Posted on February 15, 2020 | written by GOONRATHI
Feb 2020 Set 1
Posted on February 15, 2020 | written by GOONRATHI
Feb 2020 Set 1
When does Star Citizen 2 come out
Zero roadmap updates this week.
Holy. Hell.
no mr calder, mr roberts isn’t in, no no I swear he’s not standing next to me frantically waving his arms and mouthing I’M NOT HERE and he’s not getting into his porche and peeling out of the parking lot. can I take a message?
I don’t get it. When they move things around on the roadmap people complain, and when they don’t move things around people complain.
The one thing we’re missing is the Theater of War roadmap, maybe that’s where all the progress is happening.
Sean Tracy said they have a really small team and 90 percent of their development is using assets/codebase already in the main branch.
That’s weird because everyone else has said Sq42 was the main focus and taking all the resources
Truly open development
The whales funding this mess already shouted down and drove off any sane people with reasonable criticism years ago. All we got left are crazy bastards who just throw money into the fire in the hopes they’ll put it out.
just gonna go ahead and repost this
You see all of 2020 will mostly be a planning year, as they switch from Staggered to Hopscotch development. So anyone who understands game development will know that once Hopscotch methodology is fully implemented in Q1 2021, then development can really kick into high gear. And really this is good and normal for a game to be stalled well into its 9th year of development.
Source: I am a project manager, software engineer, .config file editor, marine biologist, and wealthy international jet setter who all the women want to sex.
Beet Wagon
Remember how during the initial kickstarter the Constellation was going to be your own personal Millennium Falcon that let you finally live out every minuscule dream you’ve had of being a cool space rogue living aboard your personal ship? And then when that one came out and it turned out it’s just a rectangle with a bunch of non-interactive coffee makers and showers stuck to the sides, so then the Freelancer was going to be your own personal Serenity that let you finally live out every minuscule dream you’ve had of being a cool space rogue living aboard your personal ship? And then when that one came out and it turned out it’s just a rectangle with a bunch of non-interactive coffee makers and showers stuck to the side, so then the Starfarer was going to be your own personal Nostromo that let you finally live out every minuscule dream you’ve had of being a cool space rogue living aboard your personal ship? And then when that one came out and it turned out it’s just a rectangle with a bunch of stairs stuck to the side, so then the 600i was going to be your own personal Jupiter 2 that let you finally live out every minuscule dream you’ve had of being a cool space rogue living aboard your personal ship?
The Carrack is the next one of that.
If you use a USB webcam on your PC and play Star Citizen you might want to read this. (major bug report)
If you launch star citizen right now 3.8 it’s trying to take control of your webcam and it will continue trying over and over and over. Even if the webcam is in use by some other program.
What does this mean? HUGE CPU usage and framerates in game will be halved.
It’s basically like a memory leak. Star citizen just sits there trying to access the webcam over and over.
I just checked the reddits and apparently the backers are beginning to suspect that maybe there is a small possibility that perhaps there may be some sort of issue with the development of the game.
Promise: a game with no subscription
Reality: a subscription with no game
Ahahaahahah the next patch is going to have food mechanics
food mechanics
They’re cribbing from survival games before even starting to get dogfighting right
First they had baby short-term persistence.
Then they had adult short-term persistence?
So this is now baby long-term persistence.
Which I think means they’ve figured out how save files work.
I’m not upset at all. People lie in relationships all the time. It’s not like I’m cheating on her. I’m spending money on a hobby I enjoy.
I really like the new Carrack Map Room because it perfectly encapsulates Star Citizen in a single image.
It is a huge, boring, empty room. It has been redesigned two or three times in the five years since it was announced. There is a blue sphere in the middle of the otherwise desolate room. The sphere is featureless. You cannot interact with the sphere. It is literally a placeholder. What is the purpose of the sphere? What possible mapping could you do on a huge blue sphere in a big empty room? Nobody knows. But it is large, and blue. Citizens love the room and are wild about it. The room costs $500+ dollars.
Star Citizen at PAX East*
*not at PAX East
Beet Wagon
“Star Citizen will never stop growing, Squadron 42 is going to sell a hojillion units,” I say to myself, gently stroking my 3D-printed spaceman figurine.
Help, I’ve spilled the gravity goo and now I can’t get up…
My coworker used to talk about being interested in Star Citizen (he’s a sucker for pretty pictures) and I would bring up the more work-appropriate things we’ve discussed in the thread, such as how badly the scope has expanded and how many self-imposed deadlines they’ve missed. I urged him to at least wait until it was officially released (hah), and recommended other games he might enjoy that would let him live out his fantasies of being a space Fed Ex driver.
He didn’t listen, and bought a starter package anyway. Now he’s spent $300+ on the game, including getting a second account for his 4 year old kid. I no longer talk to him about Star Citizen at all if I can help it, because all he wants to do is try to convince me that he made a great purchase.
I feel like a lot of the citizens we mock are like that. There’s a plethora of information out there that should make them question whether they want to buy in (or keep buying in), but they don’t want to see it. And if they don’t want to see it, what more can we do to help them?
At this point I think all we can really do is just sit back and laugh at the situation, and welcome in any citizens who do finally want to stop throwing their money at Croberts.
Nothing is scrapped, it’s all just a matter of time
We are 2 years from beta and probably 5 from full launch and even after full launch they wont stop adding features.
It’s because they don’t stick to any idea for longer than 6 months. I mentioned in the past that they chase whatever the big game that’s coming out, become so far behind that the sequel to the big game is already underway when they show it off, they go chasing the next big game and the cycle repeats.
The simplest solution to this is to fuck off for 12-18 months, no weekly vids, no cons, no big ship sales each month, maybe a patch or 2 in that time frame at most. Just go away and work on the battlefield knockoff then show it off when you have shit working to a really decent quality by actual video game standards, cause good quality CIG would be on par to steam shovel ware at this point.
But they can’t do that, cause any quietness would spook the backers, sales would just stop. It has to be shown as proof of progress and “yes we are working” on the game.
This battlefield mode will be released get a patch or 2 tops then never worked on again, see Star Marine the supposed “core” block of what every module was to be connected to. Then it’s on to the next thing to part citizens money from their bank accounts.
I have the vivid image in my mind of a Citizen dying decades from now while waiting for the game to release, and being entombed in their SC themed basement sim-pit, as an aged group of a dozen of their surviving org mates gather at Olisar and play taps over the in-game voice channel. One of them turns on FOIP to try to display their emotional anguish, and is instantly deskeletonized as the server crashes.
In a Cayman Islands luxury retirement community, 95 year old Chris Roberts is about to breathe his last. A snow globe containing a model of an Idris falls out of his hand, breaking on the ground as he whispers his last word “fidelity”.
The next day, Lando breaks the news via Skype from a LA IHOP were he went to catch the senior early bird special. The one dev still working on the game from his college dorm room, switches the game’s version from Alpha 43.5 to Beta 1.0 (Chris Roberts Memorial Release).
Star Citizen goes on to have its best funding year yet, even though CIG now only accepts cash mailed directly to a PO Box in Switzerland. Sandi uses the money to get another round of plastic surgery, so she can audition for the part of a 29 year old struggling actress, co-starting in a direct to video re-make of The Perception, with a washed-up Jacob Tremblay fresh out rehab for the fourth time.
The Javelin is the $5k super warship that literally expects more crew than will fit on a single server and hasn’t really been seen except for exterior shots in their many, many bullshit promo videos. Implementing it would require enormous server upgrades, in addition to actual capital-ship combat mechanics outside of just “More turrets.”
The Kraken is the ~$2.5k “pocket carrier” that they finally ginned up to bilk idiots who’d been clamoring for one for years. Making it work would require some kind of flight deck mechanics and collision physics that didn’t just give up at the first sign of two grids interacting.
The Idris, of course, is the $1.5k darling and we’re all extremely familiar with the saga there. Will never be released for the PU in any kind of workable form due to carrier mechanics, torpedos being broken, requiring too many people/being far too large and complex for the servers/etc. The absolute avatar of ambition before design.
The Polaris is the intermediate $900-or-so ship that’s supposed to be a torpedo boat and general single-ship carrier. I don’t think there’s anything preventing it from being released in “Walk around and look at the corridors” form except that it’s fucking huge and CIG can only seem to produce about one of these ships per year. I’d expect it some time in like, 2022 or so if the company somehow manages to carry on that long.
I can’t wait to see what mess Crobears has made with the physics engine
My grandfather’s 3rd wife was a mail-order bride. She actually made him happy, took care of him pretty damn well, and built herself a good career. So unlike Star Citizen, there’s actually some chance you get what you’re paying for with a mail-order bride. God damn is this game a scam.
I opened my Star Citizen account 6 1⁄2 years ago. You plan on giving me 1⁄3 of the game I was promised over a year from now. If we don’t get the ENTIRE game we were promises, I will be suing you into oblivion!!! And I will be one among many! Get your act together
It seems like people are hungry for anything resembling a functional game to emerge and that is the one thing that is impossible to do.
Oh no! Someone forgot to dial down their PvP slider.
Update: An individual in helpdesk-volunteers suggested that this is an overall MobiGlass issue. They suggested that I edit my character, then change eye colors. It seemed very random at the time and completely unrelated but it seems to have worked. I went on a 2 hour mining adventure and my hand didn’t get stuck. Normally it would have happened within the first half hour.
This is some solid, well thought out software architecture right there. Whats next? Missiles starting to work if I use another color for my space toilet?