Posted on December 15, 2019 | written by GOONRATHI
December 2019 Set 1
Posted on December 15, 2019 | written by GOONRATHI
December 2019 Set 1
What has really amazed me over the past year or so, is just how openly contemptuous of the backers everyone at CIG has become. Jared will laugh on camera at their expectations of a finished game in a less than geological timescale, Sandi doesn’t even bother to show up and half-ass justify her huge paycheck, and Chris mostly stays in hiding now.
I guess they realized that anyone still giving them money is so deep in their own dreams of a new life in space and sunk coast fallacy that they will defend CIG to the very end, and they just said “fuck it.”
There’s two phenomena that have allowed CIG to get away with the self-branding of “Most open dev ever”
Dev timelines are really long- apparently, long enough that they exceed most people’s attention spans for stuff that they aren’t paying super close attention to. Turn around at a good dev takes so long, years even, that most people will have forgotten the “Idea of thing” discussion long before “Video of thing working” comes along and makes them go “Oh yeah! I remember that.” CIG short circuits this by only ever publishing “Idea of thing” videos. Since the “Oh yeah!” moment never happens, people only casually tuning in never get that pointed reminder that the company last talked about, say, medical gameplay five or whatever years ago. Backers who do remember are invested enough that they will use this as cover to misrepresent the project to themselves and others.
Most people are really really bad at critical thinking. This is why like 90% of press releases and politics and public relations actually works. People just accept shit at face value if it is wrapped in enough official language or, better yet, by peers. Think about this forum- if enough goons said this company is the bee’s knees and super honest, would you question it initially or would you check it out? If “Checking it out” involved watching literally years and years and hundreds of hours of super fucking boring theorycraft videos, would you really bother or would you assume that what you were hearing right now was probably valid and in keeping with past statements? If you did that, how long would it take before you started to realize this company was actually totally full of shit? It might be years, depending on how tuned in you were to month-to-month announcements.
This is the fundamental churn that the company relies on, with excited megawhales roping in people who aren’t paying attention at a rate equal to or exceeding the rate at which they get wise to the fact that the noises the company is making this year sound exactly like the noises last year and nothing’s actually being done.
lmbo at adz becoming a refundian.
I am raising money for a civil case against Cig for fraud in the development of star citizen and squadron 42. Over 2 million backers gave $300 million to Chris Roberts the CEO of Cloud Imperium Games to make the game he promised but we got a buggy mess of an alpha instead. If you guys and girls know a good lawyer who will take the job send him my way.
Any time you doubt that the crowdfunding numbers are real, or that there could be so many gullible nerds willing to pull out their wallets to the tune of two hundred dollars right now for a game that has shown no signs of going anywhere in the past 4 years, please consider the following case study.
The new spaceship does nothing that we haven’t seen. It is the 300th single-seat fighter added to the game. It has a big gun and no interior. It punches above its weight on paper and will, inevitably, be nerfed heavily once it is actually launched. It is not flight-ready, i.e. you are buying a jpeg and nothing more. It costs 220 dollars.
It has only been on sale for an hour and there are twenty-five separate threads on reddit from people orgasming over this stupid shit.
Let this be a lesson to us: there is no ship so pointless, so johnny-come-lately, so overpriced and so unnecessary that it will not generate an absolute feeding frenzy among the remaining fan base. All you have to do is give it the newest, biggest gun and these morons will be on that shit. You don’t even have to build it, just put a new number on your sales brochures. It’s literally printing money.
This is one thing that really bothers me about CIGs marketing. They always have this deniable fall back that ‘oh its IN UNIVERSE marketing so it makes sense that we are promising the moon and the stars!’. No, this is your marketing, you arn’t selling this ship to the fucking quanta, you are selling it to gullible nerds who are jacking off about SPACE A10 that murders capital ships and tanks and ‘shreds’ smaller vessels. The only doubt the citizens seem to have is that it doesn’t have a toilet and is therefore bad.
In terms of the “when will people snap out of it?” nature of your question - they do every day. You just tend not to see many posts on reddit because why would you. They’ll hate you, you’ll feel dumb, and it’s easier to vanish and pretend you never were into it. In the case of true believers this day will never come. When the final bell tolls they’ll say they were happy to just be a part of something so ambitious. This totally-not-a-scam project to deliver dreams.txt was just killed before its time by the evils of the world. Instead of posting about how great SC will be in every youtube comment section they’ll post how great it would have been if not for the bad men.
Beet Wagon
They’re showing off the new Xbox at the game awards with the Hellblade II trailer and holy shit lol, Star Citizen has 100% lost the graphics race.
Thinks I can make out
Line 1: ….perfect timing
Line 2: Also, the BBC does ………….
Line 3: I’m pretty sure they spoke to US …… and our ……
in which a Citizen finds out that CIG hasn’t invented LODs yet
I worked on an MMO in 2008 that could render planet-sized planets that looked just like this (there were also like 3-4 other teams building the same style engine, including one in France we temporarily optioned but decided it wouldn’t work for our needs)
It took us like 4-5 months to build a proof of concept vertical slice engine that could render planets like this
We never finished the full MMO because it was too ambitious and the company collapsed
CIG has taken 6 years to get to this point
This is still basic, core, fundamental tech
Just lmao
“They planned EIGHT Whitebox Narrative, TWELVE Whitebox Playable, and TWO Greybox. What do we have now? SEVEN Whitebox Narrative and THREE Whitebox Playable. Over half of 2019Q1’s work was delayed.”
Can’t be pay to win if there’s technically no winning! I am very smart.
This “prototype” has given me endless hours of true fun and immerison. I’ve had more quality time in this “prototype” than I have in many major released AAA titles. I have had years of enjoyment watching the progress and enjoying every release.
And there are many, many like me. So, what’s your point.
GTA wishes it could be at the level SC is at right now.
the groundbreaking planetary procedural generation v4 can certainly generate some incredible Nintendo 64-tier geometry.
3 years ago (2016) you were claiming a 2017 SQ42 release date in several comments.
Quit your bullshit.
people are willing to put up with it and will buy the ships anyway – so from CIG’s perspective, there’s no need to do anything else.
I love these small glimpses of self awareness from the SC sub, too bad they only last until the next new shiny JPEG.
Remember to be a good citizen this Christmas or the Crobblerter will glitch through your chimney and replace all your presents with spaceship jpegs!!
Of note in the comments - sounds kinda like a goon:
Sorry, that [server meshing being groundbreaking] is not true. I have been working in this industry for over 35 years and my network code is in over 50 gaming titles and hundreds of applications around the world. I have worked mostly in Asia due to the explosion of the MMORPG and mobile RPG market and the demand of games to serve hundreds of thousands, even millions of players at the same time.
What they call OCS and Server Meshing has been developed in the early to mid 90’s and quickly been dismissed because there are more efficient ways to achieve the same result for the clients. The second reason it was dismissed so fast is the absolute insane server costs when you start scaling this to only a few thousand players.
There really is nothing groundbreaking in this technology and as they will soon discover, it is also not very practical when it comes to resources. I read somewhere that this game will not have a monthly subscription and that leads me to the conclusion that they will not be able to pay for the server cost of this technology.
There is just no way they can pay Amazon AWS instances needed to run and simulate a single Solar system without heavy monetization.
I wish them good luck and i will follow the progress out of curiosity.
They are not planning to ever release SC at all, it would be the dumbest move in a history of really dumb moves and they know this.
Releasing would require:
1) Servers, which obviously are massively expensive to rent or own due to constant maintenance/upkeep costs.
2) A marketing drive that changes the broad public perception, the longer they delay the harder and more expensive this will be.
3) A game, given that it has thus far taken just shy of 8 years to get as far as they have and with adding complexity as they go which acts as an overall multiplier for time to be taken, this is just not feasable.
That’s just three things that spring to mind, there are countless others. So no, they will never stop selling ships and they would be batshit crazy to release anything other than hype, bits of half arsed archered bf2142 demo, and carrots on string to keep squeezing the whales. They zigzag through dev bouncing between items with no real plan other than “Convince the backers we are doing something, no it doesn’t have to be in the game, just make it look like it should be”.
once this game releases i hope to be a free man again.
i will read a review (with a score of 74) be like “haha“ and call it quits.
i feel that this will never happen tho and i am trapped here forever
Cloud Imperium Games is looking for a barista to manage, maintain and develop Ellroy’s (our in-house barista counter), providing our team with hot beverages in a friendly welcoming environment. Responsible for the organisation and cleanliness of the section, as well as stock ordering and control. To develop and improve the offering to the team at every opportunity, making Ellroy’s a coveted perk for our team.
Star Citizen socks, only $20 + delivery! Best fidelity guaranteed!
Star Citizen crossed the line from overhyped to outright scam several years ago. It’s the pyramid scheme of videogames.
How backers reconcile the Calder money being only for SQ42 marketing and the complete lack of any mentioning of SQ42 is beyond me. But hey, I don’t know game development.
The Titanic
My favorite parts were:
When CIG cares about PR and the c-suites tried to make themselves be heroes and smart, but tended to be outwitted often.
The many promises of 10ftC, and the Ork version.
The guy who really like procedural birds.
Sandworm our if nowhere.
The Maya render of Mark Hamill that looks nothing like anything anybody ever got, but is still used today to show off how good Star Citizen looks somehow.
The fun of Arena Commander and how it kept getting worse and worse.
The time that Wolf Larsen guy of Oasis Marketing outed himself as working with CIG.
That space ship that inexplicably lost a seat and threw everybody into turmoil.
The concept of deep space scanning and how technical it was going to be, and it was a golf swing mini game.
That one ship with 100 huge modules from science to farming to exploration, none of which were ever explained but sure as hell were sold for a lot of money!
The land sales episode where you could buy space land with the land claim beacon and the fun of it.
The giant two story tank that was somehow useful in a space ship game, and also had no engine.
The countless fake demos we’ve seen, none of which have come to the game itself.
The Sq42 demo of “rescue the girl kidnapped and beaten up by space pirates” out of nowhere because women are weak and need rescuing by you, the big man hero.
The award Sandi got for winning arguments online or something.
When the scope of the game had 100 star systems but 8 years in you still have 1.
Any time pipelines were done, that would totally speed everything up. (Nothing was ever sped up, but keep believing it)
The fact that every demo or talk had some introduction of something nobody had ever heard of, while simultaneously being the most open development ever. Repeat this endlessly.
The fidelity glass of the webcam add-in that allowed a person in a totally dark room to be lit like a Christmas tree in full detail and no loss of image quality.
When they added in face motion capture technology when their game is already struggling to let people play it at any acceptable level.
Every Major Tom video and how he used text to do everything.
The video G0RF made with great subtitles. <3
All the predictions that The Agent made.
The escape button drama with Derek I didn’t mean to cause but did because I’m not smart enough to play a battle cruiser game.