January 2024

January 2024

January 2024

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This week I’ve accumulated over 5000 in pledges.

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I kinda wish this was a joke but I have a genuine addiction.

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I have no idea what I’m doing.

Please help.

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My girlfriend is pissed about how much I spent on ships this week she said she may actually leave and went back to her parents. I had to tell her I ruined my credit and we can’t get a new apartment this year till I fix it

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After a lot of begging and promises I’ve convinced SO to forgive me. I figured beforehand since I am already in the hole I might as well buy an Endeavor master set as well (what’s the harm).

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Installing SC is like giving it Herpes. Mostly harmless, but occasionally a cold sore will pop up.

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It’s no secret that 2023 was dire for the Star Citizen crowdfunding project, with a significant portion of the year plagued with poor sales compared to previous. However, towards the end of the year, CIG reportedly managed to stabilize its finances, as indicated by data from public trackers. According to Chris Roberts in internal communications, this had indeed been a ‘record breaking year’ for the company - however they still ended the year in a deficit.

Some within CIG fear this has prompted what the company’s internal messaging calls a ‘relocation effort’. Several have detailed a contract requiring 6 months of silence in exchange for their severance packages. Notable CIG fires/losses reportedly included key leadership for the PU, causing major shakeups in structure. Comments made to PIPELINE had mentioned fears that both ATX and LA studios would soon close.

A discussion between me and a CIG representative indicates that these fears are likely overblown. While not denying the existence of layoffs, Tyler Witkin (Zyloh) had made sure to indicate that neither office had planned to close. When I had mentioned that CIG’s job hiring site had been cleared of all but one US job posting (indicating a potential hiring freeze), Tyler indicated more were incoming as well as confidently dismissing a rumor about the fate of the Austin studio as untrue

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Wait, they get their severance if they agree to only 6 months of silence? Jesus, it’s like CIG’s lawyers aren’t paying attention to the project at all. Six months is nothing, which coincidentally is how much work gets completed in the same amount of time.

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But I’ve been assured that if funding ended today they would be able to complete the games

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Empty Promises is gonna be the name of my ship if I ever get this game

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They are deliberately making the build unstable to make it crash, if it didn’t then testing the crash recovery would be a lot harder and more time consuming to do.




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I just got one of their god awful marketing emails saying they’re going to start doing weekly shows again. I guess the whales are in need of some goosing, despite all the constant exciting updates the game is getting confused emote

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Game still not out, starting to get suspicious if it ever will be.

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I respect a good scam, but I have no tolerance for ineptitude

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Recipe for a perfect game:

1. In a large pan, combine assorted and disconnected elements from every movie or successful videogame that a has-been developer from the ‘90s has seen or vaguely heard of recently.

2. Mix in unrealistic and impossible promises to taste. (Congratulations, the hard work is done! Pay yourself handsomely!)

3. Have underpaid employees layer in some code. Thoroughly micromanage and yell at them vigorously.

4. Bake in quality for 12-20 years or until funding runs out. (If serving many backers, half-baking is fine.)

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“SC _will have_…”

“SC _is going to_…”

They all seem to talk about what will happen in the future but not what exists in reality. Someone in here pointed out a while ago that monocle cat will spout hearsay from a convention 10 years ago as absolute gospel from the dev team.

They are morons. Most of what Star Citizen truly is to these people is solely in their heads.

It’s a dream. And it’s sad.


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leave it to the folks like Tony Zzzzzzzzzz who probably make a 500k a year easily , drawing on whiteboards and tenting their fingers a lot when people ask what are they working on

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Plot twist: Tony Z was actually fired years ago but due to a payroll glitch still gets a paycheck every week

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Tools, tools, everywhere tools… And not a drop of game to play.

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That’s the day when they restock the JPEGs.

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I hate to say this but chris roberts has won. he has made fortune now, selling dreams and promises.

Its rare for game to survive 10 years and still be able to attract in new customers.

And all those long time backers really have no protection anymore because MVP has existed for long time now.

Imagine trying to refund new physical copy of the crew video game in era where crew is already dead as a game, star citizen has existed way longer than crew so customers really have no right to complain anymore when star citizens servers go down.

SC is finished its chris roberts magnus opus, he succeeded in proofing that all you need is MVP and vague contradictory promises of better game in future.

But alas i think there wont be another chris roberts in future. As AI can do promises way better than what CR could ever dream.

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CIG’s backers pay pigs have been complaining for 12 years about the latest grimmy cash grab, but they’re completely addicted to owning the latest JPEG/functionless 3D model.

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the mech carries money from your wallet to CIGs coffers

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My ticket is just a “normal” ticket that I purchased for £240. It’s not a premium ticket or anything like that.

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my eyes are glaze over whenever commandos try to explain the “mechanics” of SC

Just a bunch of disparate half-baked systems in various states of brokenness all pilled on top of each other. Like I have a pretty good attention span for complex game mechanics, and I play shit like Paradox Games, but this is totally beyond me.

I guess that’s what you get when you have no design documents and just a vague directive to make an “everything game” dribbled out by Chris to multiple iterations of Full Sail grads who have come and gone over 12 years and left spaghetti code behind.

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Theres always more its always worse, they had a working multiplayer fps with some jank, but it had a working inventory system and working cargo systems, but, with the recent rework nobody is running cargo and the inventory system is a nightmare.

all instances of local inventory are gone, stations no longer have a local inventory, ships no longer have a local inventory, the action of pressing i and moving anything into the local inventory is gone, you must take everything back manually to a station hangar and send it down the cargo elevator to store it, and you cannot store bodies with armor attached, so you will have to either take the bodies back to the cargo elevator and strip them one gear piece at a time onto the elevator and send it down when you’re done, or take a box with you to move undersuits onto yourself and then into the box to get them at the location, it has all changed and is all terrible.

ok this is so bizarre that i have a hard time believing you. even for SC this is too much

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I’ve been on now for 5 hours straight trying to do the dumbass blockade runner mission, Im well versed in navigating bugs and workarounds and I have more patience than most. But Im reaching my limit.

In these 5 hours I’ve accomplished fucking nothing, not even saying that in “its a game and games mean nothing” kinda way, but nothing in the game has been accomplished because of asinine timesinks like “oooooh you didnt pack this tiny ass piece of EQ instead of that one well thats too baaaad”, setting up for a playsession takes a fucking hour, then there are the bugs that make the game unplayable. Along with the trash payouts on your “official missions” compared to the auec sinks make any kind of progression impossible and will 1 million percent alienate new players who only buy the starterpack.

CIG you should be fucking ashamed to call this dogshit “live environment” playable in its current state and tricking people into buying direct-to-backlog concept jpegs that you dont touch for 6 years and have the audacity to shame backers for asking “when” questions.

People, if you have a life and family, spend your time with them instead, the garbage timesinks (excluding the bugs) in this game shouldnt be worth your time. This is not an “mmo paced game” as the economy team tries to justify the increase in ingame prices, this is insanity.

And to any white knights trying to defend this, just dont, I’ve been here longer than most of you and encountered/workarounded more bugs than you’ve seen. It’s ok to shame CIG for the bad shit they do, because otherwise they will keep doing bad shit.

Good night.