January 2020 Set 2

January 2020 Set 2

January 2020 Set 2

Jan Set 2 - 2020

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[PTU Bug Hunt] 30009 or 30006 errors.


January 21st at 6:48 am


We need help tracking down another issue. The 3k9 or 3k6 errors are fairly common on live, are often associated with recovery and/or bed logout, and can be debilitating. However, due to account copy they frequently are under reported during the PTU cycle. If any of you experienced this issue, please post below and let us know if/how you were able to resolve. Please avoid recopying to fix for now.

Thanks for your help!


Lead Player Experience Analyst

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Well if we could be on longer than 10 minutes before the server crashes and kicks us all off. We might be able to take a look.

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3 days straight and I can’t stay in-game for longer than 10-15 mins


Is CIG going bankrupt? OMG. That’s a lot removed.

Beet Wagon

That fucking roadmap lmfao.

Jesus christ what must it be like to be the kind of person who has spent the last five years being certain that any fucking day now CIG is gonna prove the haters wrong, and then just keep reading this shit every month.

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When that roadmap released last night, I went from someone that just gave RSI another 35$, to someone that actually just want all my money back.

I literally hate this single-player game called SQ42, and it’s not even released yet.

  • Sick of the promises.

  • Sick of SQ42 taking away everything I currently enjoy and the progress from it. (PU)

  • Sick of not really honestly communicating with backers

  • Sick of a lack of really new content and content not really working

  • Sick of seeing new ships launching with old ships incomplete - and don’t tell me it’s waiting for tech, a toilet is not new tech and the Connie’s don’t have that in since forever…

  • Sick of the same old bugs as if you never learn and always want to go and reinvent the wheel.

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Been waiting since mid-2014 with a little over $30k spent at this point, feel almost the same way.

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“Staggered Development” ? ..Nope.. More like “Stagnant” Development..

ive been here since 2013 before any of you moan about me not being here long enough to complain.. Sick of all the smoke up my ass from presentations an FALSE promises every single year.


you cant see the game is stuck in a never ending cycle of let downs.

goon avatar

I don’t understand the problem. Chris absolved himself.

goon avatar

Aaaaaand here you have it folks. Cryteks very prompt reply.


goon avatar

And here we have CIG nailed to the cross that they are still using the original Cryengine code AND that there is absolutely ZERO way that Amazon has the right to give CIG a license to that original code. This is over. Sq42 just died on that motion. The moment that CIG releases it, they are as good as admitting guilt. Derek Smart WAS right.


if that “CIG is completely redoing SQ42 under an entirely new engine” leaks are true I’m gonna lol myself into an early grave

goon avatar

Ahahaha, I can’t believe the goddamn theory you fudsters came with was actually right. damn emote


theres no progression system, no real ability to form guilds/orgs in game, no way to trade with players, the grouping system is awful, the chat system is awful, theres a million instakill bugs everywhere, theres like three questgivers that are broken 95% of the time, no way to shut off friendly fire, no easy identification of hostile targets, the AI is completely braindead, also the AI will shoot through walls and take no damage, the flight model is complete ass, the landing zones are complete ass, theres no economy or crafting systems at all, zero, missiles dont work correctly, missions dont complete correctly at least half the time, you’ll frequently get disconnected and respawn 10 to 15 minutes away from actual gameplay, the first person jank is incredible and seriously makes me nauseous sometimes

it’s been this was since I first played back in 2016

all of those things are 100% true and I’m not being a hater or whatever, it’s how the game actually is

goon avatar

Holy shit this fucking game

I’m ded

peter gabriel

I deleted my user folder, help I am now inside the pipelines


This is not an alpha. This is not a pre-alpha. This is not even a tech demo. It’s not even a failed tech demo. Chris Roberts has discovered a new stage of game development which occurs only under special conditions: when you take a team of unprecedented violently inept and inexperienced people, give them contradictory marching orders, then totter off into traffic yelling “FIDELITY! IMMERSION!” In a separate building are entry-level 3D artists sending the “dev team” plagiarized art at regular intervals, while the networking team reboots the desktop PC with the yellow sticky note on it labeled “SERVRE” [sic] every 15 minutes.

I can’t even call it a circus because some planning and talent are involved in those. Even reality shows have some degree of organization. How people aren’t seeing past this is one of the great mysteries of our age.

goon avatar

SC’s fatal flaw is they haven’t even designed it yet. I’m dead serious. There is no combat model. There is no economics model. There is no skill tree design or anything like that. Rewards, quests, these things are simply pie in the sky concepts. There is NO design. The current things in the game are just a heap of bugs and they’re frustrating not by design or difficulty but just because the game is a pile of horrors.

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Legatus Navium: $25k+

shepspends emote Last I checked, there were 67 Legatus members.


orders boat part, waits 7+ years, is still waiting and totally fine and okay with it because they understand boat development

goon avatar

Honestly people who own boats are uniquely qualified to be Star Citizen backers, you’re constantly throwing money at something that is actively falling apart and a huge pain to use, and you celebrate when you finally unload it to someone else.

SC backers like to pretend they’re the kind of people that might own Lamborghinis or Mega-yachts if they had millions to burn instead of thousands.

goon avatar

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I have a org mate who has a legatus pack ($27,00) but he’s a psychiatrist so he’s on like $120,000 a year.

Psychiatrist spending 25k on things that dont exist is almost poetic.

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Star Citizen helped me through a breakup

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That was smart on you. Star Citizen is superior to having a girlfriend. I personally almost starting dating this semi attractive lady from Philadelphia until I picked up my 890 Jump. Best decision of my life!

goon avatar

Star Citizen - I personally almost starting dating this semi attractive lady from Philadelphia


Lol at what the latest “Inside Star Citizen” documented…

This entire segment is one where the subtext drowns out the text. We see Chris (finally!), and what’s he been up to in this time of missed deadlines, worrying roadmaps, and heightening pressures?

He’s doing just what he think he’d be doing— micromanaging fashion concepts for denizens of an upcoming moon. The maestro of micromanagement at work.


Just listen to Lando, laying the groundwork for upcoming bad news. The whole thing is just one big blinking warning light.

Finally, an Inside Star Citizen that tells us what’s really going on lately!

goon avatar

Nice to see him taking a break from rewriting Star Engine’s physics.

goon avatar

Cool that George Lucas joined SC.


they’ve gotta come out swinging for the fences on their roadmap today

like swinging for the fences of the other stadium, roughly 600 miles away kinda swinging

“the roadmap is just a wishlist” posts in spectrum are making me lol

The Titanic

Anybody aware of project management realizes CIG failed about 4 years ago. Everything since then is just icing on a fail cake of failure and disappointing. They’re dragging the corpse through the street and people are still giving it kisses as it passes by.


I love roadmap discussion. They’ve successfully transferred public scrutiny from game development to a chart that talks about game development, because a chart is the only thing they can actually release. And the backers immediately and fully embrace each item on the chart as real and true.

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All my friends refuse to try it out Star Citizen cuz most of them are against early access games. And then one time I eventually convinced a single friend to finally come in on a free weekend. we got jack shit done. Couldn’t find each other for 30 minutes, disconnected 5 times, as soon as he spawned he’d fall through the planet, then spawn somewhere else entirely. We finally got into a ship, I landed in Hurston, and working 5 seconds of landing the game told me my ship was in the way and was going to be automatically stored, but my friend didn’t know and didn’t run off in time, so as I got off he was teleported you god knows where, and after another hour of us trying to get to each other, along with 2 more crashes, he tells me how this game isn’t really for him, and I lose my only friend that was willing to try after 5 years of begging pretty much. I’m not even gonna install it again for 3.9 or 4.0, cuz I know how much of a massive letdown they will be again. Just like 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. Every single one was a letdown with every major feature pushed back.


Why isnt Sandi, the perfect lady who had a line of clothing and designed shit when she was in university not like… your go-to person to discuss/judge your fashion show!?

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Games like The Witcher or Cyberpunk are showing how important the appearance of sexuality can be for the authenticity of a game world. How “sexy” will the world of Star Citizen and Squadron42 be? Will it be more like Skyrim where sexuality not really happens or will we get a “Witcher in Space” with red-light districts and explicit presentation of sex?

goon avatar

The StarBase developers have an open survey gathering feedback on cosmetics :eng101:

Top pick question:


laffo emote gary emote

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goon avatar

The “SC is beautiful” line is somewhat of a Meme now. Imagine having to focus on your “but the assets are a beauty” strawman because there is nothing else after 8+ years and 300+ Million in your Sunk Cost Galaxy. Chris Roberts’ 2013 hilarious vision of SQ42 and SC Solo+Multiplayer experience is like what, 1% done in the grand scheme of their promises and milestones?

goon avatar

The Social Team continued with the long process of narrative interaction. The technology for breaking away from, abandoning, and re-joining conversations is complicated when applied to specific actor performances, with each scene considered on merit. However, it’s a worthwhile endeavor as the team are already seeing a level of immersion not seen in other narrative-driven games. Level Design are pushing on with AI behaviors, level mark-up, and moving some of the less-detailed greybox block-outs to their final states. The Dogfight Team are still building out the core AI movesets and behaviors to deliver believable and scalable AI for all scenarios.

People asking for months “why is there no chapter progress” and this is all the explanation they get

You can’t make this shit up

goon avatar

The “report” is full of marketing talk, exaggerated claims, vague progress description, nonsensical (buzz?) words (like yeah “voxelizing”), even more vague mention on work remaining, and nothing at all hinting at any upcoming “release” or transition to beta. The words “beta” or “release” don’t even appear in it.

How can anyone lap this trash up and believe they’ve come out anything but more stupid after reading it is beyond me.

This is a project years into a development, and mere months before the supposed ETA for a beta for the company’s first ever commercial (to be) title, after about three or four other missed ETAs in the course of about 6 years.

goon avatar


Plaintiff CRYTEK GMBH (“Plaintiff”) and Defendants CLOUD IMPERIUM GAMES CORP. and ROBERTS SPACE INDUSTRIES CORP. (“Defendants”) by and through their counsel of record, hereby agree and stipulateas follows:1.Plaintiff’s Motion for Voluntary Dismissal is presently set for hearing on February 7, 2020 (ECF No. 97)(the “Motion”). 2.During a status conference with the Court on January 10, 2020, the Court directed the parties to meet and confer to try to resolve the Motion without Court interventionand to promptly notify the Court if theywere successful. 3.As requested by the Court, the parties have been working to resolve the Motion, have made significant progress,and believe they are close to reaching a resolutionof the Motion.4.In light of the above, the parties jointly request that the hearing set for February 7, 2020 be continuedto February 21, 2020 or to such later date set by the Court.5.The parties will promptly notify the Court if and when they resolve the Motion prior to the rescheduled hearing.

goon avatar

Things that will surely fix Star Citizen:

1. Chanting BDSSE

2. Refactor

3. Miles Eckhart’s jacket (x4)

4. Serialized variables


6. Moons

7. Subsumption static variables

8. Soundtrack recreated using only a hurdy gurdy

Beet Wagon

A couple pages back someone was posting quotes of reddit people going “It’s not even invasion of privacy, they’re just tracking your face not the room you’re in” which is I think maybe the dumbest thing I’ve ever fucking read lmao

goon avatar

Why is star citizen