Posted on September 30, 2019 | written by GOONRATHI
September 2019 Set 2
Posted on September 30, 2019 | written by GOONRATHI
September 2019 Set 2
Hey gang.
So here’s a question.
Espresso Machine cost about $17,000.
Space Door cost about $40,000.
What single, used-once item would cost $100,000?
You’ve seen it. You’ve absolutely fucking seen it.
Aussies, you’ve absolutely fucking seen it.
Surely not that weird outfit Sandi wore during the presentation in Pax Australia?
What does your heart tell you?
I can only assume that it’s the complete ensemble;
…check his wrist.
So one ‘pirate’ outfit, one ill-fitting Admiral uniform, two ‘marines’ and one guy wearing an RSI outfit?
Edit: In the grim darkness of the future, BMIs have been revised upwards.
The goalposts have been move so much that if this was a game of football the pitch would already be the distance from Alpha Centauri A to Hutton Orbital.
Bought a PC for this game in 2016…
So, after the backlash (first of all i didn’t built the PC ONLY for Star Citizen), i’ve come to the following conclusion(s):
you are an idiot for building a PC, getting ready for a “potential game release”
you are not an idiot for buying electronic ships, worth thousands of dollars, for a “potential game release”
My favorite part of Space Court was when the cult theorycrafted whether or not the judge would compromise her work ethic because her dad something something space, therefore she’d see the incredible things CIG was trying to do. The arrogance was staggering - the fact that they equate Chris Roberts’s brain-fart with some kind of monumental advancement in our understanding and appreciation of space exploration - and that their failed-model viewer is so incredible that a US judge would literally sacrifice her job to defend it.
finally, ultimate triumph is at hand
Ahahahaha their marketing is literally just photoshopping two fan images together.
They couldn’t even take a screenshot of their own videogame
the quality of citizen conspiracies has gone down, frankly
Remember the old days when Derek Smart was telling gaming mags what to do behind the scenes? Once there was a time they’d be talking like Derek owned PCGamer
Why are they updating the wrong things?
Why, why, do the dev team keep choosing dumb things to update? I don’t need holes in the ground, I don’t need new ships I don’t need reworks of old ships, I don’t want new clothes character designers or paint jobs. I don’t want a million new vessels, cars, guns, prison systems and such. I just want them to focus on important stuff such as allowing me to play a game for more then an hour without flying through a planet, or getting stuck in a chair or my cargo not loading. I want so badly for this to get developed more but the last 3 years have just been new and more ships. Why do they choose to develop these things??
ps: Rampant denial is not an argument
RSI Mantis Q&A
Hi everyone,
The veil has been lifted and we’re happy to introduce you to the RSI Mantis. This straight-to-flyable ship will hit the live servers in the coming weeks alongside our first straight-to-playable mechanic: interdiction.
Here comes another mechanic I will not be able to test without handing over more money.
Very exciting!
Imagine having to clarify, with specific terminology, that what you just advertised and sold in your game for hundreds of dollars per piece is actually going to be usable in any capacity whatsoever by the people who bought it in any specific time frame. Imagine one of your highlights, part of the sizzle, is being able to implement the mechanic which that object is for when it ends up in the game.
I can only imagine EA and Ubisoft and Activision execs looking on in sick envy.
“It’s not just another ship. It’s a ship and a feature coming together and being launched straight out there.”
It launches in bleeding-edge Evocati testing later this week and is planned to be on live servers sometime around the game’s anniversary on October 10. In the months ahead, then, CIG has many plans for the future of this ship and its hallmark feature.
One such goal is to make both Quantum Enforcement mechanics more nuanced. “I’m sure in the future we want to require you to have a bunch of Mantises or other ships with Quantum Enforcement Devices and pull them together to pull out a large Capital Ship,” Tome suggested. “Maybe there will be a Capital Ship designed to pull out other Capital Ships. But for this first version we won’t quite get to that balancing yet.”
As Crewe admitted, the sheer vastness of the Star Citizen universe also creates some curious snags. “One thing that people might see as a bug is the expectation that every time you fire this thing off you’re going to get a hit,” he said. “That’s probably not going to be the case. We’re going to try and limit those dead catches as best we can, but it is a very situational thing.”
I’m not buying it until I know if it punches above its weight.
Beet Wagon
Lol this thing being the only ship that can do quantum interdiction is amazing. It almost makes me want to get one because griefing somebody 10 minutes into their 15 minute travel is fucking
Based on skimming that fawning Newsweek article (lol) it seems like its gonna be seriously undergunned but tbh you can pull people out of quantum in a 10,000-20,000 meter sphere and it’s entirely passive (it charges up and deploys, like the EMP) so your victims cant do anything about it aside from find you and kill you. Its gonna be a nightmare lol.
Also loling at the complete lack of any attempt to hide the paid promotion from newsweek
“the game’s anniversary on October 10”
Does Chris celebrate his conception every year?
Beet Wagon
in a game where you can not leave preset quantum travel routes setting up a bubble on one and using it to completely break the game as the physics engine turns itself inside out is going to be fucking hilarious.
if Cloud Imperium had the same moderators censoring and purging critics off of their forums watching game chat, 70% of their backers would already be banned
I did a thing, because I need attention…….and because I can’t stop laughing at how many backers still haven’t realized this ship is one giant troll-machine. The only thing better is CIG in spectrum chat trying to play it down.
I don’t normally post my own crap anywhere, but I really wanna hurry this hornet’s nest up versus waiting for backers to have their light bulb moment over due time.
You know how in Dwarf Fortress, a Craftsdwarf will sometimes go into a ‘Strange mood’, sequester themselves in a workshop, and just start taking random-ass materials (and sometimes ass-materials) until they produce a masterpiece?
And you know how sometimes they bug out, and just keep asking for more and more materials, adding them on to their magnum opus, never ending until you inevitably cannot give them what they want and they go mad with rage?
I’m pretty sure Chris Roberts is doing that.
Why did Gamestar and Newsweek readers find out about the ship before we did here on Spectrum?
While you’re totally welcome to raise these types of questions on Spectrum - this Q&A is meant to be focus and answer questions for the RSI Mantis explicitly.
I already cleared this up on Spectrum, but I’ll say it here too: Zero. It was not paid media.
The show about portraying basic engine-level accomplishments as major development milestones!
Summary begins:
We open with model-viewer shots of a new spaceship instead of Jared talking for once, a refreshing change.
It is the Banu Defender. It is generic and alien. Vocoder voices play over spooky alien music. It has organic interiors because all true space aliens must grow their ships.
Oh now Jared is talking and he has fucking “Producer” in his title. Hahahahahahaha skip skip skip
Today we are rambling about mission sharing. Devs are explaining why this fundamental mechanic that should have been included at the fucking launch of the game three years ago is very important and a big win for them. Don’t break your wrist jerking yourselves off there, guys.
If you are too much of a crime-doer you will not be able to land at good, lawful locations. Of course you can just like, park right fucking next to them and get out? It’s awfully nice of everyone to constantly declare that they are wanted criminals before requesting landing. No more vehicle storage for you (unless you die!) because you’re a nasty man (unless you die) and there’s nothing you can do about it (except die, which you will do instantly anyway). I guess this is why they’re throwing in space-jail soon: obviously being a horrible crime person is clearly not aggressively shitty enough. Also they’re pretending that you’re going to be hunted by the navy and bounty hunters.
Basically don’t do crime missions, you will get fucked and there is no recourse except a 15+ minute waiting game to remove your stat. This is good game design.
They are now patting themselves on the back for having applied scaling to the same weapon attachment model so they’ll fit three different sizes. I’m not kidding- it’s the same model, just made bigger.
It is unclear if there are any mechanics attached to the attachment models that the man is showing. I would guess that no, there aren’t.
Don’t worry, they’re refactoring the attachment models. Obviously the first ones they put out were just a first pass- real glad they took care of all the glaring art problems.
Good news, there is a mechanic after all! They have added a combat flashlight. It is literally blinding for anyone in front of you.
The suppressor makes your weapon sound different. Take a fucking victory lap everyone. With this many stock-standard gameplay assets that deliver no surprises whatsoever, Star Citizen is sure to blow the doors off of that Call of Duty Space Game that came out like 2 years ago.
I guess we’re not talking about that interdictor ship after all. I really figured it would get all the attention but they must not be ready to sell it, or the actual mechanic doesn’t work.
Now we’re talking about face customization. Again.
I don’t care. Nobody cares. The whole game requires you to wear a face-obscuring space helmet.
They are demoing the ship rental. They are not commenting on the ludicrous prices in the demo video. “Ship insurance is covered… as normal.” i.e. there is no such thing as lifetime insurance you fucking dorks, there’s just ship blow up and ship respawn. Just fucking admit it.
My favorite bit is the part at 2:15 where he tries to drop a glowstick and it goes skittering off to the left instead of falling down.
This whole feature screams
“Shit shit shit, we had to push EVERY gameplay loop we promised for this year into next year……again…….fuck, get the map guys in here really quick and have them jam out some fucking “caaaaaaves” so the backers will be beating their dicks at CitCon!”
Sean Murray constantly said “Yes” to every idea for features, gameplay and possibility in his game = Got reputationally evicerated when he released what he had and has since had to work very hard to repair both his game, and his reputation. To his credit, he has mostly made good on the things he promised and isn’t showing any signs of slowdown. This is how you turn things around.
Christopher Roberts constantly said “Yes” to every idea for features, gameplay and possibility in his game and even adds what he plagerizes heavily from pretty much every scifi source or ip there is = Is viewed as a golden boy of gaming, constantly defended by the very people he has let down over and over again, has never released a version of SC or S42 beyond broken tech demos of early gameplay portions that frequently have more problems than solutions. To his credit he doesn’t have to do anything but absolve himself and continue to sell nonexistant gameplay items and jpegs. He has mostly made nothing useful and isn’t showing any signs of changing his ways. This is how you balls things up.
This always makes me chuckle.
Ultimately the difference is that Sean Murray made the mistake of releasing a game and collapsing the waveform. Chris won’t make that mistake.
Finally found the right programming language for Chris:
No code is the best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
I made an SCRefundsTracker:
Item 1: constant trolling and brigading on sc sub
Status: working on it, but arguments are full of holes
Item 2: prevent people from buying spaceships
Status: Utter failure, more spaceships bought every day
Item 3: shut down CIG
Status: trying for years, unable to achieve this
A friend of mine was a poor QA sap on this game until a few months back. He left to go back to his old, terrible QA job instead of work on SC any more.
Star Citizen Made It In My Will
I have spent far too much to let my investment go to waste if something were to happen to me. I actually left instructions in my will for my wife to transfer my account to a friend. Many have spent way more than me, it would be a shame if it these accounts were wasted. Granted the investment in the project would have still been worth it anyway. So am I the only one who has done anything like this?
“It would be a shame if it these accounts were wasted” lol
Imagine trying to explain to someone why their inheritance is a Banu Merchantman and what that is