An internal email sent to staff yesterday states that the company needs to “double down over the next 18 days to make sure that once again we create an amazing experience for our community.” This includes finalizing patch 3.24.2 for Star Citizen and having a Squadron 42 demo showcase for Chapter 1.
The email later continues, “This means for the next two weekends we will be mandating extra time for all those working on deliverables for Citcon.”
The company mandate states:
All staff are to be in the office on Friday, October 4th and Friday, October 11th (typically a work-at-home day)
All staff are to be in the office on Saturday, October 5th, and Saturday, October 12th (for these days, the company will provide breakfast and lunch, with staff receiving company TOIL (time off in lieu) which can be stored and used for time off at a later date)
All staff are to work on Sunday, October 6th, and Sunday, October 13th (this can be a work-at-home day, but the company “encourages” people to be in the office. For these days and for those in the office, the company will provide breakfast and lunch, with staff receiving company TOIL, which can be stored and used for time off at a later date)
Another internal email sent to Insider Gaming in July 2024 reveals that Cloud Imperium Games “pre-approved” 12 hours of ‘SQ42 TOIL’ per week for developers to meet Citizencon deadlines. The catch? The TOIL will only be made available after Squadron 42 ships, and employees must still be employed with the company by the time the game ships, or the TOIL “will be forfeited.”
cool & normal
extra time off only redeemable when SQ42 ships?!
all of this crunch just for a “chapter one demo” to show at CitCon?!
God damn CIG, you’ve really outdone yourself
When is Shitizencon?
What do you mean? They con them every day.
lol I’m sure he wasn’t just trying to get some pedantic game dad dorks to stop talking to him via the quickest route available to him “oh ahh yeah big things happening in Star Citizen, I’m totally still working for CIG sure, now excuse me I need to get into the weed dispensary.”
This has reached the stage where it looks like one of the games James Stephanie Sterling would find on Steam that’s just an asset flip. Except no, they painstakingly made all these HD textures. And threw them in a box where nothing works and there’s no gameplay.
Seeing that there was a free fly, I decided once again to see how the game is. The frame rate was balls, I tried messing with settings and it did nothing. My GPU was asleep, my CPU was running slightly more but it seems like there really isn’t much multithreading going on. I will, however, admit that the game was better than the last time I played, it didn’t crash when I went into the hangar and the tutorial kind of guides you through getting started. You start, it makes you drink food and water which I guess is to teach you that there are mechanics for hunger and thirst and before I did that the turorial was on that step and the door wouldn’t open (this is foreshadowing). It guided me through their confusing controls that require you to click on things in the ship, which includes switching some tab that took me a minute to find. I took off and flew into space and was thinking, “oh wow this game may be doing something, maybe this is neat”. I thought I went into the warp mode but I guess there are actually three ship modes, so I warped to the station it tells you to go to and it came out of that super speed at 23km out or something. So I’m flying in and I guess I’m still in half super speed mode and so i get close and realize how fast I’m going and I tried to turn off whatever mode that is making me GOTTA GO FAST. I fail and slam into the station and explode. And by explode I mean it starts to explode and freezes to like 1 fps and then it tells me I died. I spawn back in my apartment. I’m afraid I need to go through the entire tutorial again (which includes buying a gun that I guess is sent to your house) but it still is on the same step. Ok fine, have to run through everything and get to the station but this makes that one guy happy so whatever. I go to open the door. It doesn’t do anything. I remember that it was locked before eating drinking, but I’m not on those steps. There is no food in the apartment but a bunch of water bottles that weren’t there anymore. I delete the mission for the tutorial thinking it would fix it. Nope, door is still locked. Can’t open in. Now I’m stuck in the apartment forever. I’m sure someone would tell me that I just need to delete my character and restart, and it’s my fault. To be fair, if you die in real life, I assume you go to some sort of hell and are punished forever. Maybe it’s just that?
Looking forward to trying it again in 2025.
Honestly I don't really get bugs when I play Star Citizen I don't know what you guys are talking about.
meh, the fun was extracted out of that shit long ago. this is rearranging deck chairs on the titanic (which, btw, punches above its weight )
Yeah I logged in yesterday and didn’t return a shopping trolley. I bet some citizen was real disappointed when they went to park their spaceship only to find my trolley in their space. How ironic, that Star Citizen’s cutting edge object persistence would lead to its very downfall like this
You only need 1 star system to test most content additions to the game, CIG do lots of work behind the scenes and shelve it
A ballistic round passes through the ship’s shield, which scrubs off some of its kinetic energy but not enough as the round’s velocity was high as was its mass as it was an armor piercing round. It manages to penetrate the armor and strikes an internal component, say a power relay node (something else we are working on as part of the pipe system refactor). The power node takes damage giving it a chance to “misfire” while in use. A few minutes later the node does misfire, blowing its fuse and resulting in it catching fire. The crew of the ship doesn’t realize a fire has broken out in one of the side corridors, as they are busily concentrating on fighting the ships attacking them. The fire starts to spread along flammable surfaces, and as the fire starts to engulf other components they also catch fire. The engineer on the bridge of the ship sees his console flash red giving him a warning that several components have failed and looking at his ships schematic he sees a fire has broken out below decks. The engineer decides to seal the bulkhead doors on the corridor to contain the fire but the doors have no power as the power node is out! He comms one of his crew mates to leave his turret and grab an extinguisher and put out the blaze which is slowly creeping towards the power plant room. Fire reaching a ship’s power plant or it’s ammo stores are two sure fire ways for your ship to go boom. With the physical damage system ships will no longer just explode when their hit points reach zero, they’ll explode because something inside them went critical and exploded (due to damage or heat), which then damages everything else. Outside of that damage will affect the ability of the ship to function or it’s structural integrity so they also could become a lifeless hulk as much as they could go up in a flash of light. When the crew member gets to the corridor where the fire has broken out is has already consumed a huge amount of oxygen in that “room” (the corridor) and has released noxious gasses, so the crew member can’t breathe and quickly retreats to put on a fire resistant suit and helmet. The engineer in desperation manages to reroute power away from the destroyed node through a secondary node restoring power to enough of the bulkhead doors to allow him to contain the fire. Noticing that there is an external airlock in the sealed off area he opens the airlock, venting the oxygen in the sealed off corridors and rooms to the vacuum of space, depriving the fire of the ability to burn, putting most of it out. By this time the crew member is suitably dressed and can extinguish the fire that made it past the bulkhead door before it can grow again. The engineer then reseals the airlock and allows the life support system to replenish the air in the vented part of the ship. Once done the engineer opens up the bulkhead door allowing the crewmember in with a replacement fuse for the power node, restoring power to that section of the ship, then returns to his turret. It’s been a close call but the ship is still alive and in the fight!
What I describe will be possible once we have finished and deployed the systems we’re working on.
Lol I love when Croberts outs himself as never having even touched his own game. Last I checked combat was over in about 30 seconds and consisted entirely of whoever could magdump the other ship the fastest with the person spotting the other first usually winning.
where is the game you said you were going to make?
Exactly where people have been telling you for over a decade it is - in your dreams.txt, and nowhere else.
How many times have you harped on about how CIG were on the verge of debuting tech that would be unlike any other ever seen in gaming, launching this Matrix-esque universe for you to explore in that was powered by and populated by all the hand-wavium “quanta” nonsense Tony Z in a stoned daze rambled on about year after year?
Yet here we are, and the curtain has been lifted, and what have they spent this whole time putting together? Exactly the same bog-standard game as everyone else.
This would suggest there are one of two scenarios at play - either CIG knew, for years, that they wouldn’t be able to deliver on the experience they were selling but waited until now to rip the bandaid off, or they seriously thought they could deliver and just have failed in a truly astounding manner to even come close to it.
Boy, sure makes anyone who rabidly defended them, their progress, and the genius at work that anyone who didn’t have a deep understanding of the occult lore of “gamedev” just couldn’t fathom rather silly, doesn’t it?