January 2020 Set 2

January 2020 Set 2

January 2020 Set 2

goon avatar

LMAO! Sorry none of this janky shit works after almost a decade, so here have a janky ass jpeg to look at.

goon avatar

the ship is the fix


they’re giving you a ship because it’s the only way to get past the fucking issue

goon avatar

What in the world is so wrong with this game that a fix is to log into an entirely different game mode and lay down in a bed?



  • Germany is expected to give over $10m in tax credits to F42 in 2020(1?) alone
  • costs continue to rise and studios continue to expand which promote higher tax incentives
  • “You can make money from failure. Thank the taxpayers for keeping us alive and investment spry.”
  • a new hire is expected to be an “expert” in less than 12 weeks from hire date
  • confusion about what exactly management does or what newly hired “leads” do
  • “rudderless” direction until “last second” changes, including art and design
  • due to this, programmers create shortcuts that will be “fixed later”
  • if those programmers leave, it causes massive confusion within the team as they try and piece together solutions
  • this happens “often” but should be “eased” in 2020 due to new 3rd party help from an outside firm
  • this help involves a custom built CE toolset, better regs and code oversight
  • “This isn’t something everyone is happy about.”
  • this includes “dailies-like” bi-monthly updates to top brass and outside firm
  • the sq42 visual teaser shown xmas day was one of these
  • updates consist of three “courses”: gameplay, in-game visuals and cutscenes
  • supposedly SQ42 content is already in SC - mission givers like miles eckhart are considered SQ42 NPCs
  • huge issue when the 3rd party played a recent SC patch (3.8?)
  • “They were surprised because [CR? ER?] gave them the impression of a fully-functioning game with little-to-no bugs.”
goon avatar

Star Citizen now has a publisher gary emote

Please don’t use the P-word, it upsets the backers. We prefer one of the following:

“Temporary Development Support”

“Oversight Caretaker”

“Production Consultancy”

“Finish Line Partner”

This will help ease them into pledging more.

reddit emote


We are opening a special PTU with the player cap increased to 60 from 50. This is an experimental setup and the build is identical to live, just with 10 more players. Our goal is to collect performance and stability data while making additional cap adjustments, but any oddities that you see would be helpful to know about as well. Please reply with any issues, new performance bottlenecks, or negative impacts that are new to PTU and not currently on live. Please include screenshots and videos where appropriate.

It’s important to note that this is merely a test, and is not representative of any definitive incoming changes.

Your help would be much appreciated!


Lead Player Experience Analyst_

peter gabriel

hi, it’s year 9 of the development of our revolutionary space mmo that cost a quarter of a billion dollars, we are going to launch an experimental server that has 60 players instead of 50, we realise this is a huge increase but hopefully we can handle it.


A Fucking Idiot

reddit emote

So now 60 people can experience the same bugs and crashes… yep.. progress

goon avatar

Erin said 1000 player server meshing is happening in 2019. Stayed tuned!

goon avatar

I am looking forward to the increased stability


yeah man hundreds of thousands of people in one instance with real time combat and complex physic reactions on player manipulated objects

I can’t imagine anyone reading that and believing a goddamn word of it


the only reason they are trying to raise the server caps is for sean tracy’s citizenfield 42 lol

goon avatar

I can’t wait to find out what CIG’s technobabble solution is to the age-old problem of having one entity move towards another entity and if the hitboxes collide inflict damage on the second one. It’s honestly impressive how broken that engine is while still lurching around.

goon avatar



Mark Hamill is in talks with Chris Roberts to make Squadron 54.

Unknown to Mark, Chris has not released Squadron 42. Chris Roberts’ master plan is to trick Mark into thinking he’s doing mocap and voice work for the sequel, when really he is performing the much needed re-shoots for Squadron 42.

goon avatar

In the year 2525

If Chris is still alive

If Erin can survive

They may find…

In the year 3535

Star Citizen at last goes live

Broke commandos everywhere will say

I got murdered by a door today

In the year 4545

Commando B’tak’s still alive

His universe will never be the same

Earned an Idris right inside the game


These people can’t spot trajectory to save their lives. If they really cared about a space game they’d have hung Chris out to dry after 3 years.

It’s like Chris started 30 miles from the north pole, promised to take people there, then promptly started traveling south. Backers didn’t bitch, and Chris got farther and farther away from his goal. The spin was “well the earth is a sphere, eventually this path will take us to the north pole, be patient, you obviously don’t know anything about sphere development.” Then once his dumb ass hit the south pole, he started digging. Instead of bailing, backers defended this too. “Obviously going through the earth is a more direct path than the extra miles across a curved surface, you obviously don’t understand tunneling development.” Now Chris is scratching his ass, digging tunnels all over the world, going in circles, retracing his steps, and he’s long forgotten what his original promise was.

When he runs out of money, he’ll declare the place he’s standing to be the destination, and backers will claim it’s where they wanted to go all along.

They don’t care about a game. They care about trusting someone they incorrectly view as a “renegade success against the system,” a system their gaming-conspiracy-theory-addled minds have largely created out of whole cloth, never realizing that the power over these “unstoppable” corporations was in their wallets all along. And in the ultimate irony, those exact wallets, and that exact power, built a criminal company whose exploits far surpassed the worst excesses of the companies they so fervently claimed they despised.

goon avatar

Is no ini file sacred?


look at all those people editing their ini files

Pgabz you absolute villain

goon avatar






2019. Chris went into hiding, Sandi bugged out, and Erin is too busy fast-tracking a heart attack to show his face. Only Lando remains, logging pointless weekly dialogues with sound designers and lore dudes because almost nobody important wants to go on camera anymore.

It’s a time of famine. With all the clowns gone, it could be awhile before the next big face plant. (Or maybe Squadron releases Q4 to wide critical acclaim and colossal success and we declare defeat and scatter to the winds…)