36:22 This new plague of star citizen is the insane occurrence of AI interdictions. As of patch 3.7 interdictions have gone from a tedious annoyance to absolute cancer I’m not talking about normal everyday star citizen poor design cancer, no I’m talking about like going to Chernobyl and rolling around in a pile of graphite debris cancer. Interdictions are so out of control that only the most steadfast of chris roberts nob polishers are left defending the state of 3.7 while interdictions are openly moaned about on spectrum
I think its really time someone did a review of SC as though its a released product.
I’m sure it will bring the “ITS ALPHA” horde screaming in, but they can’t have it both ways. Either its a partially finished buggy alpha or its a quality product that can be considered released.
The fact that jumping too much in this game literally causes you to die of a heart attack makes me laugh every time I hear it
If multi-crew ever makes it into the game, it will be a perfect storm of broken, rudimentary and boring, to the point that no one will ever want to be a crew member. “Press F to keep the engines from overheating” oops the ship spontaneously blew up anyway.
NPC crews still only exist as concept art in year 7 and I don’t think CIG has even mentioned them more than once in the past year; plus CIG can’t even get background characters to walk a scripted path around a room, so I think it’s safe to say that they are not anywhere on horizon.
I don’t think CR is at all mature or grown up mentally in the slightest, he giggles like a schoolgirl over his own poorly thought out ‘game’ “ideas” rather, absolves himself of the burden of guilt when failing or doing wrong (it was the dog mommy, honest), spits all over a tech demo’s Birthday cake like a dribbling toddler, and spends 8 hours writing a rebuttal that reads as if an 8 year old got called “Captain Poopypants” by his arch nemesis “Captain Smart”. To top it off, he spends his days prying money from the wallets of those who seem to either be a bit gullable or/and enjoy any and all forms of torture (the ‘game’, the ‘QT’ times, the needless tedium, the pricing of undelivered ingame items, the ridiculous “lore” that has no connection to anything in the game, the endless Youtube spam of marketing bullshittery, the endless obvious shills like Blobers/Zilla recruiting any braindead walking cashbag left, the overarching Coolaid culture, and the general shittiness of anything related at all to CI¬g).
The whole thing, as it goes on without actually going anywhere, feels more and more like watching “Jonestown part duex - The Crobbler refactorium” and has absolutely no similarity to actual dev work being carried out on countless actual games (seriously, they do things so ass-backwards at CI¬g that it’s as if they are purposefully taking the piss and wasting money) other than CI¬g occasionally trying to explain how a piece of in-engine tech worked 20 years ago (which they immediately claim to have invented).
7 years in and we still haven’t got the AI sorted for our single player game that we are meant to release next year. We are sooooo boned right now. Please, if you know anything about AI programming, come and work for us!
my thing was to sneak aboard a Starfarer (the biggest ship at the time and a mess of side rooms and hallways), wait till they took off, and use the /cry emote a couple of times. The pilot would hear these creepy sobs, and you could hear them get out of the pilot seat and look around.
As long as I was crouched I wouldn’t make any other noise, just the occasional sob… One guy must have been so creeped out he just logged out and I was suddenly left in space. Or his client crashed. You never can tell with Star Citizen.
Remember years ago when they were talking about how star citizen was gonna be SO big it’d take up 100 whole gigabytes and now we’re at the point where games are coming out that are nearly double that
(Red Dead Redemption 2 is 150gb, new Call of Duty is 175gb)
Stars End is whack.
I did not die while using a ramp.
All the doors and elevators work.
Game didn’t crash once.
1⁄10 crobears.
reading /r/starcitizen comments is like watching a war between traitorous non-believers and Citizens™
It’s really amazing how many of them continue to insist that the bugs never happen to them. Like, there is nothing you could say to me that would more instantly signify that you either don’t actually play the game or you’re willing to straight-up bullshit about it to justify yourself. It’s just so blatantly a lie.
Hey Alexa, define Stockholm syndrome
“a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them”
LOL I’m being bled dry 😂😂😂 GG CIG!
“Giogivemoney” is more accurate.
Is there a way to get my money back?
I really tried believing. 2 years later I still can’t enjoy the 70$ promise I bought. Nothing works, missions can’t be completed, the shooter is bad… I’d really like my money back.
Um the game isn’t finished, you know that right
So here’s a fun graphic illustrating how fucked the in-game economy is. This is the supply/demand chart for all materials currently tradeable in game. See, every “Tick” of server time, which I think is like 5 minutes, every base in the game will increase its supply and/or demand for a resource by the amount specified here, up to some predetermined cap.
Now what you might notice at first is that most things have way more demand than supply! That’s very good, right?
Well, no, for several reasons:
Most of the items with huge demand have profit margins in the fraction-of-a-percent range. Beryl, for example, can be purchased for 4.18 and sold for 4.28 per unit, for a total profit of “Fucking nothing” per run. A multi-million-credit trade ship fully loaded with this stuff is going to make about 5k credits per half-hour or longer run. Not even enough to cover refueling.
Most of the demand/supply is split across stations with hugely different locations. It could take 40+ minutes to unload one load from one station, again for no profit.
Any station that isn’t one of the big city ports is pointless for these, because you can’t land ships big enough to make it worthwhile at the tiniest bases. You can land off-base, of course, but then you run the risk of not being able to sell, or having your ship despawned for “illegal parking.”
Basically everything you see with low supply/high demand is the kind of hugely unprofitable vendor-trash that you can only haul around once you’ve got a bulk megafreighter that can handle enormous quantities at once.
Well, you ask, what about the stuff that has a huge profit margin? The drugs and shit?
Look at the very bottom of the chart.
See those razor-thin lines, Neon, E-Tam, Widow, Altruciatoxin? The ones that produce twenty SCU per tick and are consumed at exactly one station, on the opposite side of the system? Yeah. That’s what became of the high-profit goods. Keep in mind these numbers are for the entire server. One Constellation with 96 SCU can monopolize the entire drug trade for all of the drug-selling stations, simultaneously.
So this is what trading is now- you need to already own the biggest trade ship in the game. Then you buy the entire stock of vendor trash from one of the places, and fly it to either Area 18 or Lorville, the only two areas in the game that buy stuff in any kind of bulk. You need to go through the landing sequence, ride the elevators, ride the trains, go to the customs shop, and then sell it- a trip that may take an hour total, for a payout equivalent to less than one combat mission.
It feels like a system designed by three or four generations of interns reacting to and iterating on the previous generation’s work with a general idea of what a space game’s trading should be, but without any understanding of how to make it work.
Gen 1: Well space games have lots of trade commodities so let’s throw a bunch in there. Also drugs, which will have a high price point but be illegal to sell. We’ll work out the legal system later!
Gen 2: Supply and demand is a thing in space games so let’s limit how much you can buy/sell, and I’ll just tie it to the local server time for convenience sake. Legal system? Someone else can worry about that.
Gen 3: Well it’s too easy to buy a million drugs and people are actually earning space ships, so we’ll just tweak these numbers down and these numbers up and there you go, problem solved. Why are you bothering me about tick rates and legal systems?
Gen 4: Look I don’t know why the supply and demand numbers are so fucked up, or why illegal drugs aren’t actually illegal, or why you have to sit at a console for five minutes before they’ll buy your shit! All I know is, Chris said he wants to add more travel time, so I’m going to move all the pick up points to one side of the system, and the sales points to the other side. Problem solved!
Then take this philosophy of “Ignore existing problems, introduce new quick-fix patch” to literally every aspect of the game and you have Star Citizen: The Game of Patches
I’m fuckin done with this shit. All I wanted to do was fly from point a to point b in a straight line and the game engine can’t handle that.
Calling it “Next Gen” in your shill video and getting the Cult fired up over how some failed Crysis mod from 2011 is the future of games is pretty hilarious.
We’re about to enter the third console generation since SC began, and there are games on consoles today (especially on the PS4 pro and Xbox One X) that look better. SC doesn’t even support HDR or Ray Tracing and a huge amount of its assets stick out like poor pixelated thumbs in 4K. There’s nothing about it that is graphically impressive in late 2019.
My idea is to have procedural dreams, all computer created, during short sleep/rests (I imagine there might be a slight buff using beds). As they are dreams you can let an ai setup basically a short dream sequence (a non interactive ride on rails), it would be interesting/fun to see the randomness that will most likely not make any sense. It might be easy (ya, I have no dea, lol) to use the npc scheduler and mission systems to generate a full scene for the NPC’s play out. The player, is simply stuck to a cam watching it/something play out for a few minutes.
Hold on, i’ll just fix this up for when SC goes the same way.
Star Citizen - end of development
Hello suckers!
It’s been a long time since the ideas of a best damn space sim ever were discussed among the founders of CIG and creators of Star Citizen. Our journey started with the sale of JPGs representing gameplay features that we wouldn’t deliver on, each carefully crafted by skilled hands in our JPG factory and what would later become the core of our funding model. From the very first moment, we wanted to make an insanely complex and realistic simulation of a cave exploration system within a multiplayer sandbox environment. The goal was huge and ambitious and the course was set.
With a full team, it took us less than two years (because development only really started 2 years ago) to make our vision into a reality. Star Citizen was launched in Early Access Beta in February 2027. We succeeded in releasing a game that was almost impossible to be made, often having to cross and bend the boundaries of our game engine – Unreal, which as you know, we switched to after realizing that CryEngine wasn’t going to be able to give us the fidelity we desired. The start was a little bumpy but soon enough players recognized that our game was providing a unique experience that could not be found in any other game. The support of our players has confirmed that Star Citizen is truly special and we are very proud of it.
We are also proud of you – our whales. We couldn’t have even dreamed of creating such a dedicated and engaging community as ours is – both on Epic Store and on Spectrum. We are grateful for all the support you gave us during these decades and for all wonderful adventures we went through while trying to survive Star Citizen’s gaze. This expedition left a mark on us for life. Together we built the world of Star Citizen.
Unfortunately, the cruel reality is – not enough players were brought into our world of Star Citizen to make it commercially viable, even after we sold 50% of the company to Epic. After the sloppy start of the game, predominately in terms of bugs and issues, we gave our best to fix the game and add new content via numerous patches and updates. Star Citizen grew, got better, but is still far from the original idea of what Star Citizen was meant to be. Factions, additional ships, trade posts, all of this was simply put aside since our team was constantly fighting technical issues, some of which were simply impossible to be solved for good.
That struggle is coming to an end. At this point, without an influx of new players, the game doesn’t pay for its development. That’s why we had to make some hard decisions…
CIG can’t afford for further development of Star Citizen. There will be no new updates, bugfixes or any official changes to the game.
However, since the game is playable and we believe it offers a unique gameplay experience, we want to keep it going for players who want to enjoy it.
Star Citizen will leave Early Access without achieving the kickstarter goals we originally set out to do.
In order to keep the servers up, we will continue selling the game on Epic store. Since the game is not fully finished, the price will be lowered to 15 USD (starting tomorrow Oct. 16).
Control over the official servers will be handed to the Something Awful moderators.
Moderators will stay in touch with us for any important events that might occur.
We are absolutely aware that many of you will find these news disappointing. This is a hard time for us. We invested a huge amount of effort and work into Star Citizen and our hearts and minds were in this project for many years. Now, Star Citizen’s development is coming to an end and we are sad that our vision for the game was not fully realized.
Once again, thank you for your support, ideas, reports, content you’ve created and everything else you’ve done for this survival expedition. Thank you immensely!
Chris Roberts
With love from the Bahamas
I’m pretty sure this will make it go faster crash unexpectedly
Beet Wagon
goons should get complimentary spaceship pins for keeping this stupid game relevant imo
Guys I got bad news I purchased a ship don’t wanna say how much but it was a lot. Anyway Chris promised it’ll have an accounting room where the administration of my mining empire happens, like where we do inventory, payroll shit like that. It’s gonna have at least 12 simulated computer stations on windows with excel and access, and a server running SAP to track all this shit all in game. If I had to do this on my personal desktop it’d be immersion breaking.
It’s gonna be a motherfucker to implement into a system that has to occasionally produce a frame so it’s likely gonna push back the release date.
Mark Hamill pumps SQ54
“Mark, any comment on Squadron 42?”
“Oh yeah, that game - didn’t that come out a couple of years ago?”
Lol I love that Mark Hamill’s oblivious comment is sending the fanboys into a frenzy of “OMG MARK HAMILL SAID IT’S COMING OUT NEXT YEAR!!!”. He doesn’t know dudes, he just did a voice in a game and thinks that’s neat.
I mean it’s CIG so of course it’s par for the course, but it seems kind of odd for a company to host their own community gathering cocktail hour and make a profit off of it.
Beet Wagon
I am fuckin stoked as hell to watch them describe “prison gameplay” for an hour. This will definitely be full of well thought out mechanics and scenarios that will definitely make it into the game after careful testing and review
This whole talk of fidelity when all the spaceships have giant open windows in the cockpits and all over the ship pisses me off.
I assume they hand wave it away with shields or future construction material but in real life space ships would have either no windows at all or tiny little viewports. If you can see through it that means all kinds of radiation and stellar rays and whatnot can also pass right through. If it’s shields that stop it that’s dumb cause shields fail. If it’s magic future materials that’s dumb because they don’t even have anti-glare. Looking at a star in space is basically asking for longterm eye damage.
It’s also a massive structural weakpoint in literally the most important part of the ship (where the pilot is sitting). Although, since pilot and ship are one that probably has less impact than it should.
In short, buy an Idris.
I’ve been trying to play 3.7.1 for two days now but you literally cannot get past the character creator without crashing, making it impossible for people to play. Only people who created characters before the hotfix patch can get in. Maybe in two weeks I’ll be able to play the BDSSE.
My area of professional expertise for the past 25 years or so has been why large information technology (IT) projects fail. I’ve consulted with large corporations that have troubled projects; I’ve written, lectured, and taught on the subject; and I’ve acted as an expert witness in at least a few dozen cases involving failed/disputed projects.
When I was at PricewaterhouseCoopers, I reviewed documents associated with 120 or so such failed project lawsuits and noted several patterns, one of which I named “The Never-Ending Story” and described as follows (note that this is for two-party projects):
“The client contracts with the manufacturer to develop and install a system. The
project starts. The completion date slips. It keeps slipping. Each time the adjusted delivery date approaches, the project slips yet again. At some point, one of three things happens: the
manufacturer/vendor abandons the project; the client cancels the project; or the manufacturer delivers a system that the client terms wholly inadequate and unacceptable. In some cases, the effort has gone on for years, with millions of dollars spent and little to show for it.”
Star Citizen has all the indicia of a “Never-Ending Story”, with some “Irrational Exuberance” (another pattern) thrown in. The history of IT is replete with projects burning through millions, hundred of millions, and even billions of dollars without ever delivering anything meaningful. Multiple lengthy schedule slips for Star Citizen (Chris Roberts in 2013: “Star Citizen is still scheduled to come out 2015, and we’re on target for that.”) point to underlying complexity issues and/or the often-fatal error of deferring all the hard problems for the end of the project. In other words, the Star Citizen team grossly underestimated the amount of work required to achieve their goals, and I suspect they still do not have a clear development path to completion.
I’ll end with four of my favorite IT project maxims, all of which I suspect apply here:
“Start out stupid, and work up from there.” — Bruce Henderson
“In architecting a new program, all the serious mistakes are made in the first day.” — Robert Spinrad
“It is very easy to lose a day on a project. It is almost impossible to make one up.” — Robert Glass
the current HR manager at Wilmslow was a barista/waitress in 2014
in 5 years, she went from barista to fuckin HR manager lol
gals gotta be like 25
they seriously have people with no experience doing anything leading almost every fucking department
shit be crazy
where’s that motion capture department head who was like 24
Star Citizen: Enjoy your coffee! (Coffee kills players upon contact)
I don’t have kids yet. But if I ever do and I die. Would they theoretically inherit my pre order ships?
CitizenCon is a fundraising & faithbuilding event. Take it away and both would suffer mightily.
This is good for star citizen
At this point even most of the cultists agree that there will never be a god patch and the current glacial drip of scattershot content is all there will ever be. The last hope is that something called server side object container streaming, which is just fancy terminology for basic MMO infrastructure will save the game once CIG gets it working.
I’ve never been a backer either but this whole thing has become very compelling. It doesn’t actually matter at this point whether or not Star Citizen gets released. Either outcome will be fascinating. No matter what happens, this will be talked about for years.
It’s getting harder and harder as we approach year 8 of this mess to dismiss all criticism out of hand as FUD. The attrition of time, constant delays, lies and unremitting greed has turned most of the narrative negative within the community; and even the remaining cultists and whales can’t get away with the sort of smug pontification as in the past. They all pretty much realize at this point that Star Citizen will never be the end-all-be-all space sim that will fulfill all of their nerd fantasies for all time, this broken CryEngine tech demo with a glacial drip feed of minor improvements is all there ever will be.
they fucking did it! #4 stream on twitch baby!!
i tune in and he’s lasering a rock talking about how much this shit sucks lol
I was a hardcore NMS hater back in the early to mid days of the game.I was also a hardcore Star Citizen fanboy, and I harshly criticized any and all NMS related content without ever having tried the game. Star Citizen was going to eclipse NMS ten fold, and it was going to blow every other space game out of the water. Squadron 42 (the single player story driven part of the game) was supposed to be just months away…or so we were told…
Anybody who has followed Star Citizen knows how development has “progressed” over the past 7 years. That is to say it’s glacial and the “game” has a community that truly lives up to its “cult-like” reputation. I’m ashamed to admit I was one of those people. I shouted down any criticism of the game and buried my head in the sand…surely they just needed to finish that one crucial piece of tech and the development would speed way up! Nope. But I was intentionally ignorant.
Over the last year or so, my interest/confidence in the development of Star Citizen had waned dramatically. Forbes published a pretty scathing article about Cloud Imperium Games and its finances which really shook my confidence. There have been delays on top of delays and constant feature creep. I finally had enough.
About a month ago, when the Beyond update released, I picked up NMS on Steam for 50% off and said, “Screw it. I’m going to give this game a shot.”
Boy am I glad I did because it has EVERYTHING and more that I wanted from Star Citizen. There is just SO much to do and explore.
A work buddy that defended the trash that SC is the last years, mailed me that he deinstalled the PTU, because caves are boring and there is no progress at all.
Oh, you don’t say?!
We got into an argument mid 2015, and 50+ months later he admitted that Chris Roberts is a fraud and a liar and SC is falling more and more behind compared to the recent and upcoming AAA games technically. Goons knew that like years ago, but hey, another one saw the lies, I mean lights.
CIG has already proven everything they need to for me. But that’s because I have been paying attention and have watched them build their game from the ground up and have seen the progress.