ship for purchase isn’t done
Devs talked about mines
Picturing a plastic platter of wieners slapped down on a table of rowdy Star Citizens in between the pretzels and French fries, fat guys in costumes quaffing Fanta to wash down the mozzarella sticks or spiced cheese selection or whatever, seven meaty mitts grabbing at the hotdogs, the sound of someone sucking juice off their finger or is it a bratwurst hard to tell
“it wasnt a sales pitch! it wasnt a sales pitch!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly open my wallet and dump my savings into crobert’s waiting hand
The dinner was a ruse.
They were actually being motion captured for the infamous cafeteria scene, hence the benches.
Chris directed the whole thing from above.
I can’t wait for the SQ42 soldiers being a bunch of blank faced NPCs squeezed into too small chairs and enjoying procedurally generated green sauce
“Cloud Imperium Games have been at the receiving end of criticism regarding Star Citizen’s massive funding that was seemingly squandered over the years. The new expensive ship announced during an extravagant dinner is not helping the look.”
“The game had raised over $233 million at the time of writing and there were previous bank loans that undoubtedly increased the scope of funding. Six years have passed since the original announcement and there is still no game to show for it.”
“Squadron 42 Alpha is supposedly coming in 2020 but that’s only the singleplayer portion of what CIG promised and some people are now calling Star Citizen a Ponzi scheme and Fyre Fest of video games.“
Oh come on! We’ve been saying that since 2015, at least!
“Family style”
Meaning you have to share with the other 20 nerds crammed at the table.
How much did they pay for this again?
So CIG charged $275 for a meal that I could get at my local German restaurant in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, for 30 bucks; and I actually could sit at my own table instead of being packed in like cattle. Then the Crobbler and company sat them down for a hard sell pitch for a $675 JPEG, and ran off with a six figure haul like thieves into the night.
The poor dumb scammed bastards then tweeted and posted all over the place with pictures chronicling their shame, convinced that they are truly privileged and that their new life in space is just around the corner.
You have to take into account these are forty-something nerds you’re talking about. You cannot just drop something adventurous, like tacos with bleu cheese (and a dollop of yogurt) on top of them.
Lol hot dogs and fries at this thing
I was under the impression a large ship like the 890J would be flown from a pilots seat, not the captains chair
With a capital ship I was under the impression you would have Pilots at the front, and the the captain in the middle back chair.
Holy crap, the SBS brigade on MMORPG are claiming that the “bugs” and “errors” in the game are actually tied only to certain accounts. According to them most are experiencing no issues at all. Is it too soon for Baghdad Bob yet?
Also Chris is hard at work coding the physics refactor of the game, and SSOCS which will be coming will come in tandem with Item Cache 2.0 which will allow much better persistence then we currently have in the game. He gave an example where you leave a ship somewhere out in the open, walk away (a long distance), logout out at an outpost for example, and come back into the game, your ship would still be there.
Croberts is personally refactoring the physics?
The game doesn’t even matter anymore. It’s just a name to pin on his fantasies. His description of the game isn’t him describing the gameplay of a video game, it’s just a nice, juvenile daydream about being a spaceship captain.
It’s almost creative. If this guy would channel his obsession with SC and the fantasies it’s spawned into writing, he could write some really shitty juvenile mary-sue sci-fi.
I did this when Star Wars Galaxies was coming out. I didn’t know anything about the game, except that my friend had told me about this awesome Star Wars MMO that was coming out and it would be Just Like Star Wars and you could do whatever you wanted.
Of course, I was twelve, and daydreaming. This guy is a grown-ass adult with a disposable income, posting his daydreams on the internet as fact. He literally cannot discern between make believe and reality.
Listen, Chris needs more money to complete his pet project, a very bad “movie game” that’s neither, and that nobody wants. In fact, people would pay willingly to prevent its release. So what if he just held a concierge event and took money for a ship that doesn’t exist in a game he’s not making, and then used that stolen money to fund his own personal vanity project? The man codes 80 hours a week with advanced physics - that’s guaranteeing cutting-edge physics algorithms that NASA will want to pay rights for to help fund their Mars missions. Nothing but the best from the man who thinks you can swim in space if you wave your arms a certain way. I for one am sick of all the negativity surrounding this project, everyone is acting like lying, stealing, fraud, and misrepresentation are bad things. They’re not seeing the bigger picture here. I’m literally debugging a device driver while I type this.
I feel like an article on the Sunk Cost Fallacy should be pinned to the top of the Star Citizen subreddit. Forever.
I mean, when the main voice of reason on something is Derek fucking Smart you know the situation is completely fucked.
something is either holding them up this quarter or they made another amazing breakthrough.
Since they are quiet. they probably made another major breakthrough.
This video is incredibly tedious and dumb so don’t watch it, but it turns out if your friend lands his space ship on your 890 jump, you can sell his cargo and get paid for it
I guess maybe this is intended as the first iteration of player to player trading, but as it stands right now it means that uhhhhh you can steal from your friends without them being able to stop you lol
So I’d bet anything that what’s happening here is an unintended consequence of CIG’s hacky bullshit for box carrying.
Someone at CIG (Chris) said “Hey we need to let people carry shit onto their ships and make it persistent. It will be exciting. In fact, carrying boxes one by one is the only way to transport things in the future.” So they built a system where if you walk a box onto your ship and it becomes part of the ship’s physics grid, the ship “Owns” that box.
Then someone at CIG decided that anything that the ship “Owns” should be sellable- both the cargo (fully physical) that exists in the hold, and any boxes that are carried on board. All of it counts as “Owned” by the ship so it will show up in trade consoles- easy peasy!
Well now here comes the difficulty multiplier- one ship with cargo is now landed inside another ship. Oops, the big ship is counting everything in the smaller ship as part of its inventory!
I don’t think this is fixable. I’m sure it’s not the extent of the bug, either. I wonder how many bugs you could generate, doing shit like carrying boxes in between the two ships, or dropping one from the ramp of one ship onto the other, or selling items out of the smaller ship after carrying them in from the big ship. Guaranteed they have not covered a single edge case here.
peter gabriel
it stands for ‘Shit Shit Oh Crap, Shit!’ and it comes from Chris’s own mouth as he was coding the physics late one night
holy shit “at some point they’re going to have to start marking the game”
pack up the thread my dudes, no way we can do better than this
Edit: “starting to try to finish” ahahahahahaha
peter gabriel
I played a bit of Just Cause 3 last night and it constantly surprises me that pretty much any and all games absolutely shit all over Star Citizen and do things without fuss or fanfare that the citizens would be high fiving each other over for months.
I stood on top of a moving tank while tethering helicopters together, that alone would set redit alight for weeks, CI¬G would call it ‘Object Interactivity Meshing Fuck Yeah’ or some such shit
Sometimes I ask myself “How do these people not understand how code works and how easy it is to simply modify values in order to have something that works flawlessly in both single-player AND multiplayer” and then I realize I’m staring at a 10-piece chicken mcnugget meal and I forgot the barbecue sauce.
I wanted to say that, even though I wasn’t sure about it when I first started following this thread five years ago, I can say now with absolute certainty that we do, in fact, live in hell and God has abandoned us. Star Citizen is the best and worst of all of us. All of my friends think I am mentally ill for following this non-game disaster that a very, very small number of people genuinely care about or believe will ever exist and most people have never heard of. They are right and it has been very fun.