Zero examples of a functioning game or story, but hey there are some scenery renders.
CIG’s development in a nutshell.
spinning models in a model viewer seems like the most perfect way to represent the state of the project and its future.
In 2005 at e3 Sony released a Killzone 2 gameplay trailer they claimed was running on a PS3. Which was clearly a pre-rendered video especially because Guerrilla Games had only just received the PS3 dev kits. A lot of people called bull on that. Same shit happened with Madden 06. Now this wasn’t the first time game companies had pulled this shit but this was right at the point Internet video had gone mainstream and the term bullshot was created because of those videos so I had a little hope this had enough momentum to stop this in its tracks. Of course I was wrong, really wrong. The games weren’t punished in sales for blatant lies and their franchises just got bigger and bigger. And game companies to this day keep putting out bullshots.
Gamers as a group are dumb. You can explain things to them but you can’t understand it for them. They complain all year that the e3 trailers didn’t match the games released and then when the next e3 comes around will blindly jumped back on the hype train. Pretty pictures will always trick gamers.
[x] Game’s supposed to release next year, was completely 100% absent from their biggest marketing event of the year.
[x] Game’s supposed to release next year, and their only marketing efforts on it focus on pre-rendered visuals, not even a fucking lengthy clip but a “teaser”.
[x] The progress tracker is showing the project is generously a year behind schedule and that’s if you believe their original schedule (you shouldn’t).
[x] Zero gameplay has been shown in what, a couple of years?
Yeah, this is all going great. Squadron 42 best game of 2020!
This just shows why they should really improve the AI before adding anything else like hand to hand combat…
Game is so bad and good lol
This is janky. Is this really worth upvoting to the front page of reddit as an example of good gameplay for people to see? Anyone from outside coming in to people praising a unrealistic chain of takedowns and choppy animations would get the impression that this sub is delusional.
i want to believe in this game but every time i watch something it turns out like this.. hope you´re having fun tho.
Hilarious post but still sad because it reminds me that it’s 2020 and this game is still a janky tech demo. When is the polishing going to come through? Every update for literally years was promised as the Chosen Update that will make the game not run like shit. I booted up the most recent build in MicroTech and it runs worse than the previous build I tried a year ago in Hurston did…ugh
Anything on foot is still so buggy. God willing the client server refactor will fix that.
Star Citizen just surpassed 10m in funding for a single month
EU servers are full.
Just had to join USA server as keeps saying EU is full.
Please help me out here people. This isn’t a complaining post. Help me keep the faith. I played for about 2 hours and couldn’t do anything without running into some type of game breaking bug. This final straw of me was missing a train because you can’t hold backspace to delete text. You have to manually press the key for every letter…. How do they realistically plan on fixing all of this while actually having an MMO with thousands of players? Drop some facts on me people! I need this!
I’m going away for a while, not going to endorse a team that drops trash updates EVERY holiday season and then lets people suffer to server and program instability on OUR breaks.
Trash game is trash right now, alpha or otherwise.
Really CIG… So disappointed.
Alpha Shmalpha.
Not worth logging in at all in it’s current state. Unplayable. It’s an utter waste of time.
I’m confused and horrified by the people talking about 7 HOUR and 10 HOUR long bug-riddled sessions full of crashes! What’s wrong with these people?
Backer 1: Man, SC is awesome. Best game ever, so much to do! I’m having so much fun.
Backer 2: Yeah, this is awesome, i’m having the time of my life.
Backer 3: Guys, i’ve crashed to desktop 5 times in the last hour, it has its problems.
Backers 1 and 2: ITS ALPHA! Maybe this game isn’t for you! You don’t understand software development!
I can’t believe anyone takes any of these road maps seriously. They have never once been accurate.
The SC roadmap contains a bunch of filler “new gun” and “tier 0 spline articulation” nonsense which means nothing in the grand scheme of the game. The SQ42 roadmap is nothing but fancy accounting to pretend they are making progress. Year after year it gets delayed another year and yet the faithful are never fazed by this.
Space Court
Joint STIPULATION to Continue Trial and Related Dates and Regarding Briefing Schedule for Plaintiff’s Motion to Dismiss Voluntarily filed by Defendants Cloud Imperium Games Corp., Roberts Space Industries Corp.(Goldman, Jeremy)
During a telephone conference regarding settlement on December 4, 2019, counsel for Crytek noted that in addition to settlement, it was considering a motion to dismiss based on CIG’s recently served objections and responses to Crytek’s Interrogatories.
Then, on or about December 11, 2019, Crytek’s counsel indicated to CIG’s counsel during a meet and confer that, based on CIG’s responses to certain written discovery, which Crytek contends revealed new information regarding the ripeness of one of Crytek’s existing claims, Crytek wished to voluntarily dismiss its claims against CIG without prejudice, with the intention of re-filing the suit against CIG following the release of Squadron 42 by CIG.
The parties met and conferred to discuss the terms of a stipulated dismissal, but they were unable to reach an agreement. Crytek intends to file a motion to dismiss the case without prejudice (the “Motion to Dismiss”) and CIG intends to oppose the Motion to Dismiss.
Even Crytek knows there ain’t no blood in this stone
Lol this has me curious, what could have been found on discovery that would want crater to dismiss the case monetarily and have CIG spooked enough that they wouldn’t want it to be dismissed
Squadron 42 doesn’t actually exist?
It looks as though crytek is attempting to dismiss the case because it all hinged on SQ42 being released. It appears that in discovery they figured out that SQ42 is in no way ever going to be released.
To me, this confirms why Skadden bowed out. I suspect that they had gotten CIG to settle out of court. Crytek said no we want to ruin them. Skadden saw something like this as likely and pushed back. Crytek wanted blood. Skadden said fuck off we only want cases we can win. Crytek gets a new firm that’s willing to squeeze the stone for them. Oops that new firm runs into something that might keep them from winning. Here we are
An actual lawyer™ on Twitter was speculating that the lawsuit hinges on Squadron 42 being released, and discovery has turned up evidence from CIG indicating Squadron 42 isn’t going to be released for “years”, if ever.
But this is good for Star Citizen I’m sure.
I like to imagine some Crytech exec getting to look at the actual state of SQ42 development because of discovery and just instantly recoiling backwards like it was full of spiders.
I simply find it hilarious that CI`g may avoid being sued due to being so completely useless that they can’t complete the product they are being sued for creating, in effect their utter incompetence is saving them from court. :D
Meanwhile at Crytek Discovery headquarters…
Crytek Lawyer: We request the file directory of all work done on SQ42 to date
CIG lawyer: Umm, no we need more time to compile it.
Crytek Lawyer: Please hurry
6 months later
Crytek Lawyer: So have you completed the compilation?
CIG Lawyer: Umm, sure here you go!
:hands disk to Crytek Lawyer:
Sample.txt 0 bytes
SQ42.cry 12 bytes
Crytek Lawyer: Shit
For the moment sq54 is in Schrödinger mode, we have to wait for the judge to evaluate it’s existence.
lmao imagine being at the war room when croberts lawyers somberly try to explain that legally it would be suicide to finish development of sq42
“…finish …development? I don’t understand either of these words”
Squadron 42 : Please leave a message after the beep.
No Citizen is willing to entertain the thought, but at this point that Chris has everything to lose and little to gain by finishing and releasing Squadron.
He didn’t start out believing this obviously. Early on, he was confident he could deliver a great Wing Commander follow up. That confidence was absolutely destroyed in 2016. Annihilated. Infinite Warfare hit way too close to the mark, so close in fact that Chris’s all time biggest fan said excitedly of it “It’s great to see what a modern Wing Commander game from the industry could look like.”
Dogfighting, FPS missions, high fidelity cinematics, a classic “war story in space”. It was too damn close to the spec.
It’s 2020 now, and Chris still doesn’t have the talent to catch up with a COD release from 2016. And of course he doesn’t have to just catch up, he has to exceed it in every way possible. He’s had so much more time, so much more money, a huge Hollywood roster and worst of all, Chris explicitly said in 2014 Squadron would be “like a Call of Duty campaign but better because we’ve got a much bigger campaign!”
The bar is too high to clear now and it keeps going up while Squadron goes nowhere. Chris can’t clear it and knows it but can’t admit it publicly or else the whole thing falls apart and destroys him. (And God help him if the British tax office figures out how he played them)
He has more incentives now to engineer Squadron’s demise than its release. He need only find another party he can blame for it. Crytek backing away from a pre-release court fight is hilarious because there was already a decent circumstantial case that Chris and Ortwin wanted to make them the scapegoat. Maybe THAT’s part of what discovery turned up?
I mean I suppose there’s a chance Crytek thinks CIG might actually release it some day, and if so, they can either get more dough or do more harm by waiting for that day. But it’s hard to believe discovery might’ve turned up proof that Squadron was really looking good for release. If that exists, then why on earth would Chris be telegraphing the very opposite with Roadmaps?
I for one would like to thank Clive Calder for making this era possible. Even though things have gotten duller since Chris went into hiding, there’s still all kinds of potential for nutty outcomes bubbling up in the background. Absent Calder’s money we’d be watching this all slowly deflate, but with it, the hope remains we might get the full on debacle this story deserves one day.
So once again, their narrative is crumbling. Things on Squadron are not “going really well.” The Beta is not coming in summer 2020. They’re not sure when it might even release, if it will release, nor do they know yet in what form it might eventually come, as a stand-alone retail title (as the backers, Calder, and Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs office has been told), or maybe just as a module within their sole game release Star Citizen (as Crytek and Judge Gee have been told.)
Only a savant level huckster like Chris Roberts could find himself in such a fantastic bind.
I was positive … positive … that this was a photoshop. Until I followed the link.
It takes some serious balls to monetize a fake buzzword used to continue propping up a fraudulent project. This would be like Nigerian email scammers selling “I released trapped funds for a Nigerian Prince” t-shirts.