Fully realistic flight model with ship components and damage modelling
Oh and ground vehicles too
Every object is permanent and tracked by servers forever (coffee cup in the woods)
yeah seems easy enough
You forgot the Argon Levels
Fully simulated NPC populations on a global scale, 10:1 NPCs to Player
Fully simulated global weather systems
Fully simulated economies
Agricultural systems
Gravity/physics grids within grids
Seamless and impactful transition from campaign completion to MMO character
Nothing is faked
No loading screens
One river
“Really it is all about constant iteration from launch. The whole idea is to be constantly updating. It isn’t like the old days where you had to have everything and the kitchen sink in at launch because you weren’t going to come back to it for awhile. We’re already one year in - another two years puts us at 3 total which is ideal. Any more and things would begin to get stale.”
Chris Roberts, October 2012
Must be pretty moldy by now I’d say.
Virtual Captain
They all told me that they loved it, bugs and all.
Mmmm I like bugs
my huge grin reveals an assortment of grasshopper legs and innards
No this is definitely real and really happens. I’m one of the doubters who had been bullying my internet friend for buying jpegs.. but then out of nowhere the tables were turned and I was forced to pay $45 to buy the game, wait hours for a download, turn off all my Windows security settings and replace all the pipework in my house. After setting my expectations accordingly I sure got owned!
The other day I was running hauling missions solo with my Carrack in Pyro, I took a load of boxes to rustville and as I approached I noticed a vulture cleaning up ships so ignored and continued on my way, no other players around and nobody on ground that I could see. So i landed and started unloading and delivering the mission. Thats when I noticed the turrets shoot down the vulture all of the sudden, I didnt think much of it and just kept doing my thing.
As i was about finished a guy ran up to my ship (from the vulture that was disabled) and shot open may carrack’s door. I didnt have weapons, and was already unloaded so i ran to my mpu tractor and left the ship. I was able to get out and finish the mission, while the intruder left with my carrack.
I had a bit of banter back/forth on chat and said that I could have given him a ride had he asked, and he was “It’s pyro bro” So I left it at that, but was curious about his org and all so looked him up on rsi turns out he was in a milsec/op sorta org that had a strict no piracy rule spelled out in a couple of places. I reached out to the leadership and shared my replay clip i had from my nvidia recorder and didnt really think anything would come of it other than maybe the person i reached out to laughing it off.
I got a message yesterday from the guy who stole my carrack on spectrum complaining that i got him kicked from the org he had been in for years and now he has no friends to fly with anymore.
dang, missing out on all that exciting org game play such as sharing what ships you’ve recently added to your fleet and subsequently getting promoted to Grand Commander Centurio Aquifer
Lmfao that was the absolute lamest response to being pirated in a video game where people jerk off about power fantasies
cig need to add an official “request to speak to manager” feature.
Who need guns and action when you can have a fun space game set around bitching about each other behind their back.
Virtual Captain
They are late with their own blog post about the financials too. I’m sure it’s nothing.
“According to the official website management section, the director of Star Citizen and company CFO Carl Jones, who had promised that the game would be released by 2026, has been removed from the company. According to the official website management section, the director of Star Citizen and company CFO Carl Jones, who had promised that the game would be released by 2026, has been removed from the company. With the leadership change, the plans for Star Citizen and its single-player campaign, Squadron 42 could be revised, and the 2026 release may be delayed further.”
Removal of the CFO is a great sign, auditors in particular love it
“I leave a great company that will continue to surprise and disrupt the games industry”
they’ve certainly managed to surprise people
proven revenue scamming is much more relevant to the modern software industry than “shipping” “products”
billion dollars raised. This is how you succeed in video game industry, never deliver and always be bullshotting.
i can’t make head nor tails of this situation until i see what pisscat has to say about it tbh
if star citizen isn’t just a large costly model viewer what is it then
I backed the game when I was 40, I’m 52 years old now. I remember logging in and just sitting in a ship that couldn’t do anything and thinking “this is going to be so cool when it’s finished.” The big joke back in the day was “5 more years!“… Yet the years have gone by, and the game seems just as broken as it was when we first got to jump in our ships and screw around at Port Olisar an laugh at all the bugs… we understood that there would be bugs - but that was 12 years ago and we still have game breaking bugs. I was so enthusiastic about Star Citizen I even gifted a starter package to a few of my friends - help the cause, right? They tested it and never came back.
Give us something playable, please? I could see 1 or 2 errors or glitches - that would be fine, but what’s happening now is game breaking and a lot of people are fed up. I know I am.
What a beautiful planet! I saw a town or city so I headed for it and started to land. I was immediately lit up by other players and destroyed. I respawned back on New Babbage. I took a deep breath and exited the game.
I’ve learned my lesson now and I don’t log in anymore. My time is more valuable these days. I find I enjoy reading about Star Citizen MONUMENTALLY more then actually playing it.
CIG just deployed never-before-done technology at a scale no other company has attempted, making the StarEngine a unique and standout piece of tech in the gaming industry, enabling for experiences no other engine allows, and instead of posts being happy about this milestone achievement, almost all of the “top” posts are people yelling and complaining because… they crashed into a hangar door? Because they are stuck in loading queues? Because some mission markers don’t appear? Really????
The amount of flippancy toward this engineering miracle actually infuriates me.
I feel your frustration, I’ve been a backer since 2014, January last year I got to Grand Admiral concierge so a fair bit of money thrown at the game, And considering I recently got diagnosed with something that guarantees I will not see the “supposed” SQ42 launch next year… saying I’m pissed off is putting it mildly.
This community is really highlighting that sadly the general public do not deserve open development, and it really reinforces why all the other studios keep things behind closed doors. People have sadly shown that they do not deserve good things because they cannot handle the process involved with making those things good.
“Hey guys, not being hyperbolic, but it seems I’m literally going to die before this game ends up getting released. Just kinda sad because I really hoped I could play it.”
“Lol check out this guy who doesn’t understand game development”
one thing i understand about game dev is there should at least be a fucking game
Clearly the backers failed CI~G
How dare they die of old age, snowflakes
Are the people who died waiting for this game to be finished able to pass their spaceship JPGs on in their estate?
Imagine getting grampa’s s Legatus 2953 package, obliging you to pay 18% on 50k worth of nothing.
CIG missing the obvious opportunity to sell Star Citizen themed coffins. Bury me in my Idris.
Virtual Captain
CIG has finally cracked the code on defining lifetime insurance benefits for early backers; by ensuring the development lifespan matches their own
With server meshing up and running, every new MMO is either going to have to R&D their own server meshing solution or licence it from CIG if they hope to even remotely compete, otherwise their designs will be seen as ancient and passe.
I guarantee SC will explode in popularity as soon as things stabilize enough for us not to feel like were trudging through buggy swamp waters and server shit storms, the day the wipes stop and progress is saved permanently is the day SC will become a mainstay.
Gonna go off a limb here but it has the potential to have the same impact WoW had back in the day, mark my words.
This is not simply just a game, it’s a multifunctional platform software with endless possibilities
“We’re developing the best car but it has no wheels or brakes”
“Sounds reasonable, here’s my money.”
“Enjoy your Cybertruck, sir.”
Finally, a space game that Starfield blows out of the water
4.0.0 is actually unplayable
Server errors every 30 minutes. cant see mission markers, elevators are more broken then ever, cant open screens 30% of the times, cant abandon missions + more minor things that I didnt notice on 3.24.3
Have they ever worked lol
Was watching a YT video the other day about the history of Ultima Online and found it absolutely hilarious that “server meshing” was a problem that UO solved nearly 30 years ago and Crobbers is trying to present it as a new innovation.
You know it’s groundbreaking tech when nobody outside of Star Citizen is talking about it.
Pantheon Interlude
this is the worst piece of MMO concept art i’ve ever seen and i played every single MMO that came out between 2003 and 2010
yeah I mean I definitely dig an exotic and distinctive world, and that bat is certainly distinctive, but feels like it verges more on the “hired a fucked up fetish artist from fiverr” than michael kirkbride on mushrooms inventing the cliff racer
TO DO: Finish nipple bat emergent gameplay systems
Readers will recall that a month ago, we learned that Pantheon was planning to spin out the so-called 247 mode as a standalone survival-centric extraction title; the game wasn’t meant to supplant the Kickstarted Pantheon MMORPG, just help fund the base game. However, the rumors and their official confirmation went over with MMORPG vets and Pantheon crowdfunding backers like a sack of bricks, particularly when it became clear that the MMORPG’s development would be put on hold until next year and that testing of the extraction mode would be offered only to players who ponied up for Pantheon’s pricy packages. That revelation, on the heels of the admission that the game wasn’t pulling in sufficient funding as-is and was in the process of a full-scale art do-over, caused a massive break of faith among MMO players.
a few weeks ago: with the current pace of crowdfunding it’ll be really hard to finish this MMO, which is why we need to sell 247 mode.
today: we are abandoning 247 mode and are committed to finishing the MMO.
We understand we’ve produced nothing in over a decade. That’s on us.
If you want that lifetime sub you gotta be willing to drop Star Citizen money.
If I was rich I would pay the 10k just to sit in Discord with these devs and force them to 1:1 recreate Scarlet Monastery from World of Warcraft.