Posted on September 17, 2019 | written by GOONRATHI
September 2019 Set 1
Posted on September 17, 2019 | written by GOONRATHI
September 2019 Set 1
I think there’s 2 crowds on the SC subreddit - one that is all TRUE BELIEVERS that just post screenshots and praise CIG all day, and people just checking in on the development who are much more realistic. The former isn’t even posting in the roadmap threads, and the latter only post when there is development news. So when the sub goes back into fan mode, it’s just business as usual and the same people continuing to post what they’ve always posted.
I melted my 890 because I thought it would be focused on me as a space oligarch, but it seems more like a cruise ship meant to provide luxury to other people.
Even the thought that some of the interior might be designed for space poors is just too repulsive for him.
You can’t make this shit up. These idiots are just so entrenched in their nerd fantasy of being the space 1%.
Shortly after the clip: “when this game releases it’ll dominate! It’ll kill GTA roleplay servers! Unless it won’t have roleplay servers…”
I wonder why they decided to remove hover mode.
How many times do you think Rex can film this one scenario, over and over, and maintain the slightest shred of pretense that he’s showing compelling gameplay?
I mean watching that video he just runs across empty brown terrain for twelve minutes, with a single moment of spaceship interaction at the start, and another one blowing up kind of adjacent to what he’s doing towards the end. That’s it. There’s no objective, there’s no tension or stakes. Guy’s been doing this for nearly a year now, it’s not like any mechanics have arrived to make it play better now than it did a year ago. How long can he go on before the marketing money starts to dry up?
The difference between CIG and Rex is that CIG passively misrepresents the state of the game through carefully chosen wording which allows players to infer that the game has been in a playable state and filled with action you’re missing out on. Rex actively misrepresents the state of the game by setting up all his virtual Barbie dolls in advance and then moving them around the model viewer with his completely normal team to make it look like they’re playing a video game. His work ethic is impressive; it’s like eating shit and calling it chocolate with every bite.
most of the subhuman invertebrates screeching and crying are not regulars in this sub and we have SC refunds to thank for that. They even have a discord where they get together to plan how best to sow problems in this sub by exploiting the gaps between patches and dropping kerosene on CIG’s dumpster fire of bad ideas.
It’s a lose-lose situation because being objective means validating some of the criticism these morons throw around, and the alternative is the kool-aid. CIG does a lot of the things that people complain about to themselves and defending that which is indefensible is drinking the kool-aid.
we’ve tried this, both on the Frontier forums and on reddit, it simply does not work - you can’t turn die-hard citizens, their armour is just too adamantine, they absolutely will not yield. Roll as many d20s as you like, they will remain convinced that Star Citizen is going to be the second life in space they’ve been dreaming of since Freelancer in 2003.
New space yacht commercial is live, they unironically stole from the Great Gatsby because of course they did:
Chris Roberts on The Great Gatsby: “That was the novel about a bunch of rich people at great parties, right? Perfect for my yacht commercial.”
‘use of Gatsby references’
aka literally just reading off gatsby
also is it just me or does that commercial imply the guy wants to bang the ship
Opera singer not included
Ship crew not included
Friends not included
Gas money not included
Animations for doing parties barely included
Gameplay not included
Lifestyle not included
This is my favourite image from the commercial. It just shows how far we’ve come. The gas clouds outside the window, the perfect lighting setting the mood inside the ship with small candles on the table. The animations which are so good, just look at how the woman turns, looks down for a split second and then up again, it looks so real and fantastic. The narration and music in this scene also hits it out of the park. It just brings emotion.
I have absolute faith after this scene and commercial that S42 is going to be so special and the PU in the future is gonna be something else. 7 years ago I backed and it’s been a long road so far, one I’ve enjoyed almost every step of the way, and this 890 commercial showed me how far we’ve come. It almost brought me to tears.
Commando, there is no “we.” There is “Chris Roberts”, the scammer, and “you”, the scammed. You’re watching a fake commercial from a fake game company advertising a fake ship showing a fake lifestyle that you’d be wildly unsuited for even if it were all real.
This has been going on for years now and that paragraph might be the most depressing thing I’ve ever read, and it’s ten times as depressing because the guy who wrote it genuinely wouldn’t understand what’s wrong with what he wrote. This is sad turtles all the way down.
mate next year they’re gonna be in alpha 4.0 and you’re gonna be ashamed of your words and deeds
alpha 4.0 naturally being the alpha after 3.9 cause thats how version numbers work
this is a real game dev yes siree
Hey GAMES folk, I’m Bootcha, the kool-aid drinking idiot that was a VC and investor with CIG and the Star Citizen Project at the beginning. As someone with an actual vested interest in the success of Star Citizen, I did my best to encourage enthusiasm and engender excitement about the project, after all, more dollars in CIG’s pocket would mean more dollars for me, right?
Hhahaahahaahaha fuck no.
So what happened, to turn me into a salty, filthy leaver who has no life other than to spread FUD and lies about a project I lost any ability to influence?
Okay, the jist is fellow goons started shiting up the old hugbox and calling us out on our kool-aid BS. Then Derek Smart appeared, contacted me personally, and we discussed what was going on, what questions I should ask CIG, and what leads to follow-up on. Turns out, Derek Smart was not wrong. I saw evidence and heard first and second-hand anecdotal reports of rampant mismanagement, nepotistic practices, and dishonest marketing plans to keep funding coming in. I confronted Roberts and Ortwin (the in-house lawyer and old friend of Roberts from his movie days) about these problems, but was met with deflecting denials or contradicting counter-claims to the opposite. This came to a head when my SA account was directly linked to myself by CIG staff, at which point I told CIG that it was time for our contract to be terminated and our interests to separate.
That should have been the end of it, right? Well, it turns out that despite making a clean exit, I too, like Derek Smart, was infused with glorious purpose. There was a story to tell. Many gaming rags have attempted to make some sense of this giant dumpster fire. But that was the problem, they tried to make sense of it. The only way to know the Star Citizen story is to embrace the madness, the surrealism, and the sheer obsession. And so, the Sunk Cost Galaxy documentary series was born.
It is currently a race to see who will not finish first: Star Citizen, or Sunk Cost Galaxy. Squadron 42 is slated for beta 2020, and Chapter 7 remains in development with more than half the promised series remaining.
This post, more than anything, reveals the Terrible Secrets of Space… Sims.
I don’t think anybody at CIG has definitively decided what insurance does or if it exists, because this game isn’t designed. There is no design. Its just words thrown out to attract people, with zero real intent to actually design or balance any of this. This is so unbelievably shady. Like, as if selling spaceship jpgs wasn’t bad enough, these guys are in a race to the bottom to do the most obviously underhanded shit imaginable.
At this point I think its like those Nigerian scams where they say “I’m a Nigerian Prince” on purpose because they don’t want anybody with half a brain responding.
If you have half a brain, you’re just going to cause CIG problems with your eventual requests for refunds and the like.
No, at this point CIG is specifically targeting morons. All of their marketing is designed to ONLY appeal to morons, so they can focus all their time on grifting the absolute easiest people to grift.
To even say “good at exploring” carries with it such implications, like a second bed.
Not only the existence of something to explore (which, as you stated, there is not) but the existence of the very concept of exploration, and accompanying game mechanics for same. What does “exploration” even mean? Pretend CIG has things to explore. (Stop laughing.) If another player gets there first is it considered “explored?” Is it like No Man’s Sky where you can name it? Does it fill in part of a map that used to be blank? Is this map local to the user, shared to everyone, or can you sell the cartographic data to other players so they know the lay of the land that you mapped out for them? I’m sure the Crobbler would prefer the third idea, but I just did more work than they have in 8 years in thinking about any of this, and absolutely none of this exists in the game in any form. So to say the ship is “good at exploration” is borderline fraud.
The same day as the S.C.A.M thread closes… Coincidence?…
Looks impressive, but it’s actually about 300 sold ships. That’s how big SC core is these days.
And we’re in the games forum now?
Eh… Hi there games goons! I’m sorry this thread is not about a video game.
Star Citizen is an ARG and we’re winning.
I am extremely bitter that people who didn’t wait 4 and a half years like I did can dictate what the role of this ship, which I spent hours researching and digging into, is. Other “non combat” ships like the Aquila, Starfarer and Caterpillar have better armament than the 890. You are telling me that just because it’s a “yacht” rich people will accept gimped armament that is outclassed by shit peasants buying pickup trucks are getting? Its not a yacht, it’s a spaceship, and it being a yacht doesn’t mean much when the pickup truck of this universe has 4 size 3 guns and 8 missiles).
As far as I’m concerned there is a very obvious bias towards needing the 890 being some fucking toothless people carrier like the Starliner. And I will never forgive people for taking away my superyacht dreams in SC and replacing them with a fucking Carnival Cruise ship.
Beet Wagon
OG card-carrying Kickstarter backer here.
One week after I backed SC I met the woman of my life and told her about this game ( more likely gushed about it).
Since then I have dropped out of college, worked in 6 different companies (one of then turned out to be a pyramid scheme), moved houses twice, built three computers and had 5 GPUs, got married (5 years now), learned woodworking, adopted three dogs, started a business, went back to college, started volunteering, won the lottery and I am one semester away from a law degree.
A lifetime has passed and the one constant thing is my wife finding new, elaborate and unnexpected ways to tease me over “that space game that you will never play”.
Edit: her latest one. “What’s a three month delay for never?”
“What’s a three month delay for never?” holy fuck
After carefully evaluating all factors, we made the decision to push Salvage back two quarters to make room for both FPS Mining and Refueling.
First, for the release of 3.7, it didn’t make sense to implement caves without gameplay, so we tasked the team on Salvage with creating the FPS Mining and Quantum Fuel Mining.
Second, we’ve made the decision to re-task the team focused on Salvage in the quarters to come with closing out a full refueling game loop, which will include Fuel Harvesting and Quantum Fuel Harvesting. These will both be added to the Public Roadmap soon. Once completed, the team will then move on to focus on Salvage.
Beet Wagon
also lol if you do bad stuff you’re gonna have to wait in jail or play a prison minigame
criminal players will wake up in a prison, and must either serve time, earn merits, or find a way to escape the prison
Small reminder for people who do not play the game. Current things that are illegal and will get you branded a space criminal, instantly shot by the guards and turrets at every station, and teleported straight to the space pokey:
Shooting other players (of course)
Having other players shoot you (what?)
Bumping into other ships
Having other ships bump into you- seriously the algorithm just kind of chooses a person at random
Being on another player’s ship when they shoot someone
Flying too close to landing pads
Flying too close to your own landing pad, if the ATC is bugged out
Being landed on a pad for too long
Being scanned while carrying illegal cargo
Failing to stop quick enough when interdicted for the scan- your stop speed is based on the speed you entered QT at, so if you’re in a big ship, an interdiction is an automatic failure because you can’t stop in time
Accepting one of a dozen anonymous missions for combat, that turns out to be from a pirate faction
Doing any of the “Satellite disable” missions
Flying into the no fly zones that invisibly bound every major city completely undetected until you are 3 seconds from impacting them
Probably about ten other things I’m forgetting
So basically the only reason the game is even semi-playable right now is that you can land, commit suicide by cop, and reset this crime stat. Obviously for CIG this is an intolerable state of affairs. Star Citizen is the game of 45 minute in-system travel times and 15 minute bus rides, there’s no room for hotshots to take shortcuts around here! It’s extremely good that you will be thrown in jail now, unless you play the hacking minigame where you press a single button and then wait for twenty fucking actual minutes and hope nobody kills you in that time. Yes, that is the “intended” way to dismiss your wanted level. You go somewhere and press a button and sit for twenty minutes.
Watch their latest vid. They spend ages saying absolutely nothing.
Q01) Why did they decide to switch to Staggered Development? [02:37]
Because it’s an empty term that will make people spend more.
Q02) Can’t they focus less on ships and more on profession mechanics and gameplay? Also, are there any updates on future professions? [09:23]
No, because ships make money.
Q03) Why are long-standing bugs not being addressed in every patch? Some bugs haven’t been fixed for over a year. [13:10]
Because fixing bugs doesn’t make fast money.
Q04) Why was the second Pillar Talk video not about Pillars? Is this an indicator that those Pillars have been abandoned and replaced by other goals? [18:00]
Who cares, just say something so they keep pledging!
Q05) We used to get real design documents in the past that gave us at least a moderate glimpse of what a mechanic was, and how CIG is planning on it affecting gameplay. Can we please go back to getting these deep-dive documents into professions? [19:36]
Will they go back to releasing design documents, and if not, why? [43:07]
No, because they found out people pledge anyway and it’s cheaper, so more money!
Q06) What is the current status of Server-Side Object Container Streaming (SSOCS)? [21:10]
It will be done eventually and it won’t fix anything. Buy an Idris.
Q07) It’s been said before that the servers are kind of at capacity now and they can’t add any more larger locations until SSOCS is completed. We currently see microTech scheduled for 3.8 but not SSOCS. Why is that? [30:21]
Because it will make people spend money.
Q08) How much is the implementation of various gameplay loops hindered by the lack of server-side improvements, such as SSOCS, Server Meshing, and the like? Will we need to wait to get those systems implemented before we can expect to see more expansive gameplay? [35:45]
There won’t ever be those gameloops, since they don’t make enough money.
Q09) Will [Global] Persistence be the end of wipes? [38:28]
No, because people would stop pledging.
Q10) What happened to the fuel gameplay feature that was recently removed from the Roadmap? [48:04]
Got replaced by some ship you can buy.
Q11) Why do they not update some features on the Roadmap for weeks? [50:07]
Too busy making new ships you can buy.
Q12) What’s the current status of their Vulkan implementation? [51:56]
Going perfect, if it makes you spend some dosh.
Q13) Once Squadron 42 is shipped, will the PU see the majority of developers who were working on Squadron 42 move over to the PU as their main focus? [54:22]
Yes, if by PU you mean more released ships for sale.
Q14) Ship combat has several issues as stated in the top voted 3.6.1 feedback thread. Is there a team working on ship combat, and can we expect significant tuning soon? [55:47]
No, because it doesn’t make money.
Q15) Will there be remote logging outside of spaceships? With the advent of large, underground cave systems, as well as continued development of their planetary environments, what is their intent to allow Players to log out without having to constantly go back to their ship every time? [58:59]
No, because it doesn’t make money.
Q16) Can Players have the ability to lock onto ground turrets? Guns do not converge properly if no target is selected. [1:00:15]
No, because it doesn’t make money (possibly: Yes, but broken, since we don’t care - refer to point one)
Q17) CIG recently added 4.0 to the end of the SC Roadmap, with the changes they made last week. Some think that logically the patch number should increase from 3.9 to 3.10. With 4.0 on the Roadmap, should we expect a similarly larger leap in gameplay experience, as was seen with 2.0 or 3.0? [1:00:40]
It amazes me that after 7 years Commandos are never concerned to read things like “worked towards completing the first pass on the new iteration of combat behaviors“
Lmao, they have to have go/no-go meetings about releasing updates to an early alpha
They’ve completely hamstrung their own ability to produce game content with all the things they’ve promised, the backers are the customers and the alpha is the product, but of course jpgs and hopes and dreams are the real product.
You know, if Chris and Sandi were in anyway likable, the story of a has-been scamming nerds with a phony video game so he could help his wife launch a movie career and meet celebrities is really sweet.
The big “Come to Jesus” conversation video where the developers admitted (indirectly) that they suck at everything, and they need to change the roadmap yet again, scrapping virtually every milestone and goal they had set for themselves through the end of next year. This was extremely cathartic for the angry citizens who want to believe- look, the company can be honest with us, even though their honesty reveals their total incompetence at every aspect of development! It was also the final straw for a bunch of fence sitters, who are now just gone. Another wave of customers driven off and yet their funding never drops.
The or whatever patch was released from the PTU to the PU, which means virtually nothing because the only thing that was in it was a ship that costs 1000 actual dollars. Every other feature including in-game ship rentals was cut, but the excitement of having a new thing you can buy will overwhelm the remaining Citizens for a couple of days.
I don’t think this momentary high is going to last. It’s the thrill of dropping a bajillion dollars on a big purchase, but regret is going to set in faster and faster. This thing is useless, you can’t even fly it in-game without racking up unbelievable expenses. The game itself has made zero progress in the last 9 months except new spaceships, and they just turned around and promised that it won’t make any progress in the next 9 months, either. Citizens always lose their minds over new spaceships but I think they’re building up a tolerance- small shit like the rocket truck doesn’t phase them anymore. The minelayer was met with a big wave of derision at first. They had to do a one-two punch of the biggest ship they’ve released so far, and the annual apology tour video, and I still think we’ll be back to anger before Citizencon in November.