I don’t play the game, I don’t even have a computer that could run it. But from seeing the progress as an outsider it is clear that they are making strides.
Please stop posting pictures of Derek’s game. Make a thread about it if you’re so interested.
chris is 100% one of those CEOs who thinks watching a Westworld or whatever is working because they might have a multi million dollar idea during the season finale
It’s because they don’t stick to any idea for longer than 6 months. I mentioned in the past that they chase whatever the big game that’s coming out, become so far behind that the sequel to the big game is already underway when they show it off, they go chasing the next big game and the cycle repeats.
The simplest solution to this is to fuck off for 12-18 months, no weekly vids, no cons, no big ship sales each month, maybe a patch or 2 in that time frame at most. Just go away and work on the battlefield knockoff then show it off when you have shit working to a really decent quality by actual video game standards, cause good quality CIG would be on par to steam shovel ware at this point.
But they can’t do that, cause any quietness would spook the backers, sales would just stop. It has to be shown as proof of progress and “yes we are working” on the game.
This battlefield mode will be released get a patch or 2 tops then never worked on again, see Star Marine the supposed “core” block of what every module was to be connected to. Then it’s on to the next thing to part citizens money from their bank accounts.
I just checked the development map.
New Gameplay improvement for Q4 2020.
improved throw will enable whales to throw more of their money at croberts
Star Citizen: Deadlines will be pushed. Features will be pulled.
so the whole new personal inventory system / weapons thing is just an inventory wheel
thank you star citizen for always doing what no game has done before
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Space Ships $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me convince my wife she is a bitch
3.9 PTU Prison Release Timers Courtesy of SCLeaks
supposedly theres been an influx of refund requests begging for any money back on their accounts. Policy is to send out their standard refund email or not respond at all
ship market is dead, with sellers at OBOs not getting any takers. the whole house of worthless jpgs has fallen overnight
Never been done before
Oh look, they found the gun customization module from crysis 1.
“March 27, 2020 – Today, Cloud Imperium announced that existing investors – the Calder Family Office, Snoot Entertainment, and ITG Investment – have exercised a one-time option to purchase further shares in the company. The share prices reflect a discounted option price for existing shareholders that was pre-negotiated at the time of the initial investment in 2018. There were no changes to the Board composition as a result of this transaction. Chris Roberts continues to maintain full control of the Board and Group.”
CIG was not once in any financial trouble. Maybe if you knew how to read financial statements you would understand that. I know of at least 2 other firms that wanted to invest lots into CIG and where turned down. 1 on them was my client.
It was always CIGs plan to bring on external investors for the marketing of S42. CIG can easily get loans for millions with their financial strength if they where desperate for $. Allowing an investor was the smarter move as it costs them less.
Maybe go back to school and learn a thing or 2.
CIG lies about the Roadmap, lied about Rexzilla, lied about Chris and Sandi’s marriage, lied about illfonic’s Star Marine, lied about Sataball, lied about VR in 2016, lied about “like Call of Duty but better because we’ve got a much bigger campaign”, lied about land claims, lied about Sandworms, lied about 100 Star Systems at launch, lied about Salvage in 3.4, lied about wrapping up Squadron in 2015-2020, lied about coffee machines, lied about space doors, lied about “the anonymous hate campaign”, lied about Sandi’s acting career and use of company properties to support it, lied about explosive decompression, lied about the Sandi Monica bloodbath, lied about custom peripherals, lied about AMD, lied about the Jennison letter, lied about things they didn’t even need to lie about from 2013-2020, and even lied to a reclusive, ruthless, germaphobic billionaire in order to pry $46 million out of his coffers.
But I trust their funding tracker is a complete honest real-time depiction of totally organic demand that just goes up and to the right forever, even during a pandemic-induced economic crisis that is killing off hundreds of thousands of businesses in all the countries backers live and work in.
I gotta believe!
I think one of the biggest problems is that it’d be functionally impossible for Crobbers to be honest at this point. The lies have stacked up for so long that everything would completely collapse if they said “Look, we barely have anything done because we’ve never had a coherent design goal to meet”
What even is a lie at this point? The backers have been reprogrammed to rally around the janky shitfest and claim it’s the best game they’ve ever played, like North Korean citizens lining up in the streets and smiling about how great things are whenever there’s an envoy around to impress. He doesn’t play the game, gets hundreds of millions of dollars, and around the clock global adulation. Does he really understand anything past that?
We’re living in a time where people brag about themselves while surrounded by a growing pile of corpses, as millions stand by applauding. I’ve stopped predicting how Star Citizen will collapse because it’s going to be a black swan event. Nothing else, least of all reality, seems to be able to touch it.
For the last four years, since May of 2016, Soulbound Studios has been a crowdfunded company. Our first game, Chronicles of Elyria, has been funded, thus far, almost entirely through the pledges and generosity of our backers. But that was never our intent. When we launched our Kickstarter back in 2016, it was with the plan to use the money to hire additional staff, put together a playable demo, and quickly attract publishers who would be willing to fund the remainder of development. So our plan was to use Kickstarter to, you know, kick-start the development process.
But to our great sadness…. with the failure of Settlers of Elyria, and five long months of only limited crowdfunding revenue coming in, Soulbound Studios has officially run out of money. Last night I was forced to do something I never thought I’d have to do. I closed the online store, put the SoE map back into read-only mode, and laid off all the employees…
Before taking the store down and laying off all the employees I had a long conversation with Vye and Snipehunter. We considered long and hard about launching our Kickstarterversary early this year, and being open with the community about our need for additional funding. We were pretty confident that if we made all of our previous promo items available for sale on the store, and were transparent about our needs, that the community would rally behind us, pledge more support, and sustain us long enough to get more playable content into the hands of our backers. With gameplay that was directly relevant to the aristocracy and nobility, with more information about kingdom and land management, that might have been enough to sustain us until we could get to Alpha 1 and land some investors.
But we decided not to. While we had no doubt that our backers would come to our aid, we’re living in a volatile period in our world’s history. With unprecedented changes to society caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, and with economies beginning to suffer all around the world, I made the hard decision not to try and get additional crowdfunding. I knew doing so would mean having to close the studio. But it was the right thing to do. I’d rather people spend their money on games they can play now, or better yet, food and shelter, rather than on the continuned development of Chronicles of Elyria.
So, with no additional funding, the Chronicles now descend into what is often referred to in the monomyth or the Hero’s Journey as “The Abyss” or “The Ordeal.” It’s the period in a story where the protagonist reaches their lowest point, and is often marked by a figurative or even literal death, allowing them to travel into the underworld. And so, for the time being, Chronicles of Elyria heads into the darkness…
The game is not dead, it’s fuckin dust. It died a couple of years ago when they announced they were switching from SpatialOS. Me and a buddy who pledged said it then and were berated for our opinions. Every few months since then it’s been one clusterfuck warning after another and yet some of you butthurt retards kept giving them money for their little virtual vaporware and you want to cry about it?
Even after this fuck you letter to everyone, there are still some of you who think it’s on “hiatus”.. LMFAO… I guess you also think Grandma is on a hiatus and will dig her dirty old bones up out of Greenview Cemetery and come home to make you a cake?
Seriously guys, losing money sucks and falling prey to some sorry ass would-be leader who lied to everyone on a constant basis to try and keep from doing real work sucks soggy old man balls, but you are proving that you honestly do not have the mental capacity to wake up and dress yourself the more you post about wanting anything they did open sourced or wanting to see unreleased work. They don’t have any unreleased work. They used everything they had and created to try and sucker more of you into giving up more dough. How anyone has given a dime to them after viewing the shitty videos they released the past year and half is beyond me. Anyone who can use UE4 can do more within 3 months than they have produced in 3 years. Fuck, he could have bought a million worth of assets on the Unreal Marketplace and shown off more than whatever the fuck it is they have been showing off.
Don’t get mad at my post.. Get mad at the piece of shit conman snakeoil salesman who ripped you off, bent you over, did not even bother taking off your pretty little pants and just shoved his weaselly little prick through your clothing and raped you without so much as a meaningful look into your eyes. That little bitch walked out of your room without leaving any money on the dresser and did not eve